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Brazil, of Liverpool

On the 26th De- cember the barque Brazil, of Liverpool, from Bangor to Maine, U.S., timber laden, having been disabled by loss of sails, was driven on the Salthouse Bank in a westerly gale, with a heavy sea running. On her being discovered at daylight the life-boat immediately .pro- ceeded to her assistance: on approaching the vessel they perceived the crew, 13 in num- ber, leaving in their own boat, from which they happily rescued them, just as the boat was sinking. One of the persons saved was a Liverpool pilot, and so impressed was he with the value of the services rendered that, with the aid of the pilots of the Port of Liverpool, he raised a sum of money suffi- cient to present the crew of the life-boat with 11. each, and 21. to the coxswain.

This spontaneous expression of good feeling is highly creditable to that valuable body of men..