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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

Tuesday, 2nd August 1860. Capt. Sir EDWARD PERROTT, Bart., V.P., in the Chair.

Bead and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of .the Finance, Correspondence, Wreck and Reward and Barometer Sub- Committees.

Elected Messrs. CLAYTON and SON, Honorary Solicitors of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.

Read letter from General FORSTER, K.H., Military Secretary of His ROYAL HIGHNESS the DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE, K.G., Commander-in-Chief, of the 16th of July, stating that the Rewards granted by this Institution to three soldiers for their gallant exertions in aiding to save life from the wrecked vessels nnieof Shoreham, and Woodside of Shields, would be presented to them, and expressing the satisfaction of His Royal Highness with the rewards voted to the men.

Read and approved the Inspector of Life-Boat's Report of his recent visits to the life-boats on the West and Welsh coasts.

Resolved—1. That a new life-boat carriage be supplied to Fowey.

2. That life-boat stations be formed at Southport and Llandudno.

3. That a new life-boat carriage and house be provided for Llanddwyn.

Also from HUGH TAYLOR, Esq., of Alnwick Castle, of the 28th of July, stating that His Grace the PRESIDENT had ordered the erection, at his own expense, of a new life-boat house for the Alnmouth life-boat, from the design furnished by C. H. COOKE, Esq., the Hon. Architect of the Institution.—To be thanked.

Read letter from H. B. WILKINSON, Esq., and JOSEPH BECK, Esq., stating that they had jointly collected 1617. 6«. for the purchase of a life-boat which they wished might be called the Friend, as the chief part of the money had been collected amongst members of the Society of Friends. They added that 30/. Is. had also been collected by them in annual subscriptions in aid of its future maintenance.

— To be thanked, and approved of the proposed name of the boat.

Also from Admiral FiTZ-Roy, F.R.S., of the 1st Aug., forwarding copies of reports which he had received from the Board of Fisheries, Edinburgh, on the Barometers supplied by the Board of Trade to various fishing towns and villages in Scotland.

Decided—That the thanks of the Committee be presented to Admiral Fitzroy for the trouble he had taken for the Institution in the Barometer question, and that he be requested, at the special wish of the Committee, to allow his name to appear on the Instructions to be issued.

Produced various letters from THOMAS SOPWITH, Esq., F.R.S., Chairman of the Meteorological Society, and JAMES GLAISHER, Esq., F.R.S., of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, promising their kind co-operation'to the Institution in carrying out the object of placing Barometers at its life-boat stations.—To be thanked.

The Committee also voted their thanks to EDWARD JOBLINO, Esq., Hon. Sec. of the Carlisle and Silloth Branch, in acknowledgment of his zealous and valuable services in connection with its establishment.

Read letter from THOMAS RESTARICK, Esq., of Devonport, of the 9th of July, forwarding a draft for 121. 11 ., being the amount of contributions collected by him in that town in aid of the funds of this Institution.

Also from Sir CURSETJEE JAMSETJEE JEJEEBHOY, Bart., of Bombay, of the 23rd July, forwarding a donation of 0l. in aid of the funds of this Institution, and expressing his admiration of its philanthropic and extensive operations, which he hoped would, with the assistance of the benevolent, be continued and extended. — To be thanked.

Voted a reward of 4/. to a boat's crew, for going off and saving, at considerable risk of life, 3 persons from a boat which had been capsized, in a heavy surf, .on Thurso Bar, Caithness, on the 2nd April last.

Also the thanks of the Committee, inscribed on vellum, to Mr. ALEXANDER GOULD, captain-pilot of the port of Aberdeen, in testimony of his highly meritorious and valuable services, in assisting in the Aberdeen life-boat, and by other means, in saving life from several vessels wrecked off that port during the last three years.

Also 11. to CORNELIUS KENNEDY, fisherman of Rutland, County Donegal, for putting off and rescuing, in his curragh, at considerable risk of life, 2 out of 3 persons whose boat had capsized off Daurus Head, on the coast of Donegal, on the 29th July last.

Thursday, 6th September. Capt. SIR EDWARD PERROTT, Bart., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Read and approved the Report of the Inspector of Life-boats of the 16th August, on his recent visit to the Isle of Wight Life-boat Stations.

