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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

Thursday, 5th January, 1860. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., V.P., F.K.S., in the Chair.

Bead and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committee".

Head letters from the Rev. EDWARD M'ALL, Rev. JOHN PELLEW GAZE, of the Isle of Wight, G. H. ACKERS, Esq., Commodore of the Royal Victoria Yacht Club, and TURNER TURNER, Esq., of the yacht Constance, expressing their desire to see two or three life-boats established on the south coast of the Isle of Wight, and offering their cordial co-operation to promote the success of the undertakings.— To be thanked.

Read and approved the Inspector's report of his visit to the Isle of Wight, stating the necessity at present of two life-boats on Us south coast.

Resolved—That two life-boat stations be formed at Grange and Brooke, on the Isle of Wight.

Read letter from the Hon. Secretary of the Rhoscolyn Branch of the 10th Dec., stating that the Rhoscolyn life-boat had arrived on her station, and that her trial had given great satisfaction to her crew. The London and North-Western Railway Company had given the life-boat a free pass on their line to Holyhead.— To be thanked.

Also from Mr. WRIGHT, Agent of the Commissioners of the Danube, of 8th December, stating the services of the Sulina life-boat, which is on the plan of this Institution, in rescuing the crews of different shipwrecks during a recent storm in the Black Sea.

Read letter from Lieutenant NARES, R.N., of H. M. S. Britannia, Portsmouth, of 28th December, requesting permission to insert in the new edition of his work on Seamanship, the pamphlet of this Institution on the Management of Boats in Heavy Surfs and Broken Water.— Granted.

Also from the Secretary of the Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners' Society, of 30th December, forwarding a draft for 150/., in aid of the funds of this Institution. He also suggested that a bill might be printed, to be hung up in the offices of their Agents, stating that as the seamen's annual subscription to the Society would in future be 3s., any contributions of the seamen in aid of the lifeboat fund would hereafter be additional thereto.— Ordered a bill to be printed accordingly. Also from Captain JOACHIM, R.N.', of the 28th December, stating that a public meeting had been held that day at the Town Hall, Lowestoft, to distribute the rewards voted by this Institution to the several men of the crew of the life-boat at Lowestoft, for their services in rescuing, during a heavy gale of wind, the crew of 14 men of the steamer Shamrock, of Dublin, which was totally wrecked on the south end of the Holm Sand, on the 1st November last.

Also from the Secretary of the Harbour Commissioners of Konigsberg, of the 14th December, requesting the Institution to order for them a 32-ft.

life-boat, to be built by Messrs. FORRESTT.—Ordered boat accordingly.

Ordered the thanks of the Institution to be presented to Captain KENNEDY, R.N., Deputy Comptroller- General of the Coast-guard, for kindly allowing a revenue-cruiser to tow a large life-boat from St. Ives to Wexford.

Also to the Rev. F. S. ASHHURST, late Secretary of the Newbiggin Branch of the Institution, in acknowledgment of his zealous services in that capacity.

Paid 188J. 13». Id. for life-boat carriages; 102*. 6s. for life-boat stores; and 515/. 7s. 2 *. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Reported—The services of the Lytham life-boat in putting off and rescuing the crew of 6 men from the brigaiitine Robert and Henry, of Dundalk, which was wrecked on the Horse Bank, during foggy weather on the 13th December last. The lifeboat's crew had received salvage for this service.

Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution and II. to HENRY BOYD, and 51. to 5 other men, for putting off in a fishing-boat, and rescuing, after three attempts, the crew of 8 men of the brigantine Water Lily, of Dublin, which was, in moderate weather but heavy surf, wrecked in Dundrum Bay on the 9th December last.

Also the Second Service Clasp to Mr. W. H. TREGIDGO, and 81. 5s. to his 2 boats' crews, for putting off and rescuing 2 crews, consisting of 11 men from the schooner Union, of Vannes, and lugger Anais, of St. Vaast, which were wrecked during a gale of wind off New Quay, Cornwall, on the 26th October last.

Also 61. to 6 men, for putting off and rescuing 16 men from the schooner Ardent, of Belfast, which was, during cloudy weather and in a heavy surf, wrecked off Maryport Pier on the 18th Nov. last.

Also 61. to 6 men, for putting off in a boat, and rescuing, at some risk of life, the crew of 7 men from the French schooner Amphitrite, of Dunkirque, which was wrecked off Pendower Beach, Falmouth, on the 1st November last.

