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Royal National Life-Boat Institution. Appeal

Royal National Life-Boat Institution.

(Incorporated by Royal Charter. ' Patroness—HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QUEEN.


Chairman—THOMAS BARING, ESQ., M.P., F.R.S., V.P. Deputy-Chairman—Thomas CHAPMAN, ESQ., F.R.S., V.P.


THE COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT have to state that, since the beginning of the year 1860, the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION has expended 32,0001. on various Life-boat Establishments on the Coasts of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Daring the some period the Life-boats of the Institution have been instrumental in rescuing the Crews of the following Wrecked Vessels :— 1860.

Barque Oberon, of Liverpool 15 Brignntine Nancy, of Teignmouth. 9 Smack Wonder, of Teignmouih ... 2 Brig Scotia, of Sunderland 6 | Sloop Three Brothers, of Goole ...

i Sloop Charlotte, of Woodbridge ...

Schooner Ann Mitchell, of Montrose 1 Schooner Jane Roper, of Ulverstone 6 Brig Pallas, of Shields 3 Ship Ann Mitchell, of Glasgow ... 9 Smack John Bull, of Yarmouth ... 5 Schooner Catherine, of Newry .... 4 Barque Xiagara, of Shields 11 A Barge of Teignmouth 2 Brig George and James, of London 8 Brig Zephyr, of Whitby 6 Coble Honour, of Cu llercoats 3 Schooner Eliza, of North Shields.. 7 Brig Ann, of Blyth Sloop Hope, of Dublin 3 Schooner Druid, of Aberystwyth .. 5 Barque Vermont, of Halifax, fr.S. . 16 Schooner Win,. Keith, of Carnarvon. 2 Brig Flying Fish, of Whitby '. 5 Elizabeth Ann, of Lyme Regis 3 Steam Dredge, at Newhaveu 9 Sch. Admiral Hood, of Rochester .. 6 Sch. Susan and fsabella, of Dundee 5 5 I Schooner Rose, of Lynn 3 5 Brig Prodroma, of Stockton 11 Brig Eliza, of Middlesborough ....

Brigantine Freia, of Kb'nigsberg... 6 Brlgantine Diana, of Fredrikshamn 7 Brig Gloucester, of South Shields .. 7 210 Number of lives saved by shore-boats and other means, for which the Institution has granted rewards iu 1860 .. 245 Brig Lovely ffelly, of Seaham 6 • Brigantine Nugget, of Bideford 5 : Schooner Prospect, of Berwick 6 Sloop Thomas and Jane, of St. Ives 3 Fishing-beat of Whitburn 4 Brig Arethusa, of Blyth 8 ; Schooner Demi Wyn, of Portmadoc 8 i Flat Cymraes, of Beaumaris 2 .

Schooner William, of Morecambe.. 5 ! Smack Gipsy, of Newry 4 Schooner Margaret Anne, of Preston 4 Brig New Draper, of Wnitehaven.. 8 i Schooner William, of Liverpool ... B ! Lugger Nimroa, of Castletown .... 3 Brig Providence, of Shields 8 Brig Mayflower, of Newcastle 8 Schooner Village Maid, of Fleetwood 4 Barque Guyana, of Glasgow 19 Brig Roman Empress, of Shields ..10 1861.

ttri& San Spiridione, ofGalaxide .. 2 Schooner Foodor cfc* Vouga, of Viana 8 French Brig La Jfune Marie Tlttrese 6 Barque Perseverance, of Scarborough 5 Schooner Elrzabeth, of Bridgewater 4 Ship Danube, of Belfast 17 Schooner Hortensia, of Hanover ... 4 Schooner Oregon, of Stonehaven ... 4 Brig St- Michael, of Marans 8 Spanish Barque Primera de Torremega —Saved vessel and 1 Schooner SurreU, of Penzauce— Saved vessel and crew 4 Barque Frederick, of London 1 Brig Anne, of Plymouth—Saved vessel and crew 8 Schooner Betsey, of Peterhead— Saved vessel and crew 6 Barge Peace, of London Total .

Lngger Saucy Lass, of Lowestoft..

Smack Adventure, of Harwich Pilot cutter Whim, of Lowestoft ...

