Summary of the Meetings of the Committee
Thursday, 1st August. Captain Sir EDWARD PERROTT, Bart., V.P., in the Chair.
Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.
Reported the receipt by the Institution of the legacy of the late EDWIN CUTHBERT, Esq., of Cheapside, amounting to 501. Also that for 1007.
of the late T. F. HEMINGTON, Esq., of Uplyme, Devon. Both legacies were free of duty.
Head letter from Captain HAMILTON, R.N., Her Majesty's Consul at Charente, France, of the 17th July, requesting to be furnished with plans of the life-boat and carriage of the Institution.—Ordered the same to be furnished to Captain HAMILTON ; and to GEORGE BAYLEY, Esq., of Cowper's Court, for the guidance of some German gentlemen.
Reported that the St. Ives life-boat and carriage had been forwarded to their station on the 16th July, and that the Great Western, Bristol and Exeter, South Devon, Cornwall, and West Cornwall Railway Companies had, as usual, given the life-boat and carriage a free conveyance over their lines to their destination.— To be thanked.
Also that the London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway Company had given a free conveyance to the life-boat carriage belonging to the Institution to and from Brighton.— To be thanked.
Read letter from Captain ISACKE, of Kingsgate, of the 16th ult., forwarding a copy of a resolution passed at a meeting of the Local Committee on that day, stating that they considered it most desirable that a small life-boat should be stationed there, to be available for immediate use in case of emergency.—Ordered a life-boat and transporting- carriage to be prepared for Kingsgate.
Also from the Hon. Sec. at Dungeness of the 30th July, stating that the Local Committee had decided on recommending the removal of the lifeboat station from No. 1 Battery to Littlestone, where wrecks were more frequent. The Inspector also recommended the removal of the station.— Approved.
Also from Captain BARTON, R.N., Hon. Sec. of the Southport Branch, of the 24th July, forwarding a report of the inauguration of an elegant Barometer, Pillar, and Fountain, presented to that town by JOSEPH FERNLEr, Esq.— To be acknowledged.
Also from D. SINCLAIR, Esq., of New Lanark, of the 11th July, requesting to be furnished with copies of the Instructions of this Institution for the Restoration of the Apparently Drowned. He stated that a little girl had fallen into a mill-dam there, and had been taken out apparently lifeless.
Great ignorance was displayed by the bystanders, one of them having ordered her to be held up by the heels. She was, however, recovered under the treatment of a medical man who was near at hand.
Reported—That the Instructions had been forwarded to Mr. SINCLAIR.
Also from H. BATES, Esq., of Milbourne, of the 23rd July, stating that a small legacy had been left to him, and adding that he had decided on transferring the amount of the same, about 20/., to this Institution.— To be thanked.
Also from Captain WASHINGTON, R.N., F.R.S., Hydrographer of the Admiralty, of the 29th July, forwarding a draft for SOI. from Vice-Admiral Sir JAMES HOPE, K.C.B., Naval Commander-in- Chief of Her Majesty's Fleet at Hong Kong, in aid of the funds of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.
— To be thanked.
Produced a copy of the last Annual Report of the Boulogne Shipwreck and Humane Society, which had been forwarded to the Institution by the Secretary of that Society.—To be thanked.
Paid 889*. 4s. 6d. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.
Reported the services of the Institution's lifeboat at Alnmouth, in putting off on the 26th of July last, and rescuing a man, who, while bathing, had been carried out to sea by a heavy back surf.
The promptitude with which the life-boat was taken out of the boat-house and launched on the occasion elicited the admiration of all who witnessed the operation. Another man was saved at the same time by a ferry-boat.
Also that the Lowestoft life-boat had put off and rescued the crew of 8 men from the French brig St. Michel, of Marans, from Christiana, which, in standing in for Lowestoft Roads, during a heavy gale of wind, on the 25th July last, went ashore on the Holm Sands.
Also the services of the Camber, near Rye, lifeboat, in going off and rendering assistance to the emigrant ship Oithona, from London, which had gone on shore near Jury's Gap, off Camber, on the 28th July last.
