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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

Thursday, 5th December, 1861. THOMAS CHAPHAN, Esq., F.B.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Head and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Read letter from the CHEVALIER DE SCHAEFFER, Director of the Austrian Consulate, of the 3rd Dec., forwarding, on behalf of His Imperial Majesty the EMPEROR OF AUSTRIA, a donation of 107. 10«. In aid of the funds of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFEBOAT INSTITUTION.—To be thanked.

Read and approved the Inspector's Report, of the 2nd Dec., of his recent visit to the life-boats of the Institution on the Irish Coast, and also on his visit to Plymouth and Dartmouth.

Read letter from PHILIP DE ST. CROIX, Esq., of Jersey, of the 7th Nov., reporting the safe arrival of the Jersey life-boat, transportingcarriage, and stores, on their station on the 4th Nov. The life-boat and carriage are on.the plan of this Institution, and their cost had been defrayed by the States of Jersey.

Also from Miss WASEY, of the 13th Nov., forwarding an additional munificent contribution of 2502. in aid of the general funds of the Institution.

— To be thanked.

Also from Capt. Sir EDWARD PEBROTT, Bart., V.P., of the 19th Nov., transmitting a cheque for II. 4*. Id., which he had received from M. K.

BRAUND, Esq., of Furnival's Inn, being the amount realised from a collection made in the Smoking Saloon on the North Kent Railway, on behalf of the Institution.— To be thanked.

Also from Lord Chief Justice ERLE, of the 25th Nov., forwarding a contribution of 102. 10s. in aid of the funds of the Institution.— To be thanked.

Also from the Secretary of the Dundee Local Life-boat Committee, of the 19th Nov., giving an account of a wreck which took place off Dundee, on the llth Nov., when the Dundee life-boats were found to be very inefficient. He forwarded a copy of a Resolution passed by the Local Committee, regarding their two life-boats, and requesting this Institution to take the boats under its management.

Decided—That the Dundee life-boat establishments be taken into connection with the Institution, and that they be completely renovated forthwith.

Also from Mr. J. WILLIAMS, Hon. Sec. of the Aberystwyth Branch, of the 7th Nov., giving an account of the very satisfactory demonstration on the occasion of the launch of the new life-boat just gent there by the Institution, Also from Capt. ABBOTT, R.N., of the 16th Nov., stating that His Excellency THE LORD LIEUTENANT OF IRELAND had become an annual subscriber of 101. in aid of the Irish Branch of the Institution.— To be thanked.

Also from Z. C. PEARSON, Esq., Mayor of Hull, of the 2nd Dec., stating that he had decided to convene a Public Meeting in Hull, for the purpose of promoting the objects of the Institution.— To be thanked.

Reported—The transmission, on, application, of life-boat plans and drawings, to the following foreign places:—Marseilles, Constantinople, Hamburg, Emden (Hanover), and Santander, Spain.

Also that the Contribution Bos at the office of the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company had been opened and found to contain 62. 16s. 6d.

Also that Capt. PILKINGTON, R.N., Hon. Sec. of the Selsey Branch, and W. WILKIE, Esq., of Ackworth,nearPontefract, had delivered lectures on the life-boats and operations of the Society.— To be thanked.

Ordered the thanks of the Institution to be presented to JAMBS BDRMAN, Esq., and W. A. RYAN, Esq., the late Hon. Secretaries of the Castletown and the Cabore Branches.

Paid 1,364/. 13s. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted six Silver Medals, the Third Service Clasp, the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum, and 1682.13s. for various services rendered by the life-boats of the Society, and by shore boats, to several wrecks, the particulars of which will be found detailed in the Annual Report of the Institution, published in April last.

Thursday, 2nd Jan. 1862. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

It was moved, seconded, and carried unanimously, that the following vote of condolence of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, on the occasion of the much-lamented death of the Prince Consort, be presented to Her Majesty THE QUEEN :— " To THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, "WE your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal subjects, the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, for the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck, incorporated by Royal Charter, humbly approach your Majesty, with profound sorrow and affectionate sympathy, on the occasion of the bereavement with which it has pleased the Almighty to visit your Majesty, by the death of your illustrious and beloved Consort.

