Barometers for Life-Boat Stations
THE NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION is about to place Barometers, wherever found practicable, at each of its life-boat stations round the coasts, in order that the seafaring population of the neighbourhood may be warned in time of a coming storm. REAR ADMIRAL FITZROY, F.R.S., having been requested to aid the Institution with his advice in the matter, immediately promised the undertaking his cordial co-operation, and has subsequently addressed the following letter to the Secretary:— "Board of Trade (and Admiralty), Meteorological Department, " 2 Parliament Street, London, S. W.
"Sir, " You request my opinion on behalf of the Committee of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION respecting Barometers, with instructions for their use at Life-boat stations, and ask whether I would co-operate in their establishment.
" In reply to the first question, I beg that you will submit to the Committee the first pages of a Barometer and Weather Guide, with its accompanying Manual, published by the BOARD OF TRADE, and will show them one of the Barometers supplied now to thirty-three of the populous —the poorest, and the most exposed fishing villages in Great Britain.
" Such a Barometer, packed as I now send it for your inspection, may be forwarded anywhere; and the directions show how to use it, including suspension or removal.
"The price paid by the Board of Trade is 41., exclusive of packing and carriage.
"As a Member of the Committee of the Institution, I shall have great satisfaction in aiding its objects—the utility of which, cannot be disproved or over-rated.
«I am, &c.
"ROBERT FITZROY, Rear-Admiral."
We are compelled, from want of space, to postpone our observations on this subject; but we may add that a benevolent gentleman, desirous to assist the Institution in carrying out this laudable design, which will involve an expense of about 50(W., has given it 501. to begin with. Measures have also been taken by the Society to elicit, by a series of questions addressed to its Honorary Secretaries, every information relative to this important object.