Voted 7/. 7s. to pay the expenses of the Institution's life-boat stationed at Arklow, for putting off in reply to a signal of distress from the schooner Henry Tuke, of Arklow, which during a gale of wind was dragging her anchor and in great danger of grounding on an outlying sand-bank, on the night of the 22nd July last Also the Silver Medal of the Institution to JAMES TOOMEY, in testimony of his gallant exertions in wading into the surf, at the peril of his life, and afterwards assisting to save the mate of the schooner Industry, of Whitehaven, which was wrecked, during a heavy gale of wind, off Kingstown, on the 9th Feb. last. Also the thanks of the Institution to Commander HUTCHINSON, R.N., Harbour-master at Kingstown ; and 12. to Coastguard Divisional Carpenter JOSEPH BARTLEY, for their valuable services on the above occasion.
Thursday, 5th Sept. Captain Sir EDWARD PERROTT, Bart., V.P., in the Chair.
Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.
The Committee expressed their sincere regret at the death of Vice-Admiral Sir THOMAS HERBERT, K.C.B., who was one of the Vice-Presidents of the Institution, and a liberal contributor to its funds.
Ordered a life-boat, transporting-carriage, and equipments, and models of Barometer Indicators, to be prepared for the purpose of being exhibited at the International Exhibition of 1862.
Read and approved the Inspector's Report of the 3rd August, of his recent visit to the life-boat stations of the Institution on the Isle of Man, the West Coast of Scotland, and the Norfolk Coast, and ordered the recommendations made by him to be carried out.
Read letter from Rear-Admiral Sir BALDWIN W. WALKER, Bart., K.C.B., Commander-in-chief of H.M. Squadron on the Cape of Good Hope and West Coast of Africa Station, of the 5th March, expressing his thanks to the Committee for their present to him of twelve life-belts, and sundry papers, on his leaving England, and stating that he should always entertain the liveliest interest for the noble and humane objects of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.
Produced an extract from the will of the late Mr. E. E. VIDAL, of Brighton, in which he bequeathed !il. to the Society.
Read letter from E. W. CHAPMAN, Esq., Honorary Secretary of the Whitby Branch, of the 22nd Aug., stating that the new life-boat, the cost of which had been presented to the Institution by A. "W. JAFFRAY, Esq., of St. Mildred's Court, had been taken out for her quarterly exercise on the previous day, in the presence of numerous spectators, when her admirable behaviour elicited the approval of every one who witnessed the trial.
Reported that the Southport and Rye new lifeboats had been recently sent to their stations; and that the London and North-Western and Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Companies had readily, as usual, given a free conveyance to the former boat, and the South-Eastern Railway Company to the latter.-— To be thanked.
Read letter from THOMAS SOPWITH, Esq., F.R.S., of the 27th Aug., stating that the three Barometer Indicators, at Boulmer, Alnmouth, and Amble, on the Northumberland Coast, had been completed, and were in good working order.
Ordered—30/. to be paid for the same.
Also from JAMES GLAISHER, Esq., F.H.S., of the 2nd Sept., stating that S. DAVIDSON, Esq., of Aidborough, Suffolk, wished to present a Barometer to the Aldborough Life-boat Station of this Institution.— To be thanked.
Also from Mr. JAMES BALLINGALL, of Melbourne, Australia, of the 24th June, forwarding a donation to the Institution from his Excellency Sir HENKF BAHKM-, K.C.B., Governor of Victoria.
— To be thanked.
Paid 643/. 14s. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.
Voted SI. 6s. to pay the expenses of the Cahore life-boat for putting off to the rescue of the crew of the Spanish barque Primera de Torrevieja, which, during thick and foggy weather and in a heavy sea, had stranded on Blackwater Bank, on the Irish coast, on the 7th July last. The life-boat afterwards succeeded in beaching the barque off Arklow. She had been abandoned previously only one man being on board, who had missed the ship's boat.
Also l. 9s. to pay the expenses of the Lizard life-boat for going off in reply to signals of distress from the schooner Hurrell, of Penzance, which was in a very dangerous position near the Old Lizard Head, during a dense fog and heavy ground-swell, on the night of the 10th Aug. last, At the request of the master the life-boat remained alongside all night, and at daylight succeeded in getting the vessel clear of the rocks, and in anchoring her in a safe position.
Also 8/. to pay the expenses of the Penmon lifeboat in putting oif to the assistance of the smack Pink, of Chester, which, during blowing weather and heavy rain, had carried away her main-boom, and, with only one cable out, was anchored in a dangerous position near Puffin Island, Anglesey.
The life-boat, at the request of the master, remained alongside the smack some hours when the weather moderated, and she fortunately got out of danger.
