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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

Thursday, 5th April, 1860. THOMAS BARING, Esq., M.P., F.R.S., V.P.,in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committee.

Elected Capt. N. DE ST. CROIX, H.C.S., a Member of the Committee of Management of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.

Produced an extract from the will of the late Mrs. ANNA BRAITHWAITE, of Kendal, Westmoreland, in which she gave 10/. to this Society.

Read letter from A. B. VIDLER, Esq., Hon- Sec. of the Rye and Camber Branch, of the 14th March, calling attention to the severe but satisfactory test -which the Cambet lifeboat had recently undergone during a very heavy gale of wind and snow-storm.— Ordered a double payment to be made to the crew for extra work.

Reported that Lieut. PARKER, R.N., of Newark, had kindly promised to collect contributions in that town in aid of the funds of this Institution.— To be thanked.

Produced a circular letter and printed bill which had been issued to all the agents of the SHIPWRECKED FISHERMEN AND MARINERS' SOCIETY, soliciting their co-operation in bringing the objects of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION under the notice of the Seamen Members of that Society. ; Read letter from WILLIAM RASHLEIGH, Esq., stating that the Duchy of Cornwall had, on his application, granted 251. in. aid of the cost of the Foivey Life-boat establishment.

Also from Mr. W. VINCENT, of Birmingham; Mr. GILBERT YOUNG, of North Shields; Mr. R. A.

JEFFERSON, of St. John's Wood; Mr. RICHARDSON, of Wivenhoe; and Mr. SAMUEL WYNNE, of Upper North Place, Gray's Inn Road, calling attention to their several plans for saving life from shipwreck, — To be acknowledged.

Voted 31. to 3 fishermen for rendering assistance, at considerable risk of life, to the crew of the barque Batanga, of Bristol, which was wrecked on the Hook Sands, off Clevedon, near Bristol, on the 12th October last.

Also bl. to two boats' crews of 10 men, for rendering assistance to the crew of the galliott Anna, of Delfzel, which was wrecked during a severe hailstorm off West Sears, Robin Hood's Bay, on the 14th December last. The men had also received rewards from local subscriptions.

Read letters from H. PAUL, Esq.., M.P., Lieut.

PEARSON, R.N., Chief Officer of Coastguard at St. Ives, and from JAMES YOUNG, Esq., of that town, promising their cordial co-operation in aid of the establishment of a life-boat station at St. Ives.—To be thanked.

Also from the Inspector of Life-boats, of 2nd April, recommending that a life-boat be stationed at St. Ives.

Resolved—1. That a life-boat station be established at St. Ives.

2. Also that a life-boat be stationed at Buckie, on the north-east coast of Scotland.

3. Also that a life-boat house be built at North Berwick.

Read letter from the Rev. JAMES WILLIAMS, of Anglesey, of 3rd March, expressing his admiration of the behaviour of the Holyhead life-boat on a recent occasion.

Also from Mr. GODFREY SINCLAIR, of Edinburgh, of the 8th March, calling attention to his plan of Marine Traveller, constructed with the view of affording assistance to sailors and others in their attempts to reach the shore when the ship was amongst the breakers.— To be acknowledged.

Also from Capt, BRADFIELD, of Falmouth, of the 2nd April, stating that he had collected 21. 15«. iu small sums, from 6 1 and upwards, in aid of the funds of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.— To be thanked.

Paid 86/. 10*. for life-boat stores, and 1901. 9s. Sd.

for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted 91. to pay the expenses of the Yarmouth small surf life-boat, in putting off and rescuing the crew of 5 men from the schooner Ferona, of Exeter, which was wrecked, during a heavy gale of wind, in Yarmouth Roads, on the 5th November last.

Also 17J. 2s. to pay the expenses of the Palling life-boat, for putting off and rescuing, in a heavy sea, the crew of 7 men of the schooner Eliza, of North Shields, which was totally wrecked off Palling, on the 16th March last. Also 101. 3s. to pay the expenses of the Winterton life-boat, for putting off and rescuing the crew of 8 men from the brig George and James, of London, which had grounded off Winterton, during a very heavy gale of wind, on the 28th February.

