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Services of the Ramsgate Life-Boat

THE following is the Coxswain's report of the important services rendered on the night of 3rd Dec. last, by the Ramsgate life-boat, to the passengers of the emigrant ship Fusilier, of London; and to the crew of the ship Denierara, of Greenock. On the night in question Mr. ALDRICH, Chief Officer of the Coast-guard at Margate, proceeded with all despatch to Ramsgate to give tidings of the wrecks. The Coxswain states :— " We proceeded about 8-45 P.M., on the 3rd Dec., in tow of the Aid steam-tug, on our voyage in discovery of the distressed ship ; the night was intensely dark. We went in the direction of the Tongue light-vessel. Shortly after passing the North Foreland we could see the signals going up from both light-ships, and after a great deal of difficulty we reached the Tongue light about midnight Having hailed her, we were told by those on board that the supposed vessel was on the high part of the Shingles, bearing north-west from the light. We proceeded in that direction, but, being unable to find her, we made our way to the Princes light-ship, the Girdler and her firing minute guns continuously. We hailed the Prince's light, and received information from them that there was a large ship on the high part of the Girdler. We again proceeded on our way, and eventually discovered her position by the tar-barrels she was burning. After getting into position to reach her, we slipped our cable from the tug. The wind was at this time blowing a complete hurricane from north-west by west, with a terrific sea on, the horrors of which being much increased by the darkness of the night, so that we had the greatest difficulty in getting alongside. On doing so, we found her to be the Fusilier, of London, bound from that port to Melbourne, with emigrants, and belonging to the Black Ball line. This was about 2 A.M. of the morning of the 4th. We shouted to those on board to first save the women and children, of whom there were a great number. The scene at this time was an appalling one ; the howling of the wind, mingled with the shrieks of the women and the rush of the waves against the sides of the ill-fated ship, used as we are to similar sights, made us doubly anxious for the safety of those whom, by God's providence, we had come to rescue. We managed in the first trip to take off 25 women and children ; these and the others whom we afterwards took off, were got into the life-boat by the aid of two of the ship's crew being lashed in bowlines and slung over the sides of the vessel, who lowered them into the boat by ropes— the ta sk being one that taxed the nerves of all, as sometimes the water was up to her mizen-chains, while at other times it was quite the other way.

The first batch having been taken to the tug, which was in the Prince's Channel, about threequarters of a mile off, we, by her assistance, were again able to get into a position to run to the ship again, the second trip bearing off forty women and children, the latter being lowered into the boat in blankets; and in two more trips—making four in all—we got off the male passengers, and placed them on board of the tug, where they were all attended to. It was now 6 A.M., and the sea running high. We laid by the steamer until day- light, when she started for Ramsgate, leaving us to keep by the ship to aid, if necessary, the captain and crew, who had determined upon remaining by her, the tide leaving the ship. After the tug had been gone an hour and a half, to our surprise we saw her returning towards us, and making signals for us. We slipped from the vessel, and went towards her, and were told by the captain that while returning home she had discovered another large vessel ashore, and o her beam-ends on the Shingles—the vessel no doubt seen on the previous night by the light- ships We made all haste to her, and, with great danger, we crossed the Sands, and got alongside of her. We found her to be the Demerara, of Greenock, and found the crew_18 in number, importtogether with the Trinity pilot, Mr, BURTON—cling- ing to the rigging. In this position, we were in- formed, they had been for ten hours. We took them off to a very edited state, the Sea, during the night, having made a clean breach over them, We transferred them to the tug, and we both re- turned to this harbour, where we arrived at lfl-15 after an absence of about sixteen hours, the chief part of the time being drenched by the sea. We landed in all about 120 souls." [The Ramsgate life-boat and harbour are now under the management of the Board of & „ , Trade: and are specially under the control ' F •' of Capt. WALKER, H.C.S., of that department, who is ably assisted by Capt. SHAW, the harbour-master at Ramsgate. We should add that this lire-boat is a self-righting one, and is on plan of the boats of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.