A Reward was also voted to Mr. W. H. M'KAY, of Wick, N.B., in consideration of his laudable and prompt services in wading into the sea and rescuing, at some risk of life, the master of the brigantine Nymph, of Greenock, which, during stormy weather, had been wrecked near Loch Incbard, Sutherland, on the 10th July last.
Thursday, 3rd Oct. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S.,' V.P., in the Chair.
Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.
Read and approved the Inspector's Report of the 24th Sept., on his visit to Southport to superintend the trial of the new life-boat and carriage.
The demonstration had passed off very satisfactorily.
Lord SKELMEHSDALE, President of the Branch, presided over a dejeuner given after the trial.
Read letter from Commander H. R. CLARK, of the Mail Steamer Athens, of the 18th Sept., transmitting, on behalf of himself and Mrs. Clark, a cheque for 51., as an annual subscription to what he called "their glorious NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION."— To be thanked.
Reported that a Concert had been given at Llandudno by Mr. WALLACE, in aid of the funds of the Institution, and that it had realized 18/.' 6s. jd.
— To be thanked.
Read letter from Captain ADAMSON, of Cullercoats, of the 13th Sept., stating that a Regatta was to have been held at Tynemouth on the 15th Sept., but that, in consequence of a heavy gale blowing on the day appointed, and a heavy sea running, the races, with the exception of the life-boat races, were postponed. In this the Cullercoats, North Shields, and West Hartlepool life-boats took part.
The Cullercoats life-boat, belonging to this Institution, won the race easily, although she pulled fewer oars than the other boats. Her crew also laboured under the disadvantage of having been out all the previous night herring-fishing, and afterwards, on the morning of the regatta, to pull the life-boat from Cullercoats to Tynemouth in the teeth of the gale. Capt. ADAMSON stated that the feeling at Tynemouth and Shields was now in favour of the Institution's boats.— To be acknowledged.
Also from JAMES YOUNG, Esq., Hon. Sec. of the St. Ives Branch, of the 16th Sept., and Captain AUSTEN, R.N., of Penzance, of the 13th Sept., reporting that a very favourable trial had been made with the new life-boat, recently sent there by this Institution,in the presence of a large number of persons, who were much gratified with the boat's behaviour.— To be acknowledged.
Reported the transmission of the Llanddwrn new life-boat and transporting carriage to their station on the 15th Sept. A free conveyance was readily given to them by the London and North-Western Railway Company.— To be thanked.
Also that the Scarborough life-boat and carriage, the cost (315;.) of which had been presented by W. B. to the Institution, had been forwarded on the 26th Sept. to Scarborough, the Inspector of lifeboats to the Institution accompanying them. A very satisfactory public trial of them took place, under his superintendence, on the 28th Sept., the Deputy-Chairman of the Institution making a brief address on the occasion, and urging in the strongest terms the importance of the crew wearing their life-belts whenever they went afloat in the lifeboats.
On the Sunday following the Rev. GEORGE SMITH, of Poplar, London, preached a sermon on the Sands at Scarborough, on behalf of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, at which a collection, amounting to IQl., was made amongst the seamen and others present. — To be thanked.
Also that a public exhibition of the Aberystwyth life-boat and transporting carriage had been made at Bristol on the 28th October, en route to their station. The demonstration excited great and general interest throughout that city. This boat and carriage were conveyed gratuitously from London to Bristol by the Great Western Railway Company, and were afterwards taken thence, on the same liberal terms, by the Cambrian Steam Packet Company.— To be thanked, Head letter from Capt. TUDOR, R.N., of Wick, of the 27th Sept., stating that he had succeeded in raising 27/. 12s. for the Institution in his district.
—To be thanked.
Ordered the sale of 500/. stock from the funded capital of the Institution.
Paid 9927. 13s. 8d. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.
Voted 137. 8s. to pay the expenses of the Holyhead life-boat for putting off and rescuing the crews, consisting of 14 men, from the brig Anne, of Plymouth, and schooner Betsy, of Peterhead, which were in a dangerous position near Holyhead Harbour, during a heavy gale of wind, on the 15th Sept. last. Some hours after the crews were landed by the life-boat, the weather moderated, and they were again put on board their vessels, which were ultimately brought,"with the assistance of the life-boat, and after much difficulty, into harbour. Capt PRIEST, R.N., reported that the life-boat behaved, as usual, admirably on the occasion. A gratuity of 31. was also granted by the Institution to OWEN JONES, one of the lifeboat's crew, who had been injured while engaged in this service.