Also 111. to pay the expenses of the Portmadoc life-boat, in putting off and rescuing, during a heavy gale of wind, 15 men from a boat belonging to the barque Oberon, of Liverpool, which was stranded on Sarn Badrig, in Cardigan Bay, on the 1st April last.

Also 34Z. to pay the expenses of the Yarmouth large life-boat, with a crew of 18 men, for putting off and rescuing, at much risk of life and difficulty, the crew of 6 men from the brig Zephyr, of Whitby, which was totally wrecked, during a terrific gale of wind, on the Scroby Sand, on the 28th February last.

Reported the services of the Cullercoats lifeboat, in putting off and safely bringing into Tynemouth Haven, in a heavy sea, the fishing-coble Honor, of Cullercoats, and her crew of 3 men, which was in distress off that place, on the 8th March last.

Voted 11. to pay the expenses of the Teignmouth life-boat for putting off, with the view of render- Ing assistance to the crew of the ship Caroline, of Charlestown, United States of America, which was totally wrecked in Babbicombe Bay during foggy weather, on the 21st March last.

Also 8/. to 2 boats' crews, for putting off and rescuing, at much risk of life, the crew of 4 men from the schooner Hope, of Gloucester, which was wrecked off Malin Head Coastguard station, on the coast of Donegal, on the 27th January last.

Also 21. to 4 men, for wading into the surf and saving, at some risk of life, the crew of 5 men of the schooner Cezemfra, of Falmouth, which was wrecked on the back of Bude Breakwater, on the 27th February last.

Also 21. 10s. to 4 men, for putting off m their boat to the assistance of a fishing-boat which had sunk at the entrance of Arklow river, on the 22nd January last.

Thursday, 3rd May. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.B.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Bead and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committee.

Read letter from Lieut. NARES, R.N., of H. M. S. Britannia, Portsmouth, of the 1st May, forwarding two copies of his work on Seamanship, for the acceptance of this Institution.— To be thanked.

Read letter from Capt. SHAW, Harbour-master, Ramsgate, of the 1st inst., stating that the Ramsgate life-boat had, in conjunction with the Commissioners' steam-stug, been instrumental, on the 27th April last, in bringing safely into harbour the schooner Omnibus, of Aberystwith, which had been on shore on the Goodwin Sands.— To be thanked.

Also from T. B. POTTER, Esq., and A. H. KEYWOOD, Esq., of the Manchester Branch of the NATIONAL. LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, of the 7th April, stating that that Branch had forwarded 40W. in aid of the funds of the parent Society.—To be thanked.

Also from R. T. REED, Esq., Secretary of the ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET COMPANY, of the 27th April, stating that 71. 16s. M. had been deposited by various persons in the box kept at the Office of the Company for the benefit of this Institution.— To be thanked.

Also from ROBERT RANSOME, Esq., of Ipswich, of the 25th April, stating that he had been engaged in collecting funds in that town, and that he had forwarded the same through Mr. JOSEPH BECK to Mr. A. B. WILKINSON, of Stoke Newington, who were engaged in collecting funds amongst the members of the Society of Friends, to purchase and permanently maintain a life-boat, through this Institution, on the coast.— To be thanked.

Ordered the thanks of the Institution to be presented to the Great Western, Bristol and Exeter, South Devon, and West Cornwall Railway Companies, for giving (with their usual kindness) a free conveyance to the Penzance life-boat and carriage.

Also to the London and North Western Railway Company, for carrying, on the same terms, the Silloth life-boat and carriage.

Read letter from Rev. EDWARD P. NICHOLL, Hon. Sec. of the Porthcawl Branch, of the 29th April, stating that the Porthcawl life-boat and carriage had safely arrived on their station, and that the entrance of the same into the town had been the occasion of much rejoicing. A free conveyance had as usual been readily given to the boat and carriage by the South Wales Railway Company.— To be thanked.