Also the Silver Medal of the Institution to C. R. M. TALBOT, Esq., MrP., Mr. JOHN WILLIAMS, farmer, and 31. to 4 others, in acknowledgment of their intrepid services in wading into the surf, and rescuing some of the crew of the barque Sunda, of Jersey, which during a gale of wind was wrecked on Cenfig Sands, Porthcawl, on the 2nd November last. Mr. TALBOT and Mr. WILLIAMS had very courageously exerted themselves on the occasion, by wading into the surf to the rescue of some of the crew.

Also the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, and l, to SAMUEL DUNN, in acknowledgment of his intrepid and prompt services in rescuing, at considerable risk of life, 4 persons from a bathing-machine, which had become overwhelmed by the flowing tide off Hunstanton, on the Norfolk coast, on the 22nd September last.

Also 91. 10s. to the crew of a Pakefield yawl, for putting off and rescuing, at some risk of life, the crew of 7 men from the brig Golden Grove, of South Shields, which was wrecked on the Holm Sands, Suffolk, on the 28th October last.

Also 71. 10s. to 12 persons, for rendering assist- ance to the crew of a capsized boat of the Austrian brig Tikey, of Trieste, which was wrecked off St.

John's Point, on the 14th December last. Also the Silver Medal to Captain G. A. E. RIDGE, R.N., Inspecting-Commander of the Coast-guard, for wading into the surf, at the risk of his life, to the rescue of 1 of the crew of the foregoing salvor's boat.

Thursday, 2nd February. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., V.P., F.K.S., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committee.

Elected Sir E. G. L. PERROTT, Bart., Vice-Adm.


Read letter from the Rev. Lord SIDNEY GODOLPHIN OSBORNE, of Durweston, of the 31st January, stating that he had carefully looked into the Report and Balance Sheet of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, and the manner in which its business was conducted. As far as he was any judge, the method of conducting the affairs of the Society was as good as its objects were praiseworthy.

He requested that his name might be entered as an annual subscriber to its funds.— To be thanked.

Decided—To receive into connection with the Institution the Margate life-boat, which had been presented by Miss BURDETT COOTTS last year to that town.

Also that a life-boat establishment be formed at Kingsgate, near Margate.

Read letter from the Secretary of the Admiralty, forwarding, in accordance with a request made through Captain WASHINGTON, R.N., Hydrographer of the Admiralty, a series of Charts of the principal parts of the Coasts and Harbours of the United Kingdom, showing thereon the Life-boat Stations, and Mortar and Rocket Apparatus.— To be thanked.

Reported the transmission of the Carmarthen Bay life-boat and carriage to their station on the 21st January. A free conveyance had been given to them by the Great Western and South Wales Railway Companies.— To be thanked. ' Also of the St. Andrew's life-boat and carriage on the 25th idem, on board of one of the London and Dundee Steam Packet Company's vessels To be thanked.

Head letter from Admiral PARIS, C.B., of the French Imperial Navy, of 6th January, expressing his thanks for the Cork life-belt which had been presented to him by this Institution, and stating that he would call the attention of the French Minister of Marine to that description of life-belt, which Admiral PARIS considered admirably adapted for its purpose.

Also from Messrs. POTTO BROWN and SONS, of Huntingdon, of 24th January, transmitting a draft for 301.8s., which they had collected amongst their friends and others in aid of the funds of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION. — To be thanked.

Also from Mr. HITCHINS, shipowner of Bristol, of the same date, forwarding an annual subscription of 51. to this Institution, being K for each of the following five vessels,—the brig James Gibson, brig Marianne, barque Minerva, barque Star of Peace, and barque Frances.

Also from THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq , V. P., F.R.S., Deputy Chairman of the Institution, of 25th January, forwarding a copy of a resolution passed by the Whitby Local Committee, condemning their present life-boat, and requesting information from this Institution respecting the building of a new life-boat.—Ordered the usual preparatory Life-boat Papers to be forwarded to the Local Committee.

Also from Lieut. SIMMONS, R.N., of Southwold, of the 18th January, stating that the Prussian government had granted an additional reward of 301. to the crew of the Southwold life-boat, for saving the crew of the brig Lucinde, of Memel, on 17th September last.

Also from Dr. ACLAND, Regius Professor of Medicine at Oxford, of the llth January, requesting information as to the plau for the restoration of persons apparently diovned adopted by this Institution.—Ordered the Medical Papers to be sent to Dr. ACLAND.

Reported that the late EDWIN CUTHBERT, Esq., of Denmark Hill, had left a legacy of 501. to the Institution.