"While the death of his Royal Highness is deeply and universally lamented by all classes of your Majesty's subjects on account of his high personal character and rare intellectual abilities, this Institution has especial reason to deplore his loss, inasmuch as during the past twelve years the Prince had been, in conjunction with your Majesty's uncle THE KINO OF THE BELGIANS, the Vice-Patron of the Institution, your Majesty having been their Patron since 1837.

" This Institution can never forget the obligations which His Royal Highness conferred on them when the Institution was renovated in 1850, and subsequently by his liberal support to them.

" The ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION humbly express a hope that the recollection of the Prince Consort's eminent virtues and important public services may, with the Divine help, tend in this time of tribulation, to soften in some measure the intensity of your Majesty's affliction.

"That your Majesty may long reign over a loyal and attached -people is the prayer of your dutiful and loyal subjects and servants.

" By order of the Committee, Sealed with the seal of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION this 8th day of January, 1862.

" NORTHUMBERLAND, « President.

u RICHARD LEWIS, Secretary." Read letter froto JACOB WILSON, Esq., of Woodhorn, near Morpeth, of the 7th Dec., stating that a Bazaar had been held at Newbiggin, in aid of the Institution's life-boat there in the previous summer, and that, the proceeds had realised 301/. 16s., a draft for which he forwarded.— To be thanked.

Also from the Inspector of Life-boats, of the 30th Dec., transmitting his Reports on the state of the three Dublin Bay life-boats, and on his recent visit to Hull.

Decided—That the Dublin life-boat establishments be completely renovated.

Ordered the account books of the Institution for the past year to be sent to the Auditor, Mr.

BECBIE, Public Accountant.

Paid 594/. 15e. 8d. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted 61. 10s. to pay the expenses of the Thorpeness life-boat in putting off and rescuing the crew of 5 men from the brig Content, of Sunderland, which had sunk,' during rough weather off Sizewell, on the 12th Dec. last.

Also G/. to pay the expenses of the Fishguard life-boat in going off and rescuing, during a terrific gale of wind, the crew of 3 men from the smack Ellen Owens, of Cardigan, which had a signal of distress flying in Fishguard Bay, on the 12th Dec. last.

Also 8/. 2s. to pay the expenses of the Berwick life-boat, in putting off and saving the crew of 5 men from the schooner Epimachus, of Amsterdam, which was on shore in a sinking state, during a heavy gale of wind off Scremerston, three miles south of Berwick harbour, on the 18th Dec.


Also the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum, to Capt. ROBERT W. WILSON, of the steam ship Clarence, belonging to the General Steam Navigation Company, in testimony of his humane and skilful exertions in rescuing, at the risk of his vessel, during a gale of wind, the crew of 8 men from the brig Virago, of Hartlepool, which was wrecked on the Middle Sand, at the mouth of the Thames, on the 2nd Nov. last.

Also 32/. to pay the expenses of the Kewhavcn, Rye, Penarth, and Orme's Head life-boats, for putting off with the view of rescuing the crews of various vessels, which, on the approach of the life-boats, had either got out of danger, or declined the services of the boats.

Mr. CHAPMAN was cordially thanked by the Committee for his able conduct in the Chair during the past year, and for his continued valuable services to the Institution.

Capt. Sir EDWARD PEKKOTT, Bart., V.P., was also thanked for his valuable and assiduous services as Chairman of the Sub-Committees of the Institution during the same period.

Thursday, 6th Feb. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Read letter'from Sir GEORGE GKEY, Bart., M.P., Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department, acknowledging the receipt of the vote of condolence of the Institution, and stating that he would take an early opportunity of laying it before Her Majesty THE QUEEN.

Also from the Secretary of the Dublin Board of Works, of the 4th Feb., stating that every assistance would be rendered to the Society by them in providing sites for the houses for the Dublin Bay life-boats.— To be thanked.

Approved of the Draft of the Annual Report, and the proposed list of officers of the Institution for the ensuing year, and ordered the same to be laid before the Annual Meeting, to be held at the London Tavern on the 18th March.—(Vide April Number of the Life-boat Journal), Decided—That the thanks of the Society be given to Miss S. H. BERTIE CATOK, and the contributors to her life-boat fund. It had realised 210?., and was appropriated in defraying the cost of the Kingstown life-boat, which was called the Princess Royal.