Also 51. 5«. to pay the expenses of the Dundalk life-boat for going off and rescuing, after several shore-boats had made fruitless attempts, a shipkeeper, who had been left on board the barque Frederick, of Dublin, which, during a heavy gale, was wrecked on Dundalk Bar on the 13th Sept.
Also III. 8s. to pay the expenses of the Camber life-boat for putting off and saving 2 men from the barge Peace, of London, which, in a gale of wind and heavy sea, had sunk off Camber on the night of the 28th Sept.
Also 19/. 7s. 4 /. to pay the expenses of the Walmer, Wicklow, Llandudno, and Tyrella lifeboats, for putting off with the view of rescuing the crews of various vessels, but which, on the approach of the life-boats, had either got out of danger or declined the services of the boats.
Also 21. to Mr. DEWSBURY, master of the steamtug Beaufort, of Sunderland, and 21. to his crew, for rescuing 4 men from the brigantine Villiers, of London, which, during squally weather, had struck and partially sunk, about midnight, on the Mumbles Head, Swansea, on the 3rd Sept.
Also the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, to Mr. L. M. MAXTON, Collector of Customs at Bridport, in testimony of his general services in aiding to save life, and particularly on the occasion of the recent wreck of the brigantine Pauline, off Bridport, during a heavy gale of wind, on the 20th June last Also a reward of 71. to 5 policemen and 1 civilian, for swimming off some distance, at risk of life, in a heavy sea and a strong ebb tide, and saving the lives of two persons who had been capsized from their boat, off Lahinch, County Clare, Ireland.
The constables had also received a reward of II. each from the Irish Inspector-general of Police.
Thursday, 7th Nov. Captain Sir EDWARD PERROTT, Bart., V.P., in the Chair.
Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.
Read letters from JOHN WOODALL, Esq., Capt. WOODALL, and WILLIAM FOWLER, Esq., of the 3rd Nov., particularizing the lamentable accident that had occurred to the Scarborough new lifeboat of the Institution, on the previous day, which is fully described at page 1 of our current Number.
The Committee expressed much commiseration for the families of the two poor men of the lifeboat's crew who lost their lives on that sad occasion, and voted a gratuity of 257. to them, and W. B., the benevolent donor of the damaged boat, also gave a similar amount to them, and 101. (in addition to the Institution's Reward of 187., being double payment) to be divided amongst the lifeboat's crew and others, who had specially exerted themselves in saving life.
The Committee also expressed deep sympathy for the relatives of Lord CHARLES BEAUCLERK, WILLIAM TINDALL, Esq., and Mr. JOHN ILES, who so nobly perished while attempting to save the lives of their fellow-creatures on the occasion, and decided on presenting the memorial silver medal of the Institution to their families, as a permanent mark of its sympathy for them.
The silver medal of the Society was also ordered to be presented to Messrs. OLIVER SARONY, JOSEPH RUTTER, and MICHAEL HICK, who gallantly exerted themselves in endeavouring to save the lives of the deceased, and also its thanks, inscribed on vellum, to Mr. S. RAWLING, Mr. MATTHEW BVFIELD, and Mr. WILLIAM BLAND, for their very laudable services on the occasion.
Read letter from W. B. of the 10th Oct. last, offering to present the Institution with 1007., if ten others could be found to give the same amount.
W. B.'s challenge had appeared in many of the London and country newspapers, and in reply, F. R. M., a previous liberal contributor to the Society, had stated that he would give 10W. on the terms mentioned. The administrator of the late J.W. BAIN, Esq., of Canterbury, had also intimated his intention to give lOOf. on the same conditions.
In the mean time he paid the Institution 501.— To be thanked.
Also from Capt. WASHINGTON, R.N., F.R.S., Hydrographer to the Admiralty, of the 1st Nov., stating the condition of the means for saving life at Havre, on the French coast. He also briefly reported the result of his recent visit to the lifeboat stations of the Institution at Boulmer and Alnmouth, and his inspection of three barometerindicators at those places, and at Amble, on the Northumberland coast.— To be thanked.
Ordered that a life-boat station be formed at Blakeney, on the Norfolk coast.
Reported that Miss BURDETT COUTTS had, through W. H. WILLS, Esq., intimated her intention to present to the Institution the cost of the Plymouth life-boat.— To be thanked.
Also that Mr. JAMES KINGSTON, Mast and Block Maker, of Devonport, had offered to provide the boat with a set of good oars, and to keep thereafter the stock in good order every year.— To be thanked.