Reported that a benevolent lady, who had withheld her name, had presented to the Institution the cost of the following life-boats and their equipments:—St. Ives and Newquay, in Cornwall; Tyrella, county Down; and Buckie, in Banffshire.—Decided that, if found practicable, life-boat stations be formed at each of these places.

Produced papers relative to Messrs. DooLLiS and LAHURE'S plan of life-boat.

Paid 500/. to Messrs. FORRESTT for various lifeboats.

Also 676?. 8s. lid. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution to Captain WASEY, R.N., Inspecting Commander of the Coast-guard, JOHN Fox, chief boatman of Coastguard, coxswain, and 271. 2». 6d. to pay the ex-penses of the Fleetwood life-boat in putting off and rescuing, after several attempts, 1 man of the crew of the schooner Ann Mitchell, of Montrose, which was totally wrecked, during a heavy gale of wind off Fleetwood, on the night of the 22nd January last. Also 51. to pay the expenses of the same life-boat in putting off and rescuing, after three attempts, the crew of 6 men of the schooner Jane Roper of Ulverstone, which had sunk off Fleetwood during a gale of wind on the 23rd January last.

Also 61. 6s. to pay the expenses of the Thorpeness life-boat in putting off and rescuing 3 out of 7 of the crew of the brig Pallas, of Shields, which during a heavy gale of wind was wrecked on Sizewell Bank on the 24th January last.

Also 4Z. to a Taoafs crew of 4 men for putting off and rescuing the master, his wife, and 4 men, from the brigantine Eagle, of Goole, which was wrecked off Douglas, Isle of Man, during hazy weather, on the 21st of December last.

Also the Second Service Clasp and 11. to DANIEL SHEA, coxswain of the Padstow life-boat; the thanks of the Institution to Mr. TREGIDGO, chief officer of Coast-guard, and I/.' to JOSEPH KNIGHT, for their services, in assisting with others to land the crew of the ship James Alexander, of Liverpool, which was wrecked off- Padstow daring a very heavy gale of wind on the 22nd January.

Also the Silver Medal and 11. to Mr. JOHN DYER, in acknowledgment of his gallant services in wading into the surf at the peril of his life, and rescuing the master of the schooner Beverley, of Goole, which during a heavy gale of wind was wrecked under Upton Cliff, near Bude, on the 26th October last.

Also 91. to a boat's crew of 9 men for putting off, at risk of life, with the view of rescuing the crew of a brig which was observed to be in distress on the Whiting Sands, during hazy weather, on the 1st December last. The shipwrecked crew had taken to their own boat, and were picked up by a fishing-smack just before the arrival of the shore-boat on the spot.

Also 11.10s. to 2 men for rendering assistance to 1 out of 3 men of the sloop Spread .Back's boat, which had capsized on the Dutchman's Bank, Beaumaris Bay, on the 4th December last.

Also 21. to 4 men for rendering assistance to the crew of 3 men of a fishing-boat, which was upset off Hillswick, Shetland, on the llth November last.

Voted 541. 9s. 9d. to pay the expenses of the Portmadoc, Llanddwyn, Barmouth, Newbiggin, and Carnsore life-boats, for putting off with the view of rendering assistance to vessels which had signals of distress flying or were supposed to be in distress.

Thursday, 1st March. THOMAS BARING, Esq., M.P., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committee.

Approved of the draft of the Annual Report of ,the Institution, and ordered it to be read at its Annual Meeting, which was held at the London Tavern on Thursday the 15th March last.

Read letter from the Secretary of the Royal Mersey Yacht Club, of 29th February, stating that the Club had given a Ball in aid of the funds of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, and that the proceeds of the same had amounted to 75Z.— To be thanked.

Read letter from Captain WASHINGTON, R.N., of this date, forwarding communications from the Ambassador at this Court, and the Minister of Marine of Denmark and Sweden, expressing the thanks of their Government to this Institution for copies of the pamphlet on the Management of Boats in Heavy Surfs, and forwarding a Swedish translation of the same.—To express to the Danish Minister how sensible the Committee were of the honour conferred on the NATIONAL LITE-BOAT INSTITUTION of England by the translation in question.

Also from Captain HAISTED, R.N., Secretary to Lloyd's, of 9th February, stating that the Committee for managing the affairs of that establishment had decided on moving, at their next general meeting, that a grant of 251. should be made in aid of the funds of this Institution.— To be thanked.

