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National Life-Boat Institution. Services of Its Life-Boats During 1859


FROM the annexed tabular statement it will be seen that during the year which has just ceased the life-boats of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION have, at various points of our coasts, been actively called into operation on sixty-one different occasions.

The result has been that they have saved 218 lives from thirty-nine wