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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

Thursday, 6th December. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq.j F.R.S., V.P.i in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes at the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.

Approved of Regulations for the guidance of the Committee of Management, Sub-Committees, and the Officers of the institution.

Decided to forward, tot the acceptance of the authorities in Denmark, a working drawing of the life-boat of the Institution.

Read! letter from S. K. LOTHROP, Esq., Secretary of the Massachusetts (United States of America) Humane Society, of the SSrct Oct., expressing the thanks of their Committee of Management for the model Life-boat and various life-boat papers presented by the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFEBOAT INSTITUTION to that Society. He slated ."that the trustees of the Massachusetts Humane Society desired to reciprocate in the most cordial manner the respect and kind feeling bn the part of the LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, and expressed their readiness to co-operate with it in all practicable ways, and especially in the interchange of information and suggestion, for the promotion of the humane objects common to both Societies. They looked with satisfaction on every event, whether of individual, social, or international courtesies, which helped to preserve and strengthen friendly relations between the people and Governments of England and the United States. They had shared largely in the universal enthusiasm and kind feeling, awakened among all classes of their citizens by the recent visit to their country of His ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE or WALES, and cherished the hope that that event, BE interesting in itself, was destined to be prominent and beneficent in the influence it would exert to bind us together in strong, and enduring amity, so that the two great nationalities of the Anglo-Saxon race, distinct in the forms, but in many respects similar in the spirit of their Institutions, with a common lineage, language, and literature, might ever be one undivided power on the earth, exerted always in behalf and for the promotion of the highest and best interests of mankind."—To be Also from P. N. LAURIE, Esq., of Park Square, of the 28th Nov., forwarding a donation, through THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq.,F.P., Deputy Chairman, In aid of the funds of this Institution, and expressing his.earnest hope that the success of its operations won't be an abiding reward to, those who, like Mr, CHAPMAN, watched over and fostered the Society.—To be thanked, Ordered information to be furnished relative to the life-boats of Ore Institution, agreeably to their request, to Messrs. PROUDFOOT and -Co., of Glasgow, for the Commercial Association of Rio Grande, and to Mr, BERMPOHL, teacher of Navigation at Vegesack, Bremen.

Read letter from Lieut. NARES,R.N., of H. M. S. Portsmouth, of the 23rd Nov., forwarding an extract from a newspaper, stating that a Midshipman of the Royal Navy, informed Mr. C. V. ANSON, having been instructed by film hi the method of treating persons apparently dead from drowning, according to the rule of the Institution, on board H. M. S. Britannia, had been instrumental, oft the coast of Syria, in restoring a Frenchman who had been thrown but of his boat,, and was apparently dead.— To be acknowledged.

Ordered the sale of 1,0007. stock from the funded capital of the Institution.

Produced an extract from the will of the late T. F. HEMINGTON, Esq., of Upmlyme, Devon, in which he gave 100Z. to tile Lyme Regis Branch of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.

WW 1,2SH. i3». 7rf. for *iM»y charges on various life-boat Establishments.

Voted the Second Service Clasp, the thanks of the Institution Inscribed on vellum, and 194J. for various services rendered by the life-boats of the Institution, And by shore boats, to several wrecks, the particulars' of which will be found detailed in the Annual Report of the Society published in April hat.

Thursday, 3rd .fan., 1861. THOMAS CHAPMAN JP. Esq., F.R.S., r.P.iin the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, read those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Read loiter from DAVID GREY, Esq., Hon. Sec. of the Irvine Branch of the 21st Dec.,* stating that the Harbour Trustees had expressed themselves satisfied with the arrangement of this Institution to form a life-boat establishment there.—To be acknowledged  Also from Dr. VrtttiSs, of Greek Street, 9bho, of The 26th Nov., calling attention to his rttddel Bf6-ix*t— TO BE acknowledged.

Also from (Captain KENNEDY, R.N., Deputy Controller-General of the Coast-guard, of the 31st Dec,, stating that his official intercourse with the institution would terminate on that day, and expressing the pleasure he felt in knowing that he had been of some service in assisting to carry but the important objects of the ROYAL NATIONAL, LIFEBOAT INSTITUTION.