Read letter from Admiral Sir GEOEGE SABTOKIUS, of the 1st. Feb., requesting, on behalf of the Portuguese Government, that the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION would order six singlebanked life-boats to be built for it.

Decided—That the boats be ordered accordingly.

The Inspector of Life-boats of the Institution read his Report on his recent visit to the life-boat stations on the Suffolk coast. He stated that the coxswain and crew of the Thorpeness life-boat urged that their boat might be replaced by a more powerful one.

Decided—That the Thorpeness life-boat be replaced by the Ipswich boat.

Read letter from the Secretary of the ROYAL THAMES YACHT CLUB, of the 4th Feb., stating that the Club had granted an additional donation of 10/. in aid of the funds of the NATIONAL LIFEBOAT INSTITUTION.— To be thanked.

Also from Lieut. NAHES, R.N., of H.M.S. Britannia, of the 5th Feb., presenting six of his patent kites for communicating from wrecked vessels to the shore.— To be thanked.

Also from the Secretary of the ADMIRALTY, of the 16th Jan., stating, in the inquiry of this Institution, that the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty would allow the officers and men of H.M.'s Navy, to whom the Medals of the Society had been presented, to wear the sanje.

Also from the Rev. P. J. SAFFERY, of Tottenham, of the 30th Jan., stating that Miss BKIGHTWELL, of Norwich, wished to present the cost (ISO/.) of the Blakeney life-boat to the Society.

She desired that the boat might be named The Brightwell, after her father.— To be thanked.

Reported that the Kingsgate life-boat and transporting carriage had been forwarded to their station, and had safely arrived there on the 16th Jan.

They were taken to Margate, free of charge, by the South Eastern Railway Company.— To be thanked.

Ordered life-boat houses to be built for the reception of new life-boats at Blakeney and Dundee.

Paid 539Z. 8s. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted 26/. to pay the expenses of the East- bourne life-boat in putting off twice, and rescuing, on the second occasion, the crew of 9 men from the barque Druid, of Sunderlanrl, which was stranded off Eastbourne during a heavy gale of wind on the 12th Jan. last.

Also 61. 10». to pay the expenses of the Tyrella, Dundrum Bay, life-boat, in going off and saving the master of the schooner Bellona, of Red Bay, Co. Antrim, which, during a very heavy gale, was totally wrecked in Dundrum Bay, on the night of the 17th Jan. last. The remainder of the crew, 3 in number, had unfortunately been washed overboard during the night.

Also 151. to pay the expenses of the Cardigan life-boat in going off and rescuing one of the crew of the brig Pioneer, of Carnarvon, which was waterlogged during very rough weather in Cardigan Bay on the 24th Jan. Seven of the crew had previously perished by taking to the ship's boat, which had instantly capsized. The boat had broken away from the wreck before the man left on board had time to jump into her.

Also SI. 10s. to pay the expenses of the Southwold life-boat, in putting off and saving 5 men from a boat which had been observed drifting outside the outer shoal off Southwold, in a very heavy sea and strong wind, on the 28th Jan. The 5 men comprised the master and crew of the schooner Princess Alice, of Ipswich, which, having struck on Sizewell Bank, afterwards became a total wreck.

Also 76J. 5s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Aberystwyth, Tenby, Southport, Lytham, Carmarthen Bay, Dundalk, Tyrella, Newcastle, and Youghal life-boats, in either rendering assistance to vessels in distress or putting off with that view.

Also 51. to a, boat's crew of 5 men for putting off and saving the crew of 7 men from a boat belonging to the steam ship Kangaroo, which was in a dangerous position in a very heavy sea, off Rhoscolyn, Anglesea, on the 23rd Jan. last.

Reported the services of the Filey life-boat in going off and escorting safely into port several fishing-boats which had been overtaken by a sudden gale of wind on the 20th Jan.

Also the services of the Lytham life-boat, in going off and bringing safely into port the schooner Chance, of Preston, which had grounded on the Horse Bank, during a gale of wind on the 17th Jan. The vessel's crew had succeeded in reaching the shore in their own boat. The lifeboat's crew received salvage for this service.

