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The Spanish Big Samaritano

On the 13th February, the Spanish big Samaritano ran ashore on the Wedge Sand, off Margate. The two Mar- gate life-boats having failed to reach the wreck, and become disabled, intelligence of the disaster was conveyed to Ramsgate, together with the information that the crew were in great danger. The Ramsgate life- boat, belonging to the Harbour Commis- sioners, was soon manned and taken in tow by their steam-tug, which in bad weather has always her steam up, in readiness to assist vessels in distress.

After long and arduous efforts, having twice carried away the towing-hawser, she arrived near the wrecked vessel, and having slipped from the tug, ran across the sand through a very heavy broken sea, a violent snow-storm occurring at the time. The men on the wreck were found to be all in the fore-rigging, the mainmast having been carried away, and the hull being under water.

Having anchored to windward of the vessel, the life-boat was veered down in the midst of a tremendous broken sea, and the Spanish crew, 11 in number, with 6 Margate boat- men and 2 from Whitstable, 19 in all, were safely got into the boat and conveyed to Ramsgate.