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Additional Stations and New Life-Boats

BANFF, SCOTLAND.—A life-boat station has been recently established at Banff, .on the north-east coast of Scotland, in connec- tion with the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT' INSTITUTION.

A self-righting boat on' the Institution's plan—30 ft. long by 7 ft. wide, and rowing six oars, single-banked—has been placed there, provided with a transporting- carriage on the most approved plan; and a substantial boat-house has been built for their protection.

Until recently this part of the coast of Scotland has been entirely unprovided with life-boats, and numerous lives have been lost which might probably have been saved had they been provided. The life-boat was forwarded to Banff in August last, having been conveyed gratuitously the whole distance by the Great Northern and other consecutive railways, with their usual liberality.

The cost of this life-boat was presented to the Institution by Messrs. MACFIE AND SONS, of Liverpool.

NEWQUAY, CORNWALL.—A similar lifeboat establishment to the above has been formed at Newquay, on the north-coast of Cornwall, near which place some calamitous wrecks occurred during the previous winter.

The life-boat and carriage were conveyed from London to Truro, on the Great Western and the other railways, in September last, as usual, free of all charge, and the whole establishment has been made as complete as possible, in every respect. Her cost was presented to the Institution by a benevolent lady. A substantial boat-house has been prepared for the reception of the boat and carriage.

TYRELLA.—A life-boat station has been established at Tyrella, on the north side of Dundrum Bay, near the spot where the steamer Great Britain ran ashore some years since. A life-boat, similar in every respect to the two last-named, has been placed there, complete with a transportingcarriage and all other useful gear. Numerous wrecks have taken place in this part of the bay, and it is anticipated that this life-boat will be of much service on this exposed part of the coast. The cost of the boat was presented to the Institution by the same benevolent English lady who gave the Newquay life-boat. A good boat-house has been built for the boat. She was conveyed to Belfast free of charge, in September last, by the Belfast Screw Steam-packet Company, in one-of their ships.

NORTH BERWICK, SCOTLAND. — A lifeboat station has been, during the past year, established at North Berwick. Two wrecks, one of them -attended with loss of life, having occurred near North Berwick last winter, steps were immediately taken, by gentlemen interested in the locality, to obtain the assistance of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION in providing a suitable life-boat.

A local committee was formed, and a considerable sum locally subscribed towards the first cost and future maintenance of the establishment in an efficient state. A sixoared, single-banked, self-righting life-boat, on the Institution's plan, has been placed here, provided with a transporting-carriage, and otherwise perfectly equipped. The cost of the boat herself was presented by Messrs. JAFFRAY and SON of London.

A. VV. JAFFRAY, Esq., had previously munificiently presented the cost of three other life-boats to the Institution. This boat and carriage were conveyed gratuitously to North Berwick by the Great Northern, North Eastern, and Scottish Railway Companies, with their characteristic liberality and sympathy with the philanthropic objects of the Institution.