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Royal National Life-Boat Institution, For the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck. Appeal

Royal National Life-Boat Institution, For the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck.

(Incorporated by Royal Charter.) Patroness—HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QUEEN.


Chairman—THOMAS BARING, ESQ., M.P., F.R.S., V.P., Chairman of Lloyd's.

Deputy-Chairman—THOMAS CHAPMAN, ESQ., F.E.S., T.I'., Chairman of Lloyd's Registry of British and Foreign Shipping Society.

Secretary—RICHARD LEWIS, ESQ. Inspector of Life-Boats—CAPT. J. R. WARD, H.N APPEAL.

THE COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT have to state that, daring the past year (1861), the INSTITUTION has incurred, or is about to incur, expenses amounting to 5,8751.15s. 9d. in placing new Life-boats, Transporting- carriages, and erecting Houses, at the following Stations ENGLAND.







PLYMOUTH, Devonshire.

ABERYSTWYTH, Cardiganshire.

LLANDDWYN, Anglesey.


KIRKCUDBRIGHT, Kirkcudbright.

CANTYRE, Argyllshire.


„ Broughty Ferry.


HOWTH, Dublin Bay.

POOLBEG, „ KINGSTOWN, „ The Institution has also expended on the repairs, stores, alterations, and inspection of its numerous Life-boats, Boat-houses, and Transporting-carriages, and for Barometers, 3,383Z. 12s. Wd.; and 1,95 M. for exercising the Crews of its Life-boats—making altogether a total of 11,209Z. 8s. Id.

Daring the past year (1861) the Life-boats of the Institution have also been instrumental in rescuing the Crews of the following Vessels:— Brig Lonely Nelly, of Seaham 6 Brigantine Nugget, of Bideford 5 Schooner Prospect, of Berwick 6 Sloop Thomas and Jane, of St. Ives 3 A Fishing-boat of Whitburn 4 Brig Arettiusa, of BIyth 8 Schooner Dewi Wyn, of Portmadoc 8 Flat Cymraes, of Beaumaris 2 Schooner William, of Morecambe . 5 Smack Gipsy, of Newry 4 Schooner Margaret Anne, of Preston 4 Brig New Draper, of Whltehaven.. 8 Schooner William, of Liverpool ... 5 Lugger Nimrod, of Castletown .... 3 Brig Providence, of Shields 8 Brig Mayflovxr, of Newcastle 8 Schooner Tillage Maid, of Fleetwood 4 Barque Guyana, of Glasgow 19 Brig Roman Empress, of Shields .. 10 Brig San Spiridime, of Galaxide .. 2 Schooner Voador du Vmiga, of Vianna 8 I French Brig La Jeune Marie Tlterese 6 Barque Perseverance, of Scarborough 5 Schooner Elizabeth, of Bridgewater 4 Ship Danube, of Belfast 17 Schooner Hortensia, of Hanover ... 4 Schooner Oregon, of Stonehaven ... 4 Brig St. Michael, of Marans 8 Spanish Barque Primera de Torreviega —Saved vessel and 1 of the crew 1 Schooner HurreU, of Penzance— Saved vessel and crew 4 Brig Anne, of Plymouth—Saved vessel and crew 8 Schooner Betsey, of Peterhead— Saved vessel and crew 6 Barque Frederick, of Dublin I Barge Peace, of London 2 Lugger Saucy Lass, of Lowestoft.. 11 Schooner fly, of Whitby—Saved vessel and crew 4 Smack Adventure, of Harwich 10 Pilot cutter whim, of Lowestoft.. 7 Barque Undaunted, of Aberdeen . 11 Wrecked boat on Blackwater Bank on the Irish Coast l Schooner Skylark, of Folkestone.. 6 Brig Lively, of Clay, Norfolk 5 Barque Robert Watson, of Sunder land 5 Schooner Auchincruive, of Grangemouth 6 Schooner friends, of Lynn 4 Schooner Eliza Anne, of Dublin ... 5 Brig Content, of Sunderland 5 Smack Ellen Owens, of Cardigan... 3 Schooner JSpimachus, of Amsterdam 5 Total.... 283 For these and other Life-boat services the Institution has voted 975Z. as rewards. It has also granted rewards amounting to 3121. 5s. for saving 128 shipwrecked persons, by shore-boats and other means, making a total of 416 persons saved from a watery grave on the Coasts of the United Kingdom.

The number of lives saved by the Life-boats of the Society, and other means, since its formation, is 12,272; for which services, 82 Gold Medals, 704 Silver Medals, and 15,285/. in cash have been paid in rewards. The Institution has also expended 57,2001. on Life-boats, Life-boat Transportingcarriages, and Boat-houses.

The public cannot but sympathise with the vigorous efforts now being made by this Institution, to save the lives of Shipwrecked Crews. Their help was never more needed than at the present time, when, through the extraordinary exertions the Society has made within the past few years, it has now One Hundred and Twenty-one Life-boats under its management, for the maintenance of which, in a state of thorough efficiency, a large permanent annual income is absolutely needed, if its humane mission is to be perpetuated.

Donations and Annual Subscriptions will be thankfully received by the Bankers of the Institution, Messrs. WILLIS, PERCIVAL and Co., 76 Lombard Street; Messrs. COUTTS and Co., 59 Strand; Messrs. HEERIES, FARQUHAR, and Co., 16 St. James's Street, London; by all the Bankers in the United Kingdom; and by the Secretary, RICHARD LEWIS, Esq at the Office of the Institution, 14 JOHN STREET, ADELPKI, London,—W.C.

Payments may be made by Cheques or by Post-Office Orders (crossed), to Messrs. WILLIS, PERCIVAL, and Co., or to the Secretary.