Resolved—That the thanks of the Committee, inscribed on vellum, be presented to Miss Dix, an American lady, in acknowledgment of her long and valuable services in the cause of humanity, and particularly of her zealous exertions in aiding to establish four life-boats on the British Possession of Sable Island, on the coast of America.

Also that a model life-boat be presented, through R. B FORBES, Esq., to the HUMANE SOCIETY of Massachusetts, United States.

Read letter from Messrs. CLAYTON and SON, Solicitors, of Lancaster Place, Strand, of the 1st May, forwarding the Charter of Incorporation of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, with the impression of the Great Seal of Eng- land. The crown fees and stamp duty on the same had amounted to 1347. 10s. 2d. Messrs. CLAYTON added, that it was not their intention to make any charge on the Institution for their professional services in the matter.

Decided—That Messrs. CLAYTON be thanked for their liberality, and that they be requested to become the Hon. Solicitors of the Institution.

Paid 300?. to Messrs. FORRESTT for various lifeboats.

Also 441/, 16s. 2d. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted 6/. 10s. to pay the expenses of the Lytham life-boat in putting off, and rescuing the crew of 8 men and a boy from the brigantine Nancy, of Teignmouth, which had sunk on the Horse Bank, Lytham, during a heavy gale of wind, on the 9th April last.

Also III. 8s. to pay the .expenses of the Teignmouth life-boat, in putting off, on a very dark night, and saving 2 men, in a very exhausted state, from the smack Wonder, of that port, which had sunk, during stormy weather, off Teignmouth, on the 24th April last.

Also 5/. to the crew of 10 men, of the Kessingland life-boat, for putting off, during a heavy gale of wind, and rescuing the crew of 7 men from the brigantine Little Joe, of North Shields, which had sunk off Kessingland, on the 17th April last.

Also 51. 2s. to pay the expenses of the Lossiemouth life-boat, in going off, late in the evening, with the view of rescuing the crew of a boat off Lossiemouth, on the 2nd April last.

Also 21. to 4 men for their laudable services in rescuing 4 men from a lighter, which had sunk on Arklow Bar, during a gale of wind, on the 2nd April last.

Also II. 10s. to a boat's crew, for putting off and rescuing Mr. W. W. WALKER, late Hon. Secretary of the Dungarvan Branch of the Institution, and 2 boys, whose boat had been capsized, off Dungarvan, on the 6th April last, owing to one of the boys ascending the boat's mast-head. One of the lads, when rescued, was found insensible, but after having been treated for about twenty minutes, according to the method for Restoring the Apparently Drowned, issued by this Institution, and based on Dr. MARSHALL HALL'S plan, he was happily restored to consciousness.

Thursday, 7th June. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.K.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Head and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committee.

Elected Colonel TALBOT CLIFTON, and T. J.


Read letter from Colonel the Hon. Sir CHARLES B. PHIPPS, K.C.B., of the 1st June, stating that he had been commanded to state that the photograph of one of the life-boats of this Institution, supposed to be proceeding off to a wreck on the east coast, which had been presented to Her Majesty THE QUEEN, as the Patroness of the Society, had been accepted by Her Majesty.

Also from MATTHEW BUTCHER, Esq., Hon.

Secretary of the Yarmouth Branch, of the 1st June, calling attention to the lamentable loss of life off Yarmouth during the heavy gale of the 28th ult., and to a dispute which had occurred between the coxswain and some of the beachmen, in manning the life-boat on the occasion. He also forwarded copies of resolutions passed at a Meeting of the Local Committee, convened to investigate the cause of the dispute.

Resolved—That, while admitting the valuable services of the beachmen last winter in the lifeboats, the Committee could not but regret that the jealousy existing between the different companies should have given rise to the unfortunate circumstances attending the disastrous events on the 29th May, and that they trusted that the Local Committee, in whom was vested the authority, would frame such local regulations as would obviate a recurrence of the misunderstanding.

Also from Mr. W. BATEMAN BYNG, Cashier of Messrs. RANSOMES and SIMS, of Ipswich, of the 5th June, stating that he had visited several large firms in that town, in order to collect contributions from them in aid of the funds of this Institution.

