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Royal National Life-Boat Institution. Summary of Its Proceedings from 1st January, 1860, to 31st December, 1862


Summary of its Proceedings from 1st January, 1860, to 31st December, 1862.

SINCE the beginning of the year 1860, the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION has expended 20,tS6l. on various Life-boat Establishments on the Coasts of England, Scotland, and Ireland.

During the same period the Life-boats of the Institution have been instrumental in rescuing the Crews of the following Wrecked Vessels :— 1860.

Barque Oberm, of Liverpool 15 | BlitabeOt, Ann, of Lyme Regis .... 3 Brigantine Nancy, of Teignmouth. 9 j Steam Dredge, at Newhaven 9 Smack Wonder, of Teignmonth ... 2 Sch. Admiral Baud, of Rochester.. 6 Brig Scotia, ofSnnderland 6 Sch. Sutan and Isabella, of Dundee 6 Sloup Three Brothers, of Goole .... 5 Schooner Rose, of Lynn 3 " ' " ' Brig Prodrama, of Stockton 11 Brig Elita, of Middlesborongh .... 7 Brigantine Preia, ot KSnlgsberg... e Brigantine Diana, ot Freddkshamn 7 Brig Gloucester, of South Shields .. 1 Schooner Ann Mitchell, of Montrose 1 Schooner Jane Safer, of Ulverstone 6 Brig Pallas, of Shields 3 Ship Ann Mitchell, of Glasgow .... 9 Smack John Bull, of Yarmouth ... 5 Schooner Catherine, of Newry 4 Barque Niagara, of Shields 11 A Barge of Teignmouth 2 Brig George and James, of London 8 Brig Zephyr, ofWhltby 6 Coble Honour, of Cnllercoats 3 Schooner Eliza, of North Shields.. 7 5 Sloop Charlotte, of Woodbrtdge ... 5 Brig Ann, of BlyOi 8 Sloop Hope, of Dublin 3 Schooner Druid, of Aberystwyth.. 5 Barque Vermont, of Halifax, U.S. . 16 Schooner Wm. Keith, of Carnarvon. 2 Brig Flying Fisk, of Whltby 5 210 Number of lives saved by shore-boats and other means, for which the Institution has granted rewards in 1860 .. 245 Brig Lovely Nelly, ofSeaham 6 Brigantine Nugget, of Bideford .... 5 Schooner Prospect, of Berwick 6 Sloop Thomas and Jane, of St. Ives 3 Fishing-boat of Whitbum 4 Brig AreOaun, of Blyth 8 Schooner Demi Wm, of Portmadoc g Flat Cymraet, of Beanmaris 2 Schooner William, of Morecambe.. 6 Smack Gipty, of Newry 4 Schooner Margaret Anne, of Preston 4 Brig Aew .Draper, of Whltehaven.. 8 Schooner William, of Liverpool... 5 Lugger JVimrod, of Castletown .... 3 Brig Providence, of Shields 8 Brig Mayflower, of Newcastle 8 Schooner Village Maid, of Fleetwood 4 Barque Guyana, of Glasgow 19 Brig Roman Empress, of Shields .. 10 1861.