Thursday, 6th March. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., r.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspond- , ence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Decided—That the portrait of Her Majesty THE QUEEN, Patroness of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFEBOAT INSTITUTION, be substituted for that of GEORGE IV., its first Patron, on the Medal of the Institution.

Read letter from Mrs. HARTLEY, of Bideford, of the 5th March, approving of the Mary Hartley life-boat being placed at Dundee.

Reported the receipt of 207. 10s. Id., as a thankoffering, from P. A. W.; A. G. W.; M. G. W.; E. T. W.; and S. G. W.

Also that an influential meeting had been held at Barking, on the 20th Feb., in aid of the objects of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, at which a deputation from the Society, consisting of Sir EDWARD PEBROTT, Mr. MONTAGUE GORE, and the Secretary, had attended. GURNEY Fur, Esq., had occupied the Chair on the occasion, and the proceedings passed off most satisfactorily.

Also that the Plymouth life-boat and transporting carriage had been forwarded to their station on the 21st Feb., by express goods trains, the Great Western, Bristol and Exeter, and South Devon Railway Companies, liberally taking them over their lines free of charge.— To be thanked.

The Secretary and the Inspector had attended at Plymouth on the 24th and 25th Feb., when a public inauguration and exhibition of the lifeboat took place.

Miss BUHDETT COUTTS had presented to the Society the cost, amounting to 240/., of the Plymonth life-boat—To te thanked.

Decided—That the thanks of the Institution be given to Admiral KINGCOME; Capt. PUCKFORD, R.N.; THOMAS STEVENS, Esq.; and THOMAS RESTABICK, Esq. j in testimony of their very great exertions in aiding to establish the Plymouth and Devonport Branch.

Read letter from G. J. FEITWICK, Esq., of Seaton Burn, Northumberland, of the 21st Feb., forwarding a cheque for 2501. to pay the cost of a double-banked life-boat, thoroughly equipped for a station on the north-east Coast of England.— To be thanked.

Also from Capt. ISACKE, Hon. Sec. of the Kingsgate Branch, of the 10th Feb., forwarding a very favourable report of the chief boatman of the Coast-guard, who is the coxswain of the Kingsgate life-boat, on the first trial made with the lifeboat, which had given the crew great satisfaction.

— To be acknowledged.

Also from J. BARNES, Esq., Hon. Sec. of the Silloth Branch, of the 21st Feb., giving an account of a very satisfactory trial they had bad with their new life-boat in a gale of wind and a very rough sea.

Also from S. SANDERSON, Esq., Hon. Sec. of the Berwick Branch, stating that an amateur theatrical company in that town had given a performance in aid of the funds of the branch, and that it had realized the sum of 41.5s.— To be thanked.

Paid 505/. 14s. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted "/. 11s. to pay the expenses of the Drogheda life-boat, in putting off and rescuing the crew of 4 men from the brig Minerva, of Workington, which had stranded near Drogheda Bar in stormy weather, on the 7fh Feb.

Also ni. to pay the expenses of the Buddon Ness (Dundee) old life-boat in rescuing, with some difficulty, the crew of 6 men from the schooner Elizabeth and Hannah, of Newburgh, which was totally wrecked on the Gaa Bank daring a strong gale of wind on the 21st ult. Capt. SPEEDY, of the steamer Hamburg, had kindly towed the life-boat ! to the vicinity of the wreck.—Capt. SPEEDY to be | thanked.

Also 451. to pay the expenses of the Caistor lifeboat in going off and rescuing, at great risk of life, the crew of 9 men from the brig Sifters, of "Whitby, which had sunk, during a gale of wind, on the Barber Sands on the night of the 26th Feb. It was intensely dark, and the surf on the beach was tremendous, while the boat was being launched.

Also 19/. 5s. to pay the expenses of the Lowes - toft life-boat, in going off and saving 4 out of 10 of the crew of the brigautine Sfatilda, of Stockholm, which was totally wrecked during a gale of wind on the Gorton Sand, on the night of the 26th Feb. The Lowestoft harbour steam-tug, under the command of Captain RIVERS, Harbour Master, rendered important service to the lifeboat in the performance of this service. Voted the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, to Captain RIVERS, and SI. 15s. to the crew of the steam-tug.