Read letter from GEORGE GAY, Esq., of Cothara Park near Bristol, of the 7th August, stating that he had decided on presenting to the Institution 2001., 1801. of which he wished to be appropriated in the purchase of a life-boat, and 20/. as a donation to the Institution.— To be thanked.

Also, from JAMBS B. BRYAN, Esq., Chief Officer of the Coast-Guard at Penarth, near Cardiff, of the 13th August, stating that a life-boat was much wanted on that station, and that the establishment would be liberally supported in the county.— To be thanked.

Decided—That a life-boat station be'formed at Penarth, and that Mr. Gay's munificent gift be appropriated to the purchase of the life-boat.

Read letter from Mr. WOODBRIDGE, Swimming master at the Victoria Park Lake, of the 3rd August, stating that he had recently been instrumental in restoring 3 persons, who were apparently dead from drowning, by treating them according to the plan, adopted by this Institution, founded on that of the late Dr. MARSHALL HALL.

— To be thanked.

Reported that a free conveyance had been given to the Isle of Wight life-boats by the London and South Western Railway Company.

Also to the Banff life-boat and transportingcarriage, by the Great Northern, and the other connecting railways with the North East Coast of Scotland.

Also that the Great Western, and the connecting railways had carried, on the same terms, the Fowey life-boat carriage to its station.— To be severally thanked.

Read letter from C. FERGUSON, Esq., Chief Harbour-master of Victoria, in Australia, of the 16th June, expressing his thanks for the various life-boat papers which the Institution had forwarded to him, and stating that he should feel much obliged for a plan of the single-banked class of life-boat, as he found that in some localities the small boat would be the most useful.

— Ordered a drawing of the boat to be furnished accordingly.

Also from Capt. PILKINGTON, R.N., of Chilgrove, near Chichester, of the 29th August, offering his co-operation in the establishment of a life-boat at Selsey.— To be thanked.

Resolved- 1.—That a life-boat, the cost of which had been subscribed by some members of the Society of Friends, be established at Selsey.

2.—That a new life-boat house be built at Saltburn, and that a new transporting-carriage be provided for the life-boat on that station.

Read letter from SYDNEY HODGES, Esq., Secretary of the Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society, of the 30th August, requesting that this Institution would lend them a model life-boat and transporting- carriage for exhibition at their forthcoming Annual Meeting.— Ordered the same to be lent, and also one of Capt. WARD'S life-belts.

Read letter from Mr. P. H. BROADHURST, Hon. Secretary of the Sheffield Branch, of the 21st August, forwarding a draft for 56/. 15s. llrf., collected in that town and neighbourhood, in aid of the funds of this Institution.— To be thanked.

Paid I,2t7/. 6s. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted 13/. to pay the expenses of the Lyme Regis life-boat, in putting off a distance of 15 miles to the assistance of the crew of the schooner Ceres, of Bridport, which was in distress, during a gale of wind, off Abbotsbury, on the 19th August last. Some of the life-boat's crew were put on board the vessel, which was afterwards brought safely into Bridport Harbour.

Also 71. 10s. to pay the expenses of the Southport life-boat, in going off and rescuing the crew, consisting of 3 men of the sloop Hope, of Dublin, which had. gone to pieces on the Horse Bank, during a gale of wind, on the 26th August last.

Also 61. to pay the expenses of the Lytham life-boat, for putting off with the view of rendering assistance to the crew of the same vessel.

Also 31. to a boat's crew of 6 men, for going off in a heavy surf which half filled their boat, and rescuing 2 men from the sloop Britannia, of Preston, which had sunk during a gale of wind, between Southport and Formby, on the 26th August last. The boat had been conveyed a distance of four miles on the Sonthport life-boat carriage, which was at the time engaged in rescuing the crew of the sloop Hope.—Voted II. for the use of horses on the occasion.

Thursday 4th October. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P. in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Read letter from Mrs. H. S. C., forwarding an additional contribution of 150Z., 1001. of which she wished to be appropriated to the general funds of the Institution, and 501. towards supplying its life-boat stations with weather-glasses.—To be thanked.

Read and approved the Inspector's Report of his visit to Selsey and Chichester, and of his attendance at a public meeting, presided over by the Bishop of the Diocese, on the 18th September, for the purpose of establishing a life-boat station at Selsey.