Resolved- that the thanks of the Institution be presented to Captain KENNEDY, R.N., in testimony of his long and very valuable services and cordial co-operation, in assisting to carry out the important and philanthropic objects of the Institution. * . * - - • Capt. WASHINGTON. R.N., F.R.S., hydrographer to the Admiralty, called the attention of the Committee to some models of Coast Barometer Indicators, prepared by JAMES GLAISHER, £sq., F.R.S., THOMAS SOPWITH, Esq., F.R.S., and himself, and to the advantages that were likely to arise to seamen and fishermen from the adoption of large Indicators at suitable places on the coast.

Decided—That five indicators be provided by the Institution; three to be established on the Northumberland Coast, one at Wide in Scotland, and one at Arklow in Ireland.

MONTAGU GORE, Esq., was thanked by the Committee for the lecture he had delivered at Brighton on the 13th Dec., on Life-boats and the objects of the Society.

Produced an extract from the will of the late Capt. BOWERBANK, R.N., of Gray's Inn, stating that he had bequeathed 1002. in aid of the funds of this Institution. Capt. BOWERBANK had been a liberal subscriber to the Society.

Also an extract from the will of the late Mrs. BARBER, of Warwick, in which she gave 501. to the Institution.

Also a copy of the DEAN OF NORWICH'S letter to the Norfolk newspapers, in which he showed, from accounts furnished to him by this Institution, that since the union of the Norfolk Branch with it, upwards of 600/. had been expended by the Society on the Norfolk life-boats, beyond what it had received from the Branch.— To be thanked.

Reported the safe arrival on its station on the 26th Dec., of the Portrush life-boat, with transporting- carriage and stores.

Also the arrival, on the 23rd Dec., at Filey of the new life-boat transporting-carriage for that station.

A free conveyance had been, as usual, readily given to the Portrush life-boat and carriage by the London and Belfast Steam Packet Company, /md to the Filey carriage by the Great Northern and North-Eastern Railway Companies.—To be thanked.

Paid 4392. 5*. 9d. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution to Mr. J. S. RODERICK, the Medal and II. each to RICHARD HALSE, and WILLIAM STEWART, Coastguard men, and to WILLIAM CORBETT, Coxswain of the Ardmore life-boat, and II. each to the remainder, of the life-boat's crews in acknowledgment, of their intrepid and persevering services in rescuing, under the most dangerous and adverse circumstances, the crew of 7 men of the schooner Diana, of Frederickshamn, bound from Bordeaux to Belfast, which, during a heavy gale of wind, was wrecked in Ardmore Bay on the 26th ult. The Rev. Mr. WALE, Roman Catholic clergyman, was also presented with the thanks of the Institution for the important and valuable services he had rendered on the occasion.

Also 131.10s. to pay the expenses of the Walmer life-boat for putting off and rendering assistance, in conjunction with other boats, to the Russian barque Ulrica, which had grounded on the Goodwin Sands on the night of the 17th Dec. last.

Also the Silver Medal of the Institution and II. to THOMAS BROW]*; and 31. to his boat's crew of 3 men, for putting off in BROWN'S boat, and rescuing, at considerable risk of life, the crew of 6 men of the schooner Juliut, of Alberg, which during a gale of wind was wrecked on the Broad Carr Rocks, Northumberland, on the 23rd Nor. last.

Also 31. to a boat's crew for putting off in a boat, and rescuing the crew of 10 men of the brig Sutcliffe, of Cork, which was wrecked in Arniel Bay, near Ardrossan during a gale of wind on the 3rd Octr last.

Also 122. 0», 6d. to pay the expenses of the Cullercoats life-boat in putting off and saving the crew of 6 men of the brig Lovely Nelly, of Seaham, which was wrecked on the Whitley Sands, off Cullercoats, during a heavy gale of wind on the 1st Jan. last.

Also 92. 8s. to pay the expenses of the Padstow life-boat in going off and saving the crew of 5 men of the brigantine Nugget, of Bideford, which was wrecked during a heavy gale of wind on the Doomed Bar Sand, Padstow, on the 1st Jan. last.

Also 92. 12s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Hauxley life-boat, in going off and saving the crew of 6 men of the schooner Prospect, of Berwick, which had foundered during a heavy gale of wind in the Coquet Roads, Northumberland, on the 1st Jan. last.

Also 142. to the crew of 7 men of the lugger Lively, of Margate, in testimony of their laudable and persevering conduct in rescuing 4 out of 5 persons from the Dutch galliot HUlechma, which had been wrecked on the Kentish Knock Sand, off Margate, on the 12th Dec. last.

