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John Bull, of Yarmouth

On the 17th February, the smack John Bull, of Yarmouth, parted from her anchors, and went ashore on the beach at that place.

The smaller Yarmouth life-boat was soon launched, and proceeded to her through a heavy surf. Captain DAVIES, R.N., In- specting-Commander of Coastguard going off in her. Of the crew of the wrecked smack, 5 in number, 4 were taken off, when the boat was driven to the beach; a second time she was launched and the last man was rescued, the Coxswain of the life- boat, GEORGE MILLIGAN, having at consider- able risk got on to the rigging of the vessel, to which he had taken, and helped him to descend from it to the boat. For this service Captain DAVIES and the Coxswain MILLIGAN received the silver medal of the Institution.