— To be thanked.

Reported—That the Rev. R. B. ROBINSON, of Lytham, had preached a sermon in the parish church of that town, on the 13th May, in aid of funds of this Society. The collection on the occasion had amounted to 20?.— To be thanked.

Read letter from T. H. STEVENS, Esq., of Plymouth, of the 19th May, forwarding contributions amounting to 51. 15s. in annual subscriptions, and 51. 5s. in donations, collected by him in that town, in aid of the funds of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFEBOAT INSTITUTION.— To be thanked.

Also from J. DAY, Esq., Mayor of Walsall, of the 6th June, forwarding contributions amounting to 101. 16s., collected by him at Walsall, in aid of the funds of the Society.— To be thanked.

Also from G. H. ACKERS, Esq., Commodore of the Royal Victoria Yacht Club, of the 5th June, forwarding a draft for 277/., to pay the cost of the Grange, Isle of Wight, life-boat and transporting- carriage.

Reported—That Commodore ACKERS had been indefatigable in his exertions to obtain the support of the members to the humane undertaking.

— To be thanked.

Also from Captain BOYD, R.N., of H.M.S. Ajax, of the 13th May, requesting permission to insert the Instructions of this Institution on-the "Management of Boats in Heavy Surfs and Broken Water," in his Naval Cadets' Manual.— To be granted.

Also from R. B. FORBES", Esq., Chairman of the Massachusetts Shipwreck and Humane Society, of the 10th May, forwarding a list of dfe life-boats and mortar stations of that Society, and also a report of a Special Committee of the Philadelphia Board of Trade, in relation to the life-saving means on their coast.— To be acknowledged.

Also from Mr. B. THOMPSON, of Kessingland, of the 4th inst, stating the services rendered by the life-boat of that station, manned by himself and others, in rendering assistance during a recent gale, to the brig Richard and Mary, which they had safely brought into harbour. Although they would receive salvage for their services, they could not refrain from expressing their thankfulness to this Institution for its kind assistance in helping them to provide their life-boat and boathouse.

— To be acknowledged.

Paid 123J. 3s. for life-boat carriages ; 3«. 3s. 8d.

for life-boat stores; and 2001. 8s. Id. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted 13/. 10s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Brighton life-boat's crew in assisting to save, by means of the boat's gear, in conjunction with the rocket apparatus, ably worked by the Coastguard, the crews, consisting of 15 men, from the brigs Transit, of Shoreham, and Atlantiqve, of Nantes, which were wrecked off Brighton, during a heavy gale of wind, on the night of the 2nd June. Also voted Wl. in aid of local subscriptions for the widow of a poor man who had been unfortunately killed by the wheel of the life-boat carriage passing over his body while assisting to drag the life-boat along on the above occasion. He was engaged in aiding to draw the life-boat, by her outside life-lines, and his foot having slipped, the carriage wheel instantly passed over his body.

Reported—The services of the Filey life-boat, in putting off and safely bringing to land a fishingyawl, of Filey, which, with 9 others, had drifted out to sea, during a terrific storm, on the 28th May last.

Also voted 14?. 5s. to pay the expenses of the Arklow life-boat, in putting off and remaining all night by the ship Calcutta, of Liverpool, which had stranded during foggy weather, on Arklow Bank, on the llth May last.

Also 12/. 10s. to pay the expense of the Lowestoft life-boat in putting off and rescuing 6 persons from the brig Scotia, of Sunderland, and 5 from the sloop Three Brothers, of Goole, which were wrecked off Lowestoft during a very heavy gale of wind, on the 28th May last.

Also 11. 7s. to pay the expenses of the Whitburn life-boat for putting off and saving 5 persons from the sloop Charlotte, of Woodbridge, which during a gale of wind was wrecked on the rocks off Whitburn, on the 3rd June last. This life-boat is called The Tlumas Wilson, after one of the benevolent founders of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT" INSTITUTION, and who was subsequently its indefatigable and respected Chairman for nearly thirty years.

