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Rewards for Saving Life from Shipwreck

of the most important features in the original organization of the NATIONAL LIFEBOAT INSTITUTION—independently of the establishment of Life-boats by it—was to encourage laudable efforts by every available means to save life from shipwreck on our coasts. Accordingly persons who may have performed valuable services in saving life from wrecks by means of shore-boats or otherwise, when brought under its notice, are always rewarded by the Institution.

Although this fact is well understood by Local Committees of the Society, yet it appears that, at many places on the coast, it is not so generally known as could be wished.

Some years ago the Institution had the following notice printed on a large placard and extensively circulated in our seaport towns and fishing villages; but as considerable misapprehension still exists on that point, we have deemed it expedient again to call public attention to this important feature in the character of the operations of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.

The bill referred to is as follows:— SAVING LIFE FROM WRECKS.

To Boatmen and Others.

To encourage prompt and energetic exertions in time of Danger, on the part of Boatmen and Others, by quickly putting off to save the Lives of their Fellow Creatures from Wrecks, in SHORE BOATS OR OTHER CRAFT, The Royal National Life-boat Institution grants REWARDS OF MONEY, OB MEDALS.

la all cases the Rewards are given without further delay than is necessary to obtain proof of the merits of each case, and to insure their being paid to the right parties.

By Order of the Committee.

Application to be made to the Secretary.

Royal National Life-boat Institution, 14, John Street, Adelphi, London, W.O.

It will be seen from the annexed table that 216 lives were saved by shore-boats and other means during the past year, for which services the Institution granted as rewards 209Z. 10s. and 13 silver medals, in addition to 14 votes of thanks inscribed on vellum or parchment.

Such services are performed either at places where no life-boat is stationed, or when, from the circumstances of the case, the services of the life-boat are not needed.

The life-boat is mostly called into requisition when no shore-boat could venture out with safety.

During the same period, in addition to saving 21 vessels from destruction, 358 lives were rescued by the life-boats of the Society.

For these services rewards amounting to 915L 18s. Id. were also voted.

The number of lives saved by the lifeboats of the Society, or by special exertions for which it has granted rewards, since its formation, is 13,166. For these services 82 gold medals, 732 silver medals, and 17,110?. in cash, have been granted as rewards. The Institution has also expended upwards of 72,280Z. on life-boats, life-boat transporting carriages, and boat-houses.