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Royal National Life-Boat Institution, For the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck

THE object of this Institution, as declared in its title, is to afford assistance to every Shipwrecked Person around the coasts of the United Kingdom.

The chief means by which it hopes to carry this object into effect are— By the establishment of efficient Life-boats on the points of the coast most exposed to Shipwreck, and organizing and training Crews ready to man the boats at all times, in case of wreck.

By granting Pecuniary Rewards to persons who go off in Life-boats, or otherwise assist in saving life from wreck; and by conferring Honorary Gold and Silver Medals for distinguished gallantry in such service.


1. The Institution shall consist of a Patron and Vice-Patrons, President, Vice-Presidents, and Governors; Committee of Management, Sub- Committees, Treasurer, Trustees, Auditors, Secretary, and Inspector.

2. Donors of ten guineas at one time are entitled to be Life-Governors of the Institution, and Subscribers of one guinea annually to be Governors during the period of their subscriptions; each of these will be entitled at a General Meeting to ... 1 Vote.

Donors of twenty guineas, or subscribers of two guineas annually, to have each . . . 2 Votes.

Donora of thirty guineas, or Subscribers of three guineas annually, each . . . 3 Votes.

Donors of fifty guineas, or Subscribers of five guineas annually, each . . . 4 Votes.

Donors of one hundred guineas, or Subscribers of ten guineas annually, each . . . 6 Votes.

Donors of twenty-five guineas, or upwards, to be eligible to be elected Vice-Presidents.

All annual subscriptions, whenever paid, shall be deemed subscriptions for the then current year, ending on the 31st December next.

3. The affairs of the Institution shall be administered by a General Committee of Management, to consist of not less than ten Governors, who shall elect their own Chairman and Deputy-Chairman.

The President and Vice-Presidents shall be ex-officio members of the Committee, and take the chair when present.

4. Three members of the Committee to be a quorum, except on alt questions involving an outlay exceeding one hundred pounds, when the quorum shall be five. All questions in Committees to be determined by the majority of members present, including the Chairman; and in the case of the members dividing equally, the Chairman to have the casting vote.

5. The Committee of Management shall meet from time to time at least once in every month, to receive and consider the Reports of the Sub- Committees, and if sanctioned, to give the necessary instructions for their recommendations being carried into effect, as well as for conducting the general affairs of the Institution.

6. The Committee, at any meeting at which five members may be present, or any twenty Governors of the Institution, shall have power to call an extraordinary General Meeting, on giving fourteen days' notice to the Secretary, and in three of the public papers, stating the object for which it is convened.

7. The Committee to have power to make regulations for their own government. All the officers of the Institution to be appointed by them, to receive their instructions from them, and hold their situations at their pleasure.

8. Drafts upon the Treasurer or Bankers to be signed, and all bills from the country to be accepted, by two members of the Committee, or any two of the Trustees of the Institution, such drafts to be countersigned by the Secretary.

9. All investments in the public funds to be made in the names of three Trustees, and all Exchequer bills which ma.y be purchased shall be deposited at the Bankers', subject to the control of two members of Committee, one of whom to be a Trustee.

10. Whenever it shall appear that the balance at the Bankers' exceeds the sum of 3002., unless there is likely to be some immediate call for it, such excess shall be invested in Government securities. The Banters' book shall be laid open the table at each meeting of Committee, and the balance reported and entered in the Minutes.

No debts to be contracted, or payments made, exceeding 51. but by the authority of the Committee.

11. The Committee of Management shall have power to fill up all vacancies that may occur by death or resignation, or to add to their number by the election of any new member whom they may deem eligible, such election to take place at the meeting next after that at which he may have been proposed.

12. The Committee shall keep a full record of all its transactions and proceedings. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a minute-book of the meetings of the General Committee and of the Sub-Committees, a precis-book, a letter-book, a list of subscribers, and the accounts of the Institution.

13. The Committee shall convene a General Meeting of the Subscribers to the Institution on the 4th day of March, or as soon after as may be convenient, in each year, and shall lay before such meeting (in all cases in which the Institution has voted a reward) a statement of the number of persons who may have been saved from shipwreck, with the names of the vessels to which they belonged 5 also a list of the names of all persons to whom medals or rewards may have been voted, with the particulars of the services they rendered.

The names, also, and circumstances of any persons who may have unfortunately perished in an attempt to save the lives of others, with the particulars of the assistance afforded to their wives and families. Also an account of the receipts, disbursements, and funds of the Institution for the past year, Audited by a Public Accountant.

Also a return of all the life-boats belonging to, or established by, or in connexion with, the Institution, their actual state and condition, and that of the boat-houses, carriages, and stores appertaining to them.

14. The rules of the Institution not to be changed, except by the resolution of a General Meeting specially convened, confirmed by a subsequent extraordinary or Annual General Meeting.FORM OF BEQUEST OF HONEY, STOCK, OR OTHER PERSONAL ESTATE.

I give and bequeath to the Treasurer (for the time being) of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, London, for the purposes of the said Institution, the sum of £ [if stock or personal estate, describe it], to be paid out of such part of my personal estate as the law permits to le bequeathed to charitable purposes.


April, 1860.