Ordered that a Special General Meeting of the Governors and Subscribers of the Institution be convened at this office on Thursday the 1st November, for the purpose of passing the necessary Bye-laws for the Government of the Institution under the Charter of Incorporation recently granted to it-by the Crown.

Read letters from their Excellencies the Governors of the CAPE OF GOOD HOPE, and of CEYLON, of the 28th July and 7th August, expressing their thanks for the Instructions of the Institution for the Restoration of the Apparently Drowned, and stating that they would circulate the same extensively in their respective Colonies.

— To be thanked.

Reported that the North Berwick life-boat had been forwarded to her station, together with her carriage on the 29th September, and that a free conveyance had been given to the same by the Great Northern, North Eastern, and Scottish North Eastern Railway Companies. — To be severally thanked.

Also that the Tyrella life-boat and carriage had been forwarded to their station on the 20th ult, and that a free conveyance had been given to the same by the London and Belfast Steam Packet and the Belfast and County Down Railway Companies.

— To be severally thanked.

Read letter from A. H. MONTGOMERY, Esq., Honorary Secretary of the Tyrella Branch, of the 1st October, reporting the safe arrival of the lifeboat and carriage, and that she had recently been tried, when she gave much satisfaction to her crew.— To be thanked.

Read letters from the Misses BROWNE, of Toxteth Park, Liverpool, of the 10th and 19th September, transmitting 200/., which they wished to be applied to the purchase of a life-boat, to be called the The Sisters' Memorial, and to be stationed at Llandudno.— To be thanked.

Also from RICHARD HITCHINS, Jun., Esq., of Bristol, stating that he had collected 97?. in donations and annual subscriptions in that city in aid of the funds of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.— To be thanked.

Also from Messrs. PEACOCK BROTHERS, of Sunderland, of the 28th September, forwarding an annual subscription of 3/., being the amount of 12.

annually on each ship they held.— To be thanked.

Produced a printed account of the wreck of the Lady Elgin, on an American lake, and of the death on that occasion of HERBERT INGRAM, Esq., M.P., proprietor of the Illustrated London News.

Mr. INGRAM took great interest in the welfare of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, and was always ready to promote its interests through the medium of his journal.

The Committee expressed their sense of the support which the Institution had always received from the proprietor 'of the Uluitrated London News, and their regret at his lamented death.

P«id 1,0031. 13*. 9rf. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted 51.1 . to pay the expenses of the Dundalk life-boat, for putting off, during foggy weather, with the view of rendering assistance to the crew of the smack John James, of Port St. Mary, Isle of Man, which had stranded in Dundalk Bay on the 19th September last. Two of the life-boat's crew having boarded the vessel, afterwards succeeded in getting her off, when she proceeded on her voyage.

Also II. 17s. to pay -the expenses of the crew of the Teignmouth life-boat 'for assembling on the night of the 8th September last with the view of putting off in the life-boat to the assistance of the crew of a foreign vessel, which was observed to be in a dangerous position inside Teignmouth Bar.

Also Hi/, to the crew of 16 men of the lugger Diana, of Deal, for going off, during a heavy gale of wind, and rescuing the crew of 10 men of the brig Poseidon, of Arendal, Norway, which was stranded on the south end of the Goodwin Sands, early on the morning of the 25th September last.

The rigging of the wreck had run foul of the mast of the lugger, and had it not been for the promptitude of THOMAS TROTT in jumping on board the wreck to cut away the gear, the lugger must have been upset.—Voted the Silver Medal to THOMAS TROTT.

Also 14/. to the crew of a Pakefield yawl for putting off, during a strong gale of wind, and rescuing, after repeated attempts, the crew of 4 men from the schooner Emily, of North Shields, which was totally wrecked on the Holm Head Sand, on the 28th August last.

Also 31. to a boat's crew of 6 men, for putting off and saving, during squally weather and heavy sea, 1 out of 4 persons who had been capsized from their boat off Deal on the 22nd September last.

Thursday, 1st November. A Special General Meeting of the Subscribers of this Institution was held this day. THOMAS BARING, Esq., M.P., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.

