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New Stations and Additional Life-Boats

CAMPBELTOWN.—A new life-boat station has been established at Campbeltown, in Cantyre, on the West Coast of Scotland, and a 30 ft. 6-oared single-banked, selfrighting life-boat was forwarded there from London in June last. The cost of this lifeboat establishment, amounting to 431?., was presented to the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION by LADY MURRAY, widow of the late LORD MURRAY, of the Court of Session, Scotland. The boat was built by Messrs. FORRESTT, and her transporting carriage by Mr. ROBINSON, the boat and carriage builders to the Institution in London. Numerous wrecks occur on the south and west coasts of the peninsula of Cantyre; and as the neighbourhood is traversed by good roads, this life-boat will be available for the preservation of life and property over a considerable extent of coast.

There is a large fishing population at Campbeltown, so that a good crew for the boat can always be depended on.

ST. IVES, CORNWALL.—A new life-boat station has been established at St. Ives by the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, and a similar boat to that above described was forwarded there in July last, together with a transporting carriage arid all other necessary appliances. The cost of this boat was presented to the Institution by a benevolent lady.

A local Honorary Committee of Management has, as usual, been formed for the superintendence of the station. Wrecks have frequently happened at St. Ives; and standing as it does at the south entrance of the Bristol Channel, and near the extremity of the peninsula of Cornwall, it is important that the passing trade should be protected by a life-boat there.

SOUTHPORT, LANCASHIRE.—A new doublebanked 32 ft. life-boat, rowing 10 oars, has been sent to Southport, to replace an old worn-out boat previously used there. This station has recently come into connection with the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, having been previously under local management only. The station has since been entirely renovated, a new house has been built to receive the boat, which has also a superior transporting carriage, and a more complete equipment than the old one had.

The cost of this boat was presented to the Institution by JAMES KNOWLES, Esq., of Eagley Bank, Lancashire. She was sent to her station at the latter end of August last; and on the 7th September she was tried in a N.W. gale in the presence of a large number of spectators, and afforded much satisfaction to her crew and those who witnessed her performance. Numerous vessels are wrecked on the " Horse Bank " and other dangerous shoals in this neighbourhood.

New and larger life-boats have likewise been recently supplied by the Institution, to replace others belonging to it at Walmer, Rye, and Llandwyn, in Anglesey. With so large a fleet of boats as is now possessed by the Institution, the replacing old and wornout, or decayed, or inferior boats, will be a work continually going on, and requiring a large expenditure to be incurred. To meet which the Committee must still look to the benevolent and liberal support of the British public as heretofore.