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Jane, of North Shields

On the night of the 5th March, the brig Jane, of North Shields, stranded three miles and a quarter south of Palling, in a strong gale from S.S.W. The Palling life-boat was taken to the spot, on her transporting-carriage, and launched to her assistance. An attempt had been made to go to her in another boat, but it had to be given up on account of the heaviness of the sea. On boarding the vessel, the master and mate determined on remaining on board her, but the crew, 10 in number, with their clothing, and .that of the master and mate, with the ship's papers, were all taken ashore and safely landed. On the following day, the weather having moderated, the boatmen from the shore succeeded in getting the brig off, and in taking her to Yarmouth.

For the before-mentioned services of its life-boats, the Institution paid the sum of 289Z..