The Danish Schooner Sylphiden
On the llth June the Danish schooner Sylphiden, of Nakskov, at anchor in St. Austel Bay, drove into shallow and broken water; when, hoisting a signal of distress, the Institution's life- boat at Polkerris, near Fowey, proceeded to her aid, with Mr. GEORGE STABB, Master, R.N., and Chief Officer of Coast- guard, in her. The wind was blowing a heavy gale from the southward at the time, but the life-boat was rowed readily against it, and on reaching the vessel, which was then in imminent danger, Mr. STABB and a portion of the life-boat's crew were placed on board. The schooner being then put in charge of the above-named officer, he, with much skill, after making sail on her, and slipping her cable, succeeded in taking her safely out of danger, and into Polkerris Harbour, by which means the vessel and her crew of 7 men were undoubtedly saved from destruction, the gale having still more increased in violence. The behaviour of the life-boat on the occasion was reported to be " beyond praise." In addition to the usual money payment of 10s. each to the life-boat's crew, the captain of the schooner voluntarily pre- sented the life-boat's crew of 8 men with the sum of 20L, and Mr. SIABB, who de- clined to receive anything for his valuable aid in saving the vessel, was awarded the thanks of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTI- TUTION, inscribed on vellum..