Brig San Spiridione, of Galaxide .. 2 Schooner Voador da Vouga, of Viana 8 French Brig La Jcunt UarU Theretc 6 Barque Perseverance, of Scarborough 6 Schooner Elisabeth, of Bridgewater 4 Ship Danube, of Belfast 17 Schooner Hartcnsia, of Hanover... 4 Schooner Oregon, of Stonehaven ... 4 Brig St. Michael, of Marans 8 Spanish Barque Primera fc Torreviega —Saved vessel and 1 Schooner SurreU, of Penzance— Saved vessel and'crew 4 Barque Frederick, of London 1 Brig Anne, of Plymouth—Saved vessel and crew 8 Schooner Betsey, of Peterhead— Saved vessel and crew 6 Barge Peace, of London 2 Total . 455 Lugger Saucy Lass, of Lowestoft.. 11 Smack Adventure, of Harwich 10 Pilot cutter Whim, of Lowestofc... 7 Barque Undaunted, of Aberdeen ..11 Wrecked boat on Blackwater Bank, on the Irish Coast 1 Schooner Skylark, at Folkestone... 6 Brig Lively, of Clay, Norfolk 8 BarqneKofrfrf Woiam.of Sunderland 5 Sch. Auchincruive, of Orangemonth 6 Schooner Friends, of Lynn 4 Schooner Eliza Anne, of Dublin ... 6 Brig Content, of Sutherland 5 Smack .Ellen Owent, of Cardigan... 3 Schooner fly, of Whitby—Saved vessel and crew 4 Schooner Epimachus, of Amsterdam 5 2S8 Number of lives saved by shore-boats and other means, for which the Institution has granted rewards in 1861.. 136 Schooner Settana, of Eed Bay 1 Brig Pioneer, of Carnarvon 1 Schooner Princess Alice, of Ipswich $ Brig Minerva, of Workington 4 Schooner Kliiabelh and Hannah, of Ncwbnrgh 6 Brig5t«te«iofWJiitby 9 Brigantine Matilda, of Stockholm.. 4 Brig Jane, of North Shields 10 Schooner Liberty, of Dublin 3 Schooner iSyCpfttden, of Nakskov— Saved vessel and crew. 7 Brig Trial, ofPoole 7 Barque Ced&rine, of Bermuda.... 134 Smack Frodtham, of Liverpool.... 2 Sloop William, of Liverpool 6 1862.

Sloop Elizabeth, of Teignmonth ... S Barque Cruz V., of Oporto 14 Barque Druid, of Sunderland 9 Schooner fioolt, of Liverpool 3 Smack Merrivn Lass, of Aberystwyth —Saved vessel and crew ... 3 Fishing-boats of Whiiburn 12 Barge ffenry Everett, of Rochester. 4 Ship Annie E. Hooper, of Baltimore 18 Schooner, Ceres, of Arbroath—Saved vessel and crew 5 Sloop loftus, of Padstow 4 Schooner Ellen, of Liverpool— Saved vessel and crew 3 Smack Xary Elizabeth, of Padstow 3 Smack John, of Teignmouth 2 Total. , 424 Schooner 0*prey, of Fraserbnrgh .. 6 Schooner James Davell, of Newcastle —Saved vessel and crew .. 2 Schooner Champion,at Liverpool.. 10 Galliot Aremana, of Jaffa—Assisted to save vessel and crew , 6 Ship James Browne, of Philadelphia —Assisted to save vessel and crew 18 Smack Countess of Litbume, of Aberystwyth 3 Barqne JJojwJ JZoie, of Whltby.... 12 Barque Brazil, of Liverpool 13 Schooner Little Aggie, of Berwick.. 4 Schooner Sisters, of Wick 3 358 -; Nnmber of lives saved by shore-boats and other means, for which the Institution has granted rewards In 1862.. 216 SUMMARY or LIVES SAVED:— " Total. 574 1860 , 1861 , 1862 , 46S 424 674 Total 1,453 For these joint numerous services In saving 1,453 lives from shipwreck, the Institution has granted rewards amounting to 3.5241.14i. Id. in addition to 68 Silver Medals.

The number of lives saved by the Life-boats of the Society, and other means, since its formation, is upwards of 12,854; for which services, 82 Gold Medals, 718 Silver Medals, and 16.478J. jn 0,30, have been paid in rewards. The Institution has also expended 67.780J. on Life-boats, Life-boat Transporting-carriages, and Boat-houses.

The Committee desire to express then- grateful sense of the generous support which they have received from the British public during the past few years, a support which has enabled them to establish their present magnificent fleet of 124 life-boats on the shores of the United Kingdom. Deeply sensible, however, of the great responsibility that rest* on them to maintain their fleet in a thoroughly efficient state, and its crews practised in the management of their boats, which can only be effected by a large and permanent annual income, they earnestly appeal to all classes of their countrymen to aid them in upholding and perpetuating so great and truly national a work..