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New Life-Boats and Additional Stations

SCARBOROUGH.—The local Life-boat Association at Scarborough having recently joined the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, the establishment was at once completely renovated, and a new boat—32 feet long, and rowing 10 oars, which had been liberally presented to the Institution by a gentleman in London, under the signature of W. B.— was placed there, which boat, together with a new transpoiring-carriage, was forwarded there from London in September last.

On another page of this Number we give an account of the destruction of this boat, when proceeding to a wreck, only five weeks after her arrival at her station.

Within a week, however, of this sad occurrence, another similar boat was transmitted from the Institution's builders in London, the Messrs. FORRESTTS, one always being kept in readiness to meet such emergencies.

The cost of this second boat, with her equipments, amounting to 2121., was generously presented to the Institution by Mrs. COCKROFT, a lady resident at Scarborough.

ABERYSTWYTH.—A new life-boat station has been established at Aberystwyth, and a 10-oared double-banked life-boat, on the self-righting principle adopted by the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, was sent there by it in October last, together with a transporting-carriage, and a complete equipment. The cost of this boat, amounting to 170/., was presented to the Institution by Mrs. B. WOOD, which benevolent lady had previously presented the cost of two life-boats to it.

The town and port of Aberystwyth lies at the bottom of Cardigan Bay: there is considerable trade there, and occasionally wrecks take place in the neighbourhood. This station completes the chain of life-boats on that part of the Welsh coast.