The Chairman opened the Meeting by stating the object for which it had been convened, namely, to consider and pass the necessary Byelaws for the government of the Institution under its Charter of Incorporation.

The Bye-Laws had been, after much deliberation, carefully prepared by Messrs. CLAYTON ADD SON, the Honorary Solicitors of the Institution.

They had received the mature consideration of the Committee of Management, who had felt it desirable to submit them to Vice-Chancellor SIR W. PAGE WOOD, Vice-President of the Institution.

He gave them his most kind consideration, and suggested a few alterations which were adopted by the Committee. They had also received the approval of His Grace the President, the DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND.

The Secretary of the Institution read the Advertisement convening the Meeting.

It was then moved, seconded, and carried unanimously — 1. That the Draft of Bye-Laws, 'read and considered, be adopted.

2. That the Governors, whose names were read, be the Officers of the Institution.

3. That the Seal now produced be adopted as the Common Seal of the Institution.

4. That the thanks of the Meeting be tendered to Messrs. CLATTON AND Son, for their able and gratnitousattention to the objects of this Institution in the redaction of the Charter and the Bye-Laws.

5. That the thanks of the Meeting be presented to the Chairman for his able conduct in the Chair.

By its Charter of Incorporation the Institution has become one of the most important benevolent societies in the country, and in order to enable it to perpetuate its humane and national objects, the Charter has made special provision that any persons may hereafter grant, sell, alien, and convey in mortmain unto it, lands, tenements, or hereditaments not exceeding 2,000/. a-year.

Thursday, 1 St November. CAPTAIN SIR EDWARD PERROTT, Bart., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Read letter from LOCKHART THOMSON, Esq., of Edinburgh, stating that Lady Murray had decided to present to the Institution the cost of a life-boat establishment—the same not to exceed in amount 5201. Her ladyship wished the boat to be stationed on the Mull of Cantyre, or some other part of the west coast of Scotland, and to be called after her late husband, Lord Murray.— To be thanked.

Also from the DUKE OF ARGYLL, of the 30th October, expressing his admiration of the generous gift of Lady M., and approving of the establishment of the life-boat on the Mull of Cantyre, where he believed one was much needed.—To be acknowledged.

Also from Messrs. WATSON, JON., and Co., agents for Lloyd's at Campbeltown, of 21st October, stating that Lady M.'s munificence had made much impression on the public mind in that locality, and that every one looked on her generous intentions with feelings of deep gratitude.— To be acknowledged.

Also from Captain WARD, R.N., Inspector of Life-boats to the Institution, stating that he had recently visited Cantyre, and that he was of opinion that a life-boat would be of great service on that peninsula; for sundry reasons he recommended that the boat-house should be built at Campbeltown, whence, being a central position, the boat on her carriage might be transported to various parts of the coast.

Decided—That a life-boat station be formed forthwith on Cantyre.

Reported—That Miss PRINGLE KIDD, of Lasswade Bank, in Scotland, had presented to the Institution the cost (1801) of a single-banked lifeboat, which she wished to be stationed at Irvine, or at some other Scotch port.—To be thanked.

Read the Inspector's report that he had recently visited Irvine, and that its Harbour Commissioners had decided on accepting the offer of a life-boat from this Institution on the usual terms —namely, to assist the Society to keep up the establishment hereafter in a state of efficiency.

Resolved—That a life-boat and carriage be forwarded to Irvine.

Also from Lieut. M'HARDT, R.N., of H.M.S.

St. Jean d"Acre, of the 6th October, forwarding contributions amounting to 42., collected by him from the captain and wardroom officers of that ship.— To be thanked; [Admiral M'HARDY, the gallant Lieutenant's father, has long been a valuable and zealous member of the Committee of Management of the Institution.] Also from SAMUEL COLLINSON, Esq., of Nottingham, of the 17th October, remitting a draft for 292. 11s., the amount of contributions collected by him in that town in aid of the funds of the ROYAL NATIONAL LITE-BOAT INSTITUTION.— To be thanked.

Also from Lieut. PARKER, R.N., of Newark, of the 5th October, forwarding a draft for 142. 7«. 6d., amount of contributions collected by him in Newark in aid of the funds of this Society.—To be thanked.