Also 22. 10s. to a boat's crew, for putting off and saving the crew of 3 men of the ketch Abbey, of Bristol, which during a strong gale of wind was wrecked off Tenby on the 26th Dec. last.

Also 552. 16s. to pay the expenses of the Brooke (Isle of Wight), Padstow, Fowey, and Dungeness life-boats, in putting off with the view of rendering assistance to vessels which were observed to have signals of distress flying; but which, on the approach of the life-boats, had either declined or had not needed their assistance.

Mr. CHAPMAN was cordially thanked by the Committee for his able conduct in the Chair during the past year, and for his continued valuable services to the Institution.

Thursday, 7th Feb. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Read letter from GEORGE MATHIESON, Esq., of Edinburgh, of the 6th Feb., forwarding a draft for 402., being the amount of contributions collected by him in that city in aid of the funds of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.— To be thanked.

Also from F. G. GARDNER, Esq., Secretary to Her Majesty's Commissioners of Customs, of the 29th Jan., stating, in reply to the application of this Institution, that the Commissioners would have much pleasure in co-operating with the Committee in every practicable way.— To be thanked.

Also from Capt. BARTON, R.N., Hon. Secretary of the Southport Branch, of the 12th and 22nd of Jan., stating that he and JOSIAH STOKES, EDMUND MACKINLAY, and HENRY FORSHAW, Esqrs., had waited on the principal merchants in Liverpool to ask their assistance to pay the cost of building the Southport life-boat house; and that they had collected about 2002. for that object.—To be severally thanked.

Also from Dr. GILL, of Bow Road, of the 10th Jan., forwarding, for the acceptance of the Institution, a valuable Barometer.—'To be than&ed.

Also from Capt. ST. LEGER CANNON, R.N., Hon. Secretary of the Walmer and Deal Branch, of the 25th Jan., suggesting that a larger class of lifeboat might advantageously be supplied to them in lieu of their present one. She might be occasionally towed to the scene of danger by one of the steam-tugs which were nearly always to be found in the Downs.

Decided—That a new life-boat and carriage be supplied accordingly.

Reported—That the Winterton new life-boat and transporting-carriage had arrived on their station. A free conveyance had as usual been given to the returned boat and carriage by the General Steam Navigation Company.

Also the safe arrival on their station of the Llandudno (Sisters' Memorial) life-boat, transporting- carriage and stores, on the 14th Jan. A public demonstration had taken place on the occasion of the boat's launch on the following day. A free conveyance had likewise been given by the London and North-Western Railway-Company to the lifeboat carriage and stores.— To be thanked.

Also the transmission of the Penarth life-boat carriage and stores on the 28th Jan. They also were conveyed, free of charge, by the Great Western and South Wales Railway Companies.

Also that Mrs. B. WOOD had forwarded an additional draft for 1502. to the Institution, to pay the cost of a life-boat, which she .wished may be named The Evelyn Wood.— To be thanked.

Also that a friend had presented to the Institution 1802. to pay the cost of the Buckie life-boat, being the fourth life-boat she had given to the Institution during the past twelve months.

Paid 1,6602.1 . Id. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted 13?. 8s. to pay the expenses of the Cahore life-boat, in putting off and rendering assistance to the ship Nova Bella, of Liverpool, which was observed to be in distress off Blackwater Head, on the Irish coast, on the 31st Dec. last.

Also 52.6 . to pay the expenses of the Porthcawl life-boat, in going off and bringing safely into port the schooner Mary Jane, of St.Ives, which was found abandoned on the Skerweather Sands off Porthcawl, on the 3rd Jan. last.

Also 292. to pay the expenses of the Caister lifeboat in putting off and rescuing, during a gale of wind, the crew of 8 men of the brig Aretfmsa, of Blyth, which had sunk on the Cross Sand off Yarmonth, on the 6th Jan. last. * Reported—The services of the Whitburn lifeboat, in putting off and rescuing 4 fishermen, whose boat was in a perilous position off Whitburn, on the 5th Jan. The crew of the life-boat asked no payment for saving the lives of their comrades.

Also the services of the Lytham life-boat, in going off and bringing into port the smack Princess Royal, of Preston, during a heavy gale of wind, on the 9th Jan. last. The owner of the smack paid the life-boat's crew for their services on the occasion.

