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Margaret Anne, of Preston

On the 9th February the schooner Margaret Anne, of Preston, laden with coals, was driven ashore north of the harbour of Skerries, in a heavy easterly gale. The Skerries life-boat imme- tliately proceeded to her aid, and took off her crew, four in number, landing them safely.

On the same afternoon, three hours later, the smack Gipsy, of Newry, also coal laden, Was driven on the rocks on the north side of Colt Island, one of the Skerries group.

The life-boat again put off, and after a hard tow against a heavy sea, took off her crew, four in number, bdt in doing set got herself stove in on the rocks; she, however, landed them safely, but the master, who had had his leg broken, died shortly after being landed,.