Also 21. to two coast-guard boatmen, for putting off three times in a small boat, and assisting to rescue, at considerable risk of life, 7 persons whose boat had capsized amongst some rocks off Spiddal coast-guard station, County Galway, during stormy weather, on the 30th Jan.

Also l. to a young man named GEO. "WILHAMS, for rescuing, by means of a small boat, 4 men who had been capsized from their boat amongst some rocks near Dunree Fort, about six miles from Buncrana, on the Irish coast, during a heavy ground swell, on the 29th Jan.

Also 122. to two boats' crews, consisting of 12 men, for putting off and rescuing, at some risk of life, 27 persons from the American ship Tiger, which had struck, during a heavy gale of wind, on the shoals off Templetown, in Waterford Harbour, on the 22nd Jan.

Also 47. to a boat's crew for putting off, and rescuing 13 persons from a ferry-boat which had capsized off Tallaghan, Belmullet, county Mayo, on the 19th Jan.

Also 51. to a boat's crew of 5 men, for putting off in a boat, in a very heavy sea, and saving the crew of 3 men from the schooner Diligent, of Caernarvon, which had sunk in Abersoch Bay, near Pwllheli, on the 23rd Jan. The poor men had been clinging to the rigging of the vessel for fifteen hours before they were rescued from their perilous position.

Also 71. 11s. to pay the expenses of the Carmarthen Bay and Teignmouth life-boats in putting off with the view of succouring vessels in distress, but which did not require their services.

Reported the services of the Redcar life-boat, in going off and bringing into Hartlepool the derelict schooner Banff, of Harwich, which was found abandoned off Redcar on the 2nd Feb.

Tuesday, 18th March. The Annual General Meeting of the friends and supporters of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTIOH was held this day, at the London Tavern, Bishopsgate Street, the Right Hon. the LORD MAYOR of London, in the absence of his Grace the DUKE of NORTHUMBERLAND, President of the Institution, taking the Chair.

The Chairman having opened the Meeting with some remarks,— The Secretary read the Annual Report of the Committee.

Various Resolutions were afterwards moved, seconded, and carried unanimously, pledging the meeting to renewed exertions on behalf of the benevolent objects of the Institution. [The Resolutions will be found in the preceding Number of the Life-boat Journal, p. 23.] Thursday, 3rd April. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meetings, and those of ftie Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Elected the Members of the Sub-Committees for the ensuing year.

The Inspector of Life-boats read his Report on his recent visit to the life-boats of the Institution on the West of England and Welsh coasts.

Decided—That the various recommendations of the Inspector be carried out.

Reported—That the LOUD CHANCELLOR had ordered, on the recommendation of Her Majesty's Attorney-General, Sir WILLIAM ATHEETON, M.P., 400/. to be given to the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFEBOAT iNsrmjTioN from a lapsed Chancery fund To be thanked.

Also -that a gentleman, who would not give Ms name, had called at the Institution, and had left a Bank of England note for 2001., in aid of its general objects.— To be aclmowkdged, Also that a friend of the Society at Newcastleon- Tyne had presented it with a legacy that had been left him, amounting to IS/.— To be thanked.

Read letter from Lieut. SIMMONS, E.N., Hon.

Secretary of the Southwold Branch, of the 21st March, stating that in a severe N.E. gale tie previous evening, the life-boat house had beeu undermined by the sea and partially blown down, and that some of the stores belonging to the lifeboat had been swept away by the surf.

Ordered the house to be re-erected in a more secure position as soon as practicable, and the stores to be replaced.

Reported that the Rev. W. JACKSOS, of Heathfield, near Hurst Green, had delivered lectures on the life-boats of the Institution at one or two places.-— To be thanted.

Also the transmission of the newBroughty Ferry (Dundee) life-boat to her station on the 17th March, and her safe arrival there. She was conveyed, free of charge, on board one of the vessels of theLondon and Dundee SteamPacket Company.

The boat was tried in the surf on the Gaa Sanibank on the 22nd March,-when her performances elicited the warmest admiration of her crew and of all who witnessed her.

Ordered—The Steam Packet Company to be thanked.

Decided—That the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, be presented to Capt. W. R.