Also 71?. 16s. to pay the expenses of the Tarmouth, Cahore, Rhyl, and Lowestoft life-boats, for putting off with the view of rendering assistance | to vessels which were in distress during the gales of May and June.

! Thursday, 5th July. Captain Sir EDWARD PERKOTT, Bart., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committee.

Read letter from the Rev. W. YATE, Hon. Sec. of the Dover Branch, of the 22nd June, stating that two Russian young princes, the children of the Grand Duchess MARIE of Russia, had witnessed the trial of the Dover life-boat on the previous day, and that he had presented a photograph of one of the life-boats of the Institution, supposed to be proceeding off to a wreck, to HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, with which she was much pleased.

Read letter from His Grace the DUKE of NEWCASTLE, Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies, of the 21st Jnne, stating that he would have pleasure to forward to the Governors of the Colonies copies of this Society's Instructions for the Restoration of the Apparently Drowned.— To be thanked.

Reported the receipt of reprints of the Pamphlets of the Institution on the Management of Boats in heavy surfs and broken water, Instructions for the Treatment of the Apparently Drowned, and its Life-boat Regulations, published by the Government of Victoria, Melbourne.

Also the transmission to her station of a large life-boat, 32 feet long, built by Messrs. FORRESTT on the plan of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, for the Liverpool Dock Trustees.

Read a draft of the Bye-Laws of the Institution, prepared by Messrs. CLAYTON and SON.— Ordered the same to be submitted to a General Meeting of the Institution, Read letter from M. CHCILLIER, of Havre, of 20th June, calling attention to his plan of lifeboat.

— To be acknowledged.

Reported that the Secretary and the Inspector of Life-boats to the Institution had attended public meetings at Sheffield and Bradford on 28th and 29th June last, which had been called to promote the formation of inland Branches of the Institution at those towns.

Paid 46H. 13s. for new life-boat, and for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted 10J. 2s. to pay the expenses of the Alnmouth life-boat, in putting off, in a gale of wind and heavy sea, and rescuing the crew of 8 men from the brig Ann, of BIyth, which was stranded and dismasted, at the mouth of the river Alne, on the llth June last. The crew had only been taken off a few minutes before the wreck's mast fell, fortunately clear of the life-boat.

Also 51. to a poor man named EXLEY, who had been seriously injured by the carriage of this boat passing over him while engaged in aiding to launch her on the above occasion.

Reported—That the Newhaven life-boat had gone off on two occasions, and assisted by potting some of her crew on board to bring into harbour two vessels in distress off that place, during the heavy gales of the 2nd and 3rd June last. Also paid the expenses of assembling the crew a day and night on those disastrous occasions.

Also SI. to the crew of the Shoreham life-boat, for putting off and rescuing, after three attempts, the crew of 9 men from the brig Pike, of Shoreham, which had grounded off the harbour of that place, during a strong gale of wind from S.S.W., on the 2nd of June last.

Also l. 15s. to some men for wading into the surf, and at some risk of life, rescuing 5 of the crew of the barque Jane Green, of Sunderland, which was totally wrecked on Gold Gush Stones, north of Hartlepool, during a gale of wind, on the 28th May last.

Also II. to some men for rescuing 2 men from a boat which was capsized by a heavy sea, on the 8th May last, off Gweedore Bar, on the coast of Donegal.

Also Silver Medal of the Institution and U to Gunner CHARLES LEESE, and 21. to Corporals D.

BANNISTER and ALLAN KAY, of the Coagl Brigade Royal Artillery, in acknowledgment of their gallant conduct in aiding to rescue the crews of the brig Annie, of Shoreham, and schooner Woodside, of Shields, which were wrecked between Blatchington and Newhaven, on the Sussex coast, during the heavy gale of the 2nd June last. The humanity of LEESE had been very conspicuous on the occasion, in saving, at the peril of his life, a lad twelve years of age from a watery grave.

Also the thanks of the Institution to F. R. TOTHILL, Esq., Mayor of Seaford, for his valuable services and encouragement on the occasion of the before-mentioned wrecks.