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Two Small Vessels, Whim and Saucy Lass

Again on the 14th November, two small vessels, the pilot cutter IVhim, and the lugger Saucy Lass, were seen to be at anchor on the weather side of the Holm Sand, in an extremely dangerous position, and with sig- nals of distress flying. A steam-tug was seen to be near them, but unable to approach near enough to render them any assistance, as the wind was blowing a heavy gale at the time, and a high surf was breaking on the Sand. The Lowestoft life-boat was quickly launched, proceeded under sail to the Sand, and succeeded in rescuing the crews of both vessels; the steamer towing her to windward after her rescue of the crew of the cutter, to enable her again to drop down into the broken water to the aid of those on board the other vessel. 7 men were taken from the cutter by the life-boat, and 11 from the lugger..