Barque Undaunted, of Aberdeen ..

Wrecked boat on Blackwater Bank, on the Irish Coast Schooner Skylark, of Folkestone.., Brig Lively, of Clay, Norfolk Barque Robert Watson, of Sunderland Sch. Auchincruive, of Grangemouth Schooner Friends, of Lynn Schooner Eliza Anne, of Dublin ...

Brig Content, of Snnderland Smack Etten Owens, of Cardigan...

Schooner Fly, of Whitby—Saved vessel and crew Schooner Epimachus, of Amsterdam Number of lives saved by shore-boats and other means, for which the Institution has granted rewards in 1861 .. 136 Schooner Bellona, of Red Bay 1 Brig Pioneer, of Carnarvon 1 Schooner Princess Alice, of Ipswich 5 Brig Minerva, of Workington 4 Schooner Elizabeth, and Hannah, of Newburgh 6 Brig Sisters, of Whitby 9 Brlgantine Matilda, of Stockholm.. 4 Brig Jams, of North Shields 10 Schooner Liberty, of Dublin 3 Brig Trial, of Poole 7 Schooner Sylphiden, of Nakskov— Saved vessel and crew 7 Barque Cedarine, of Bermuda.... 134 Smack Frodsham, of Liverpool 2 1862, to the 13th of December.

Sloop WiUiam, of Liverpool 5 Sloop Elizabeth, of Teignmouth .. 3 . Barque Cruz V., of Oporto 14 j Barque Druid, of Sunderland .... 9 I Schooner Rook, of Liverpool 3 : Smack Merrion Lass, of Aberyst- I wyth—Saved vessel and crew ... 3 Fishing-boats of Whilburn 12 Barge Henry Everest, of Rochester. 4 Ship Annie E. Hooper, of Baltimore 18 Schooner, Cera.of Arbroath—Saved vessel and crew 5 Sloop Lojtus, of Padstow 4 Schooner Ellen, of Liverpool—Saved vessel and crew 3 Total.

Smack Mary Elizabeth, of Padstow 3 Smack JoJm, of Teignmouth 2 Schooner Osprey, of Fraserburgh .. 6 Schooner James DaveU, of Newcastle —Saved vessel and crew .. 2 Galliot Aremana, of Jaffa—Assisted to save vessel and crew G Ship James Browne, of Philadelphia —Assisted to gave vessel and crew is Smack Countess of Lisburne, of Aberystwyth , 3 Number of lives saved by shore-boats and other means, for which the Institution has granted rewards in 1862.. 213 SUMMARY OF LIVES SAVED:— 1861 424 I 1862 529 Total .

Total . . . . 1,408 529 1 = For these Joint numerous services in saving 1,408 lives from shipwreck, the Institution has granted rewards amounting to 3.337Z. 17». Id. in addition to 68 Silver Medals.

The number or lives saved by the Life-boats of the Society, and other means, since its formation, is 12,800; for which services, 82 Gold Medals, 718 Silver Medals, and 16,4001. in cash, have been paid iu rewards. The Institution has also expended 66,8601. on Life-boats, Life-boat Trausporting-carriages, and Boat-bouses.

The Committee desire to express their grateful sense of the generous support which they have received from the British public during the past few years, a support which has enabled them to establish their present magnificent fleet of 123 life-boats on the shores of the United Kingdom. Deeply sensible, however, of the great responsibility that rests on them to maintain their fleet in a thoroughly efficient state, and its crews practised in the management of their boats, which can only be effected by a large and permanent annual income, they earnestly appeal to all classes of their countrymen to aid them in upholding and perpetuating so great and truly national a work.

Donations and Annual Subscriptions will be thankfully received by the Bankers of the Institution, Messrs. WILLIS, PEHCIVAL and Co., 76 Lombard Street; Messrs. CODTTS and Co., 59 Strand; Messrs. HEHRIES, FAKQUHAR, and Co., 16 St James's Street, London; by all the Bankers in the United Kingdom; and by the Secretary, RICHARD LEWIS, Esq., at the Office of the Institution, 14 JOHN STREET, ADELPHI, London,—W.C.

1st January, 1863.