Read letter from Capt. CANNON, R.N., Hon. Sec.
of the Deal and Walmer Branch, of the 25th Oct., stating that the new life-boat recently sent there by the Society continued to give every satisfaction to her crew, who found her to be very handy both under sails and oars.
Also from the Secretary of the SHIPWRECKED FISHERMEN AND MARINERS' SOCIETY, of the llth Oct., approving of the following handbill, for the information of the seamen and fishermen, members of the Society, being circulated amongst their agents:— "Seamen and fishermen are hereby informed that the extra threepence, which, up to 1859, they were in the habit of giving to the SHIPWRECKED MARINERS' SOCIETY, in support of life-boats on the coasts of the United Kingdom, has since that period been required by that Society to carry out exclusively its own benevolent objects, and the threepence is now included in the three shillings' subscription they annually pay to it.
" Any subscriptions which seamen and fishermen wish to give in aid of the support of life-boats will therefore be in addition to their three shillings' yearly subscription to the SHIPWRECKED MARINERS' SOCIETY." Read letter from the Rev. J. S. AVERY, Hon.
Sec of the Bude Haven Branch, of the 10th Oct., stating that a Coast-guardman named DAINGHER had been killed by falling, during the night, from a cliff when he was engaged in watching the rocket and mortar apparatus, and some portions of the property brought ashore from the sloop John Booth, which was wrecked off Bude on the 9th Oct., during a heavy gale of wind. We give on another page an account of this wreck as narrated by a correspondent of the Times.
Reported that the Jersey life-boat, transporting carriage, and stores, had been forwarded to their station. Their cost had been defrayed by the States of Jersey.
Ordered life-boat houses to be built for the reception of new life-boats, at Kingsgate, Plymouth, and Kirkcudbright.
Paid 943J. 7s. for sundry charges in various lifeboat establishments.
Voted SI. 14s. to pay the expenses of the Seaton Carew life-boat, for going off and saving 5 of the crew of the barque Robert Watson, of Sunder) and, which was stranded about three-quarters of a mile from Seaton, during a heavy gale of wind on the 2nd Nov.
Also 9/. Is. to pay the expenses of the Bacton life-boat, for putting off and bringing, with the assistance of a steam-tug, safely into Yarmouth, the schooner Skylark, of Folkestone, which, during stormy weather and a heavy swell, was seen in Bactou ofiing on the 28th Oct., with her foremast gone and in a perfectly disabled state. The crew had during the night fully intended to abandon their vessel, but the sea was too heavy to permit them to take to their boat.
Also 24Z. to pay the expenses of the Lowestoft life-boat in going off on the night of the 2nd Nov., during a heavy gale of wind, and bringing safely into harbour the schooner Fly, of Whitby, and her crew of 4 hands. The vessel's signals of distress were seen in the direction of the East Point, when the life-boat, manned by Capt. JOACHIM, R.N., and her crew, was immediately got out and launched through a very heavy surf. Standing to the northward, they discovered the vessel by her repeating her signals of distress, and having hailed her, found the crew were not able to keep her afloat. They then closed with her, and put 9 or 10 hands on board, which enabled them to slip their cable and run for the harbour.
Also 12Z. 10*. to pay the expenses of the Bridlington life-boat, in going off and rescuing 4 men from the schooner Friends, of Lynn, which, during a terrific gale of wind, had stranded three miles south of Bridlington on the 2nd Nov.
Also 51. 7s. to pay the expenses of the Banff life-boat, for putting off and saving 6 men from the schooner Auchincruive, of Grangemouth, which was totally wrecked during a strong gale of wind off Banff, on the 1st. Nov.
Also 1H. 8s. 6rf. to pay the expenses of the Cahore life-boat, for saving 1 man from a small boat, near the Blackwater Bank, Ireland, on the 25th Oct. The life-boat was proceeding at the time to the assistance of the ship A. Z., of New York, which had stranded on the Blackwater Bank; from which vessel the boat had been cast adrift.
Also 301. 18s. to pay the expenses of the Teignmouth, Porthcawl, Fleetwood, and Arklow lifeboats, for putting off, in reply to signals of distress, from vessels which, however, on the life-boat's arrival, had either got out of danger or declined their services.
Also 51. to a boat's crew of 5 men for taking off, at considerable risk of life, the crew of 5 men in a very exhausted condition, from the brig Elizabeth, of Belfast, which had sunk during a strong gale of wind on the night of the 10th Oct.