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Royal National Life-Boat Institution. Appeal



Chairman— THOMAS BARING, ESQ., M.P., V.P. Chairman of Lloyd's.

Dep.-Chairman—THOMAS CHAPMAN, ESQ., F.R.S., V.P. Chairman of Lloyd's Register of British and Foreign Shipping Society.


THE Committee of this Institution earnestly appeal to the Public for assistance to aid them to meet the heavy and increasing demands on its limited funds.

The Society has, at the present time, Ninety-six Life-boat Establishments in connection with it, and others are in course of formation at the Isle of Wight, North Berwick, and other places.

The following are extracts from the General Rules of Management of the Life-boat Stations:— " Each Life-boat to have a Coxswain Superintendent, with a fixed Salary of 8;. a-year.

" The Life-boat to be regularly taken afloat for exercise once every quarter, fully manned and equipped, so that the Crew may be familiar with her properties and proper management. On every occasion of exercise the men are paid 5s. each in stormy weather, and 3*. each in fine weather; and on every occasion of going off to a Wreck to save Life, each man of the Crew receives 10s. by day and 11. by night; but extra or double awards for any special act of gallantry or exertion.

" The Crew are provided with Lifebelts. The Coxswain is required to keep a list of all the Lifeboat Stores, which shall be examined once a quarter by the Local Committee, in order to their being repaired, or replaced, if in the least degree in a doubtful condition.

" The Life-boat to be kept, on her Carriage, in the Boat-house, with all her gear in her ready for use, except articles which require to be secured from damp. Signals are agreed upon for calling the Life-boats' Crews together; and immediately on intimation of a Wreck, or Vessel in distress, the Coxswain is to muster his Crew, launch his Boat, and proceed to her assistance." " The Local Committee to make quarterly inspection, and Report to the Institution as to the behaviour of the Boat during exercise, pointing out any defect that may be remedied, and offering any suggestion that may conduce to the efficiency of the service." By these arrangements the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION hopes to have efficient Life-boat Establishments all around the coasts of the United Kingdom; but to effectually attain the objects of the Institution, it will be manifest that a considerable expense must be incurred, amounting, in fact, from 3007. to 400?. for the first Establishment, and to an average of 307. annually on each Life-boat Station.

The number of lives saved by the Life-boats of the Society, and other means, since its formation, is 11,400; for which, 82 Gold Medals, 650 Silver Medals, and 12,7597. in cash, have been paid in rewards. The Institution has also expended 36,7157.. on Life-boats, Life-boat Transporting-carriages, and Boat-houses.

Without, therefore, the pecuniary assistance, and the hearty general co-operation of the Community at large, the objects of this Society cannot be carried out. Its Committee of Management, therefore, earnestly appeal to the Public to aid them in this necessary and philanthropic undertaking.

The Committee gratefully acknowledge the following recent additional Contributions:— s,. s. d.

Hankey, S. A., Esq., Brighton . . . . dim. 10 0 0 Hill, W. Haswell, Esq., Manchester . annual 1 1 0 Holford, Mrs. Gwynne, Buckland. . . don. 10 0 0 Holford, E. S., Esq., M.P dm. 10 10 0 Hudson, E., Esq., Eton annual 1 1 0 Kerr, Messrs. W. H. and Co., Worcester annual 1 1 0 Kidd, Miss, Broxbourne don. 5 0 0 Lillycrop, Eev. Samuel annual 0 5 0 Long, Miss Tylney, Albourne . . . . don. 5 5 0 Long, Miss Emma Tylney, ditto . . . don. 5 5 0 Makant, William, Esq., Gilnow Lodge . dm. 1011 0 Martin, Sir Henry, Bart. . . . . SOi don, 10 0 0 dm. 10 10 0 £. t. d.

Chadwick, Mrs., Millbank dm. 100 0 0 Garland, E. W, Esq., Queen's Gate . . dm. 100 0 0 Hibernia don. 50 0 0 A. B don. 10 0 0 Arden, The Hon. Miss 3rd don. 10 10 0 Cave, Stephen, Esq., M.P. don. 10 10 0 Ditto annual 1 1 0 Chester, the Very Rev. the Dean of . . don. 5 0 0 Clifford, Admiral Sir Augustus . . . don. 3 0 0 Ditto annual 1 1 0 Cochrane, Admiral Sir Thomas, K.C.B. 6th don. 10 0 0 Collier, Rear-Admiral don. 5 0 0 Crossley, John and Sons, Messrs. Halifax awn. 10 0 0 Debenham, V. G., Esq., Cheapside . . . don. 5 0 0 Dixon, Mrs., Stanstead don. 10 0 0 Ellis, General annual 1 1 0 Fanshawe, Rev. Arthur don. 10 0 0 Flower, Chas. E,, Esq., Stratford-on-Avon don. 3 3 0 Foster, James, Esq., Mark House-lane . don. 31 10 0 Friend, A, per Sir Edw. Perrott, Bart. . don. 5 5 0 Frith, J. G., Esq., Austin Friars . . . don. 10 0 0 Frowd, Rev. Edward don. 5 0 0 Gbff, Joseph, Esq., Hale Park . . . annual 10 0 0 Grenfell, Messrs., Pascoe and Sons . . don. 25 0 0 Mocatta, F. D., Esq., per T. Baring, Esq., M.P.

Paris, C. B., Esq., Liverpool . . . annual 2 2 0 Basch, A., Esq., Lloyd's, per T. Chapman, Esq.

don. 10 10 0 Eobinson, Bev. T. E. B annual 5 0 0 Stephens, Miss, Broxbonme . . . . don. 5 0 0 Warden, Captain, E.N., C.B. . . . 4ft dm. 10 0 0 Willson,Mrs. Thomas,Lavender-Wll. '2nd don. 5 0 0 Young, Captain, late of the Arctic yacht fox 2nd don. 10 0 0 Potter, T. B., Esq., Manchester . . . dm. 105 0 o Donations and Annual Subscriptions will be thankfully received by Messrs. WILLIS, PEKCIVAL, and Co., 76 Lombard-street, Bankers to the Institution; Messrs. HERBIES, FARQUHAR, and Co., 16 St. James's street; Messrs. CODTTS and Co., 59 Strand; LONDON and CODHTT BANK, 21 Lombard-street; by all the London and Country Bankers; by the several Metropolitan Army and Navy Agents; and by the Secretary, RICHARD LEWIS, at the Office of the Institution, 14 JOHN STREET, ADELPHI, London, W. C.

Payments may be made by Cheques, or by Post-office Orders (crossed), to Messrs. WILIIS, PEBCIVAI, and Co., or to the Secretary..