On the night of the 18th November, the fishing yawl, John, struck on the bar at the entrance to the river. One of the 3 men of her crew was soon after washed overboard and drowned.
A coastguard-boat, the crew of which were on the look-out, and heard the cries of the wrecked men, rowed immediately to the spot, but found the sea too heavy on the bar for them to attempt a rescue; they therefore returned to the harbour, and, ringing the alarm-bell, the life-boat's crew were quickly assembled, and the life-boat immediately launched. On arriving at the wreck, they succeeded in taking off the 2 survivors of the wrecked crew; the vessel afterwards be- coming a total wreck. As the night was very dark, and the life-boat's crew were all in bed when the alarm was given, they de- served much credit for the promptitude with which they got their boat launched, and proceeded to the scene of the disaster ; indeed, had they been but a little later, the wrecked men would have been lost, as they stated they could only have held on to their wrecked boat for a few minutes longer.