MENDS, B.N., C.B., late Deputy Controller-General of the Coast-guard, in testimony of his valuable and cordial co-operation in assisting to carry out the important and philanthropic objects of the Institution.

Also to Capt. M'DONALD, R.N., Inspecting-Commander of the Coast-guard, and late Hon. Sec.

of the Banff Branch, in acknowledgment of his valuable and zealous services in aiding the Society to establish life-boats at Banff and Buckie, on the North-east Coast of Scotland.

Head letter from Miss BROWSE, of Brixham, of the 12th March, requesting, on behalf of the fishermen of that place, that the Society would furnish them with one of its barometers.

Decided—That a barometer be presented to the port of Brixham.

Paid 790/. 3s. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted 19/. 11s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Palling life-boat, in putting off and rescuing 8 of the crew of the brig Jane, of North Shields, which had stranded during a strong gale of wind about three miles from Palling on the 6th March.

Also I I I . 11s. to pay the expenses of the Teignmouth life-boat, in putting off and rendering assistance to the sloop Elizabeth, of Teignmouth, which was in distress off that place during a gale of wind on the 5th March.

Also 4W. 9». 6d. to pay the expenses of the Caistor, Walmer, Rye, Camber, Whitby, and Dundalk life-boats, in putting off in reply to signals of distress from various vessels, which, on the arrival of the life-boats, had either got out of danger, or did not require their services.

Also 91. to the crew of a Pakefield yawl for saving, at some risk of life, the crew of 6 men from the brig Adonis, of Colchester, which, during astrong southerly breeze, had got on the Newcome Sand, Lowestoft, on the 6th March.

Also 47.- 10s. to the crew of the steam-tug Enterprise, of Margate, for rescuing the crew of 7 men from the brigantine Joseph, of Guernsey, which had sunk on the Black Tail Spit Sand off Margate during a gale of wind on the 5th March.

Also 6/. to a boat's crew of 6 men for putting off and saving, at great risk of life, the crew of 4 men of the schooner Elizabeth, of Aberdeen, which, during a fresh breeze and cloudy weather, was wrecked near Kingstown on the 3rd March.

Also l. to 2 men for putting off and picking up 2 other men whose boat had sunk during squally weather in Gristhorpe Bay, near Scarborough, on the 7th March.

Also 3/. to a boat's crew for going off and rescuing, at some risk of life, the crew of 5 men from the sloop Jupiter, of Cherbourg, which had sunk on the Hasboro' Sands during a gale of wind on the 19th March.

Also 6/. to the crews of two pilot galleys for putting off and'saving the crew of 6 men from the brigantine Good Intent, of Bridport, which had sunk, during a heavy gale of wind, on the Mizen Reef, near Selsey, on the 6th March.

Also 4(. to 4 Coast-guard men, for putting off in a boat and rescuing the crews of the sloop Ceres, of Watchet, and smack Francis and Tudor, of Berry, which had foundered off Watchet, during a gale of wind on the 20th March.

Also 10/. to the crew of the lugger Eclipse, of Margate, for rescuing, at midnight, during a strong wind and heavy sea, the crew of 8 men from the brig Itaby Castle, which had sunk on the Kentish Knock Sand, on the 14th March.

Thursday, 8th May. His Grace the DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND, K.G., President of the Society, in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence and Wreck and Reward Sub-Corn-' mittees.

Read letter from the Secretary of the ROI-AL HORTICUI/TUKAL SOCIETV, of the 29th April, stating, in reply to the application of this Institution, that the Council of that body had decided to grant space in their gardens for the life-boat and carriage.

This kind and graceful permission of the Council had accordingly been accepted, and the boat placed there, thoroughly equipped, an awning being provided for their protection.— To be thanked.

Reported the receipt of an additional contribution of Two Hundred Guineas from the Corporation of the City of London, in aid of the funds of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.

— To be thanked.

Also that N. L., a gentleman residing in Manchester, had given the Society the cost (250A) of the Kirkcudbright life-boat and transporting carriage.

— To be thanked.

Also the transmission to their stations of the Kingstown and Poolbeg life-boats and transporting carriage. They were conveyed to Dublin, free of charge, on board steamers belonging to the British and Irish Steam Packet Company and the Messrs. Malcolmson.— To be thanked.