Voted 52. to pay the expenses of the Cardigan life-boat, in going off and rescuing 8 persons from the schooner Demi Wyn, of Portmadoc, which was stranded on Cardigan Bar in a heavy sea, on the 21st Jan. last.

Also 32.10s. to pay the expenses of the Penmon life-boat, in going off and rescuing the crew of 2 men of the-flat Cymraes, of Beaumaris, which was found in a disabled state in the Cross Roads off Beaumaris, during stormy weather, on the 25th Jan. last.

Also 62. It. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Lossiemouth life-boat, in putting off and saving ' the crew of 3 men of the sloop Thomas and Jane of Dundee, which was found disabled off Lossiemouth, in stormy weather, on the 1st Jan. last.

Also 501. 6a. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Walmer, Arklow, Tramore, Cahore, Alnmouth, and Dungeness life-boats, for putting off with the view of rendering assistance to vessels which were supposed to be in distress. * Reported the services of the Cullercoats and Newbiggin life-boats, in going off and rendering assistance to some* fishing-boats which had been overtaken by a sudden gale of wind on the 5th Jan. last. The life-boat crews asked no payment for their services to their fellow-fishermen.

Voted 22. to GEORGE QDAYLE, pilot, for wading into the surf, and aiding to rescue, at the risk of his life, the crew of 3 men of the sloop Dee, of Ramsey, which during a gale of wind was wrecked off Saxey Beach, Isle of Man, on the 29th Dec. last.

Also the Silver Medal and 12. each to JOSEPH WHITE and WILLIAM FLAME, and 62. to 6 other men, in testimony of their gallant conduct in putting off in a boat and rescuing, at the peril of their lives, the crew* of 5 men of the schooner Norml, of Plymouth, which during a gale of wind was wrecked near Portland breakwater, on the 30th Jan. last.

, Also 102. to the crew of 5 men of a coast-guard galley for putting off and saving, at considerable risk of life, 3 men from the smack Pearl, of Campbeltown, which during a gale of wind was wrecked off Lambay Island, on the 14th Jan. last.

Captain Sir EDWARD PERROTT, Bart., V.P., thanked by the Committee for Ms valuable and assiduous services as Chairman of the Sub-Committees of the Institution during the past year.

Thursday, 7th March. Capt. BIB EDWARD PERROTT, Bart., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Read letter from Colonel The Hon. SIR CHARLES PHIPPS, K.C.B., of the 13th Feb., stating, in reply to an application of this Institution, made through His Grace THE DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND, K.G., President, that Her Majesty THE QUEEN had decided to become an annual subscriber of 502. to the Institution.—HER MAJESTY'S munificent subscription had been acknowledged by His Grace THE PRESIDENT.

Also from His Grace THE PRESIDENT, of the 4th March, expressing his satisfaction with the draft of the Annual Report of the Institution, and with the great success that had attended its operations.

He regretted that he would be unable to take the Chair at the Annual Meeting.

Approved of the draft of the Annual Report, and the list of Officers of the Institution for the ensuing year, and ordered the same to be laid before the Annual Meeting, which was held at the London Tavern on the 21st March last.

Reported—That on the 9tJ» Feb., during a heavy gale of wind, the Whitby life-boat had capsized, when 12 out of 13 of her crew perished. The , man saved was. the only one who had on an efficient life-belt, of which the accompanying drawing is a representation :r- This belt is on the plan of Capt. WARD, R.N., Inspector of Life-boats to the NATIONAL LIFEBOAT INSTITUTION ; and is always worn on every occasion of service or exercise of its life-boats by each man forming the crew.

Resolved—That a grant of 507. be made in aid of the Whitby Widow and Orphan Fund.

Produced several letters from the Whitby Local Life-boat Committee, stating that they had decided on becoming a branch of this. Institution, and to accept the offer that had been made to them by the Institution of a first-class selfrighting life-boa and transporting-carriage.

Reported-That the inspector of Life-boats had visited Whitby. on the invitation of the Local Committee, and had made arrangements for the complete re-organization of the establishment, Decided-That the 'Whitby life-boat establishment be, brought into connection with the Institution ; that a 32-feet double-banked life-boat be completed for the station,- and that she he forwarded, along with a transporting-carriage, as soon as practicable.