Also from ISAAC WRIGHT, Esq., Chairman of the Bradford Branch, of the 16th October, transmitting a draft for 611. 5s. in aid of the funds of the parent Institution.— To be thanked; Reported that a free conveyance had been given to the Margate life-boat and transportingcarriage over their line, by the South-Eastern Railway Company.

Also that the General Steam Navigation Company had, with their usual kindness, assisted the Institution in the conveyance of the Aldborough and Thurso life-boats to their stations, the latter boat having been conveyed to Granton on board one of the Company's steamers, and taken thence on to Thurso, on the same liberal terms, by the Aberdeen, Leith, and Clyde Steam Shipping Company.

— To be thanked.

Read, and approved the Inspector's report on the alterations of the Margate lifeboat, and the trial he had made with her at Margate on the 10th October.

Read letter from WALTER MALCOLM, Esq., Hon. Secretary of the North Berwick Branch, of the 6th October, giving an account of the demonstration on the occasion of the launch, of their life-boat, which had passed off most satisfactorily.

— To be acknowledged.

Also from JOHN FRONLEYJ Esq., of Clairville, Southport, of the 6th October, stating that he wished to present to that branch of the Institution a barometer complete.— To be thanked.

Also from Capt. DRUMMOND, H.C.S., Hon.

Secretary of .the Tenby Branch, and W* T. KITCHING, Esq., Hon. Secretary of the Eastbourne Branch, reporting that residents in those places had decided to present those branches with barometers, to be affixed to the life-boat houses.— To be thanked.

Also from the Rev. CAMPBELL WODEHODSE, of Alderford Rectory, Norwich, of the 17th October, stating that the Rev. WILLIAM ELWIN, Rector of Booton, had preached a sermon in Attlebridge Church on Sunday afternoon, October 14th, in aid of the funds of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFEBOAT INSTITUTION. Mr. WODEHOTOE expressed the pleasure he would have at anytime to assist in carrying out the important objects of the,Institution, which he considered amongst the most deserving of support of any Society in the country.

— To be thanked.

Produced an extract from the will of the late Miss EMMA S. B. PALMER, of St. Ann's Gardens, St. John's Wood Terrace, in which she gave 502. to the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.

Also from C. H. COOKE, Esq., Hon. Architect to the Institution, of the 28th October, forwarding sketches of barometer ruches.— To be thanked.

Paid 8042. 5s. 6cl. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted 52.4s. to pay the expenses of the Appledore life-boat for putting off and rescuing, during stormy weather, the crew of 3 men, and 2 hovellers from, the schooner. Druid, of Aberystwith, which was stranded OB Bideford Bar on the 9th October last.

Also 102. 3s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Fleetwood life-boat, commanded by Captain WASEY, R.N., and manned by 11 men, in going off and rescuing the crew of 15 men and a pilot from the barque Vermont, of Halifax, Nova Scotia, which, during a heavy gale of wind had stranded on Harriett's Bank, three miles from Fleetwood, on the morning of the 20th October last.—Voted the third service clasp to Captain WASEY, R.N., in acknowledgment of his intrepid conduct on the occasion.

Also 122. to pay the expenses of the Barmouth life-boat in putting off, during a gale of wind, to the assistance of the crew of the schooner William Keith, of Carnarvon, which was observed in a very perilous position on the North Bar of Barmouth, on the 26th October last. The crew of the schooner declined to leave her, but the master's wife and child were brought on shore in the lifeboat.

The boat again returned to the vessel and remained by her until eight o'clock at night. The life-boat's crew expressed their readiness to go afloat in the boat in any weather, and their great admiration of her qualities.

Also 692. lls. to pay the expenses of the Caister, Fraserburgh, Portmadoc, Tyrella, Silloth, Holyhead, and Margate life-boats, for putting off with the view of rendering assistance to vessels which were observed to have signals of distress during the gale of the 3rd October last.

Read letter from JOHN PURVIS, Esq., Hon.

Secretary of the St. Andrew's Branch, of the 3rd October, detailing the services of the new life-boat, in conjunction with a steam-tug, in going off and, rendering important services to some fishing-boats which were in great distress during the gale of that day. About 152, were collected on the occasion in aid of the life-boat, and the crews of the fishing-boats had afterwards forwarded, with expressions of much gratitude, 32. towards its support, — To be thanked.