Also from the Secretary of the Royal Thames Yacht Club, of 2nd February, stating that the Club had decided on voting an additional grant of 101. to this Institution.— To be thanked.

Read letter from Mr. ANDREW A. RANKIN, Hon.-Secretary of the Glasgow Branch, of 1st February, forwarding a draft for 1861. 10». 9d., being 153J. 2s. 9 i. in Donations, and SSI. 8s. in Annual Subscriptions.— To be thanked.

Also from Mr. H. WILKINSON, at Messrs. Trimmer's & Grainger, No. 46 Lower Thames-street, of the 6th and 13th February, forwarding 41.4s. in Annual Subscriptions, and 11. Is. Donation, collected by him in aid of the funds of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT IHSTITDTION.— To be thanked.

Read letter from T. B. POTTER, Esq., V.P., of Manchester, stating that a meeting of some of the inhabitants of that city had been held in the Mayor's parlour, with the -view of forming a Branch of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION there. The meeting was influentially attended, and be expressed a hope that good results would emanate from it. Mr. POTTER'S anticipations have not been disappointed—thanks to his own indefatigable exertions—for the Branch has remitted to the parent Institution 5 XW., exclusive of his own munificent donation of 1O51.

Reported the transmission of the Thorpeness (Suffolk) life-boat and carriage to their station on the 14th ultimo.

Read letter from Mr. E. EGERTON, of Wish Crescent, Southsea, Hants, of the 3rd February, calling attention to his plan for facilitating the launching of life-boats.— To be acknowledged.

Also from Mr. WILLIAM HUGHES, of Rhyl, of 21st February, stating that in consequence of being about to remove from that place to Margate, he had been compelled to resign his office of Hon.

Secretary of that Branch.

Decided—That the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, be presented to Mr. HUGHES, in acknowledgment of his long and zealous services as Hon. Sec. of the Rhyl Branch.

Also from LEWIS RiCAKno, Esq., M.P., of 24th February, forwarding a contribution of 51. to the Institution, and stating that there was no Society for benevolent purposes in this country which he considered more deserving of support than the Life-boat Society.— To be thanked.

Paid 5401. lls. to Messrs. FORRESTT for various life-boats. Also 861. 12s. 4d. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted the Second Service Clasp to Captain WASEY, R.N., and 41. 14s. to pay the expenses of the Fleetwood life-boat, for putting off and rescuing the crew of 4 men of the schooner Catherine, of Newry, which was wrecked off Fleetwood during a gale of wind and heavy snow-squalls, on the 19th February last.

Also 227. 9s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Ayr life-boat, for going off and saving the master and crew, consisting of 11 men, from the barque Niagara, of Shields, which was driven on shore about two miles north of Ayr Harbour, during a strong gale of wind on the 19th February last.

Also the Silver Medal of the Institution to Captain DAVIES, R.N., GEORGE MILMGAN, Coxswain of the life-boat, and 267. to 13 men, for putting off in the Yarmouth surf life-boat, and rescuing, during a heavy gale of wind,' 5 men from the smack John Bull, of that town, which went on shore on the north side of the harbour on the night of the 17th February.

Reported—The services of the Ramsgate Harbour life-boat, in conjunction with the Commissioners' steam-tug, in putting off and towing into harbour the Danish schooner fbrtuna, which was on the Goodwin Sands on the 21st February last.

Voted 61. Is. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Teignmouth life-boat, for putting off and saving 2 men with their barge which was observed disabled off that place during a gale of wind on the 20th February last.

Also 21.10s. to the crew of a shore-boat for putting off in stormy weather, and saving the crew of 2 men of the smack Dove, of Seaton, which was wrecked in Withorn Bay on the 28th January last.

Also the Silver Medal of the Institution to THOMAS BAKER, and the thanks of the Committee, inscribed on vellum, to six other men, for their services in rescuing 4 out of 6 of the crew of the schooner Sentinel, of Carnarvon, which was wrecked on the back of the Isle of Wight on the 4th Dec. last. Each man had also locally received a money reward. The Institution also presented its thanks to the Rev. J. PELLEW GAZE and Mr.

THOMAS WAY, for their valuable services in aiding to launch the boat. Mr. GAZE, whose thanks were inscribed upon vellum, had waded into the surf up to his waist to render assistance on the occasion.

Also 49/. 4s. to pay the expenses of the Fraserburgh, Wicklow, Cahore, and Holyhead life-boats, for putting off, with the view of rendering assistance to vessels which had either signals of distress flying, or had been supposed to be in distress.