Reported that the late J. R. JUDEIN, Es ., of Hackney, had left the Institution a legacy of }Q5/.

free of legacy-duty. . " Also that the Walmer and Dungeness new lifer boats and transporting-carriages had been forwarded to their stations, and that a. free conveyance was as usual readily given to the Dungeness life-boat and carriage ty the South-Eastern Railway Company. They had also conveyed the Walmer life-boat carriage free of charge, the lifeboat having been sent by water to her station.—.

To be thanked.

Decided— That a set pf twelve life-belts be presented to Rear- Admiral SIR B. W. WALKER, Bart., K.C.B., Commander-in-Chief of the Cape of Good Hope and West Coast of Africa Station, on his, departure from England, in acknowledgment of the important services he had rendered to the lifeboat cause as Chairman of the. Northumberland Life-boat Committee.

Resolved— That new 32-feet life-boat, together with a transporting-carriage, be built for Tynemouth, Northumberland.

It was moved, seconded, and carried unaai- ,— That the Silver Medal of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, accompanied by a letter of condolence, be presented to Mrs. Born, widow? of the late Capt. J. McNEILL BOYD, R.N., of H.M.S. Ajax, |n testimony of its admiration, $ his devoted and intrepid exertions to save the lives of a shipwrecked crew in, Kingstown Harbour on the 9th Feb., on which occasion 1(6 and several of his gallant crew unhappily, but nobly, perished, being swept from the pier by a heavy sea.

Also that the Institution's Silver Medal be given to JOHN WALSH, Esq., Agent for Lloyd's, at Dublin, in acknowledgment of his general gallant services, extending over a period of many years. in. aiding to save life from shipwreck, and particularly p| his exertions during a gale of wind at Kings-town, on the 9th Feb., when he received some severe internal injuries whilst laudably engaged in attempting to save life from a wrecked vessel.

Paid 344A 17s. 6d. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted 161. Is. 6d. to pay the expenses pf the Redcar life-boat, in putting off and saving the.

crew of 10 men of the brig Roman Empress, of Shields, which, during a gale pf wind and a heavy sea, was wrecked, off Redcar, on the 9th Feb. last, Also 81. 14s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the, Arklow life-boat, in going off and rescuing the crew of 5 men of the schooner William, of Morecambe, which was totally wrecked during a terrific gale of wind off Arklow, on the 9th Feb. last.

Also 251. to pay the charges on the Seaton Carew life-boat, for putting off and rescuing, in two trips, the crews, consisting of 16 men, of the brigs Providence, of Shields, and Mayflower, of Newcastle, which had stranded on the Long Scar Rocks, and East Gase Sandbank, Seaton Carew, during a heavy gale of wind. On the 10th Feb. last.

Also J4J. 10«. to pay the expenses of the Skerries life-boat, for going off and rescuing, in two trips, the crews of 8 men of the smack Gipsy, of Newry, and schooner Margaret, of Preston, which were totally wrecked off Skerries on the 9th Feb.

last. H. A. HAMILTON, Esq., Hon. Sec. of the Branch, was also thanked for going off on one of the occasions in the life-boat.

Also 81. to pay the charges on the Wicklow life-boat, in putting off and rescuing the crew of 8 men of the brig New Draper, of ;Whitehaven, which had gone on shore during a gale of wind near Wicklow, on the 9th Feb. last.

Also 61. 18s. to pay the expenses of the same life-boat, in putting off and bringing safely into harbour the smack Ariel, of Howth, which was in a disabled state off Wicklow, during a heavy gale of wind, on the 10th Feb. last.

The thanks of the Institution were voted to Capt. G. M. BAWOUR, K.N., inspecting-commander of the Arklow coast-guard division, for his valuable services in putting off in the Wicklow life-boat on the above two occasions.

Also 92. 10s. to pay the expenses of the Rhyl life-boat, in putting off and saving the master, his wife, and crew of 3 men from the schooner William, of Liverpool, which was stranded near Rhyl, during a strong gale of wind on the 9th Feb. last.

Also 62. 5s. to pay the charges on the Castletown life-boat, in going of and rescuing 3 men from the smack Nimrod, of Castletown, which was in a perilous position off that place, on the 9th Feb. last. ' Also 4/. to pay the expenses of the Penmen lifeboat, in going off and saving the crew of 4 men from the schooner Village Maid, of Fleetwood, which had sunk during a gale of wind on the Dutchman's Bank, Beaumaris, on the 10th Feb. last.

Also 121 6* to pay the charges on the Tramore life-boat, for going off and saving the crew of 8 men of the schooner Voador du Vauya, of Vianna, which was wrecked during a strong gale of wind off Tramore on the 20th Eeb. last.