The Inspector of Life-boats of the Institution had proceeded to Dublin to attend the trial of the two boats, which took place on the 12th May, and went off very satisfactorily. The Inspector recommended that new boat-houses be erected for the boats.—Decided that the boat-hovses be erected forthwith.

Read letter from Capt. WOODALL, the Hon. Sec.

of the Scarboro" Branch, of the 18th April slating that, while the life-boat was being exercised on the 14th April, she was suddenly struck on her broadside by a heavy sea and thrown on her beam-ends.

Capt. WOODALL, who was on board, was thrown out with some of the crew, but, having on lifebelts, they all quickly regained her. The crew continued to have the greatest confidence in the life-boat.— To be acknowledged.

Decided—That Messrs. PEACOCK and BUCHAN, of Southampton, be employed to supply sufficient of their Composition Paint No. 3, to paint all the life-boats of the Institution.

Read letter from the Inspector of Life-boats, of the 5th May, recommending that the Dungarvan life-boat house should be removed from the west to the east side of the Bay at Ballinacourty, for various reasons given by him'and the Local Commitlee.


Paid 1,114?. 5s. 5d. for sundry charges oil various life-boat establishments.

Voted 17J. 11s. to pay the expenses of the Brighstone Grange (Isle of Wight) life-boat, in going off and rescuing, in eight trips, 134 persons from the barque Cedarine, of Bermuda, which had stranded during thick weather under Tar Barrel Hill, in Brighstone Bay, Isle of Wight, on the 2nd April. The Rev. J. PELLEW GAZE and Mr. JOSEPH COTAJAR, R.N., Chief Officer of the Coast-guard, were thanked for their valuable services on the occasion.

Also 47. 10s. to pay the expenses of the Aberdovey life-boat, in putting off on the 22nd April, and afterwards bringing safely into port the smack Merrim Lass, of Aberystwyth, and her crew of 3 men. The vessel had stranded during very stormy weather off Aberdovey. Mr. I). WILLIAMS, Hon.

Sec. of the Aberdovey Branch, and Capt. JENKINS, C.B., went off in the life-boat on this occasion, Voted the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, to Mr. D. 'WILLIAMS, in acknowledgment of his general valuable services in putting off on all occasion of wrecks in the life-boat, and the thanks of the Institution to Captain JENKINS, for going off in the life-boat on the above occasion.

Also 45?. to pay the expenses ot the Caistor life-boat, in putting off and rescuing, with great difficulty, the crew of 7 men from the schooner Trial, of Poole, which had struck on the Barber Sands, during a strong wind and very heavy sea, on the night of the 4th May. The brig got on the Sands but a few yards from the remains of a vessel wrecked there on the 5th March last. She was in the midst of the breakers, and had burnt lights and made signals till the boat reached her.

The wind was blowing a gale from the east, causing a very heavy sea. The waves broke into the life-boat without intermission, so that she seemed in danger of being driven under water, being unable to clear herself fast enough.

Some of the beachmrn got aboard the ship, fearing that from the violence of the waves breaking so unremittingly into the life-boat, and keeping her so low in the water, she was actually sinking. The men spoke of the case as one in which they never experienced so much danger from the effect of the sea upon the boat. Holding on by the rigging and side ropes, they were at times standing ia water up to their breasts, but they succeeded in rescuing the crew, who otherwise must inevitably have perished. The life-boat sustained serious damage in the performance of this service, by repeatedly striking against the wreck.

Voted 'I. to a boat's crew for putting off and rescuing, at great risk of life, the crew of 3 men from the smack Lion, of Cardigan, which had stranded, during a heavy gale of wind, in Fishguard Bay, on the night of the 12th April.

Also 41. to a boat's crew of 4 men, for putting off in a shore-boat and saving 3 men from the smack John and James, of Chester, which had stranded during a strong wind and heavy sea, while entering Aberystwyth Harbour on the 15th March. One of the salvors had his finger broken while assisting to rescue the shipwrecked men.—Voted 17.

extra to him.

Also 10!. to two boats' crews for putting off and rescuing, at some risk of life, the crew of 5 men from the billiboy Emerald, of Hull, which had stranded, during a strong wind, on Blakeney West Sand, on the 20th March..