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Life-Boat Services

IT is satisfactory to find that during the terrific gales of the few months that have passed of the present year, the life-boats in connection with the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION have been instrumental in rescuing one hundred and fifteen of our fellow-creatures from a watery grave, as briefly detailed on the accompanying tabular statement. It will be observed that the boats have also, on several occasions, assisted vessels with valuable cargoes safely into harbour; and that their crews have assembled in rough weather many times, so as to be ready for any emergency that might arise. Nearly all the services of the life-boats took place, as usual, during stormy weather and heavy seas—and frequently in the dark hour of the night; yet not a single accident happened either to the crews or the boats.

It is gratifying to observe at the present day, on so many dangerous points of our coast, that no sooner is the minute- gun heard, or the signal of distress seen, than the life-boat speeds her way to the stranded ship. " Who that has seen a life-boat put forth in the very fury of a storm, but has watched the fight with the elements with intense excitement! Who that has seen the same boat return, laden with rescued human life, but has felt a sublime emotion such as we experience only by witnessing heroic and self-denying acts.