Also m. 4*. t« P»y the expenses of the Carnsore life-boat, for going off and rescuing, with much difficulty and dagger, the crew of 19 men from the barque Guyana, of Glasgow, which was, wrecked on the Carrig Rocks, near Carnsore, during a heavy gale of wind on the 10th Bet.

Capt, PARTRIDGE, H.N., Inspecting-Commander of the "Wexford coast-guard division; and Mr. JAMES BARRETT, chief officer of the same service, had gone off in the life-boat, and had been indefatigable in their exertions. JOHN WADDY, Esq., M.B., Hon. Sec. of the Carnsore branch, and WILLIAM COGHLAN, Esq., Receiver of "Wrecks at Reward, had been rendered important services of the occasion. — Voted the Silver Medal to Capt. PARTRIDGE, R.N., and Mr. BARRETT, and the thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum to Dr. WADDY and Mr. COGHLAN. The cost (3£KM.) of this life-boat establishment was presented about two years ago to the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, as a thank-offering, by a lady, whose life had been saved from drowning.

Also 1062. 17s. to pay the expenses of the Seaton Carew, Holyhead, Drogheda, Filey, Dundalk, Orme's Head, Porthcawl, Wicklow, Tfewghal, St. Andrew's, Fishguard, Arklow, Dungarvan, and Padstow life-boats, in putting off with the view of rendering assistance to vessels in distress, but ' got out of their dangerous, nosiiiong, declined the life-boats' services. "' Also 177. 5s. to pay the expenses of the Aldborough life-boat, for going off and saving 6 men from the brig La Jeune Marie Therese, and taking off 5 "men from the barque Perseverance, of Scarborough, which had been in collision in Aldborough Bay on the 2nd March last.

Also 19J. 16s. 6d. to pay the charges on the Tramore life-boat, in putting off three times to the brig San Spiridiane, of Galaxide, which was wrecked, during a gale of wind, off Tramore, on the 17th "Feb. On the first attempt the life-boat's crew begged of the foreigners to throw themselves in the sea, as the boat could not go alongside, but they declined to act on this request, and the life-boat afterwards drifted from the wreck, broached to, and upset; but the crew, having their cork jackets on, were all saved. The life-boat was afterwards launched a second time, * and attempted to 'reach the wreck, but failed, and returned to. the shore. 9b# jgajgs of the ship now fell, and the shipwrecked Sailors were hurled into the sea. Again the life-boat was launched, and this time succeeded in picking up 2 of $he poor foreigners. 2 others we/e jj%yf 4 fcy the gallant exertions of JAMES BUDD, Esq., Bon.

Pec. of the Tramore branch, and ALFRED STEPHENS, coastrguardman, who waded into the surf to their rescue. WILLIAM M. READE, Esq., was in the life-boat when she had upset. R. O. JOHNS, coxswain of the life-boat, went off in charge of the life-boat on each of the three occasions..

— Voted the Silver *William M READE, Esq., JAMES BUDD, Esq., B. D. Johns, and ALFRED STEPHENS.

Also the Silver Medal to HENRY FREEMAN, in testimony of his gallant services in putting off in the Whitby Life-boat, and aiding to rescue at the peril of his life, on five different occasions, the crew's of five vessels, which were wrecked daring a heavy gale off Whitby on the 9,th. Feb on the last of which services, the whole of his boat-mates, consisting of 11 men, unhappily perished by the capsizing of the life-boat.

Silver Medal to THOMAS ROBINSON, in testimony of his gallant conduct in wading into the surf, at the peril of his life, to the help of 2 men under the said life- boat ; on which occasion he had his band per- " ...... ' ..... '' Also 31. to EATBICK MII O»NELL fpj ijjto Jhe surf, at great risk of life, Jo Of a«f the crg of the schooner JBlavtfe, was wrecked off Arklow, Ireland, QB '' - - ' - • ••- Also the Silver Medal and 2Z. each to BEDJJOE and ALBERT FURLONG, and 21. to 8 other men, for rescuing, at cpasjJeraWe risk of Itfe, b| ropes and other means, 3 men from the sloop Elizabeth and Mary, of Cardigan, which was wrecked, 4«iBg fthssayjf ga}g of w d, gear Fishguard, on the Welsh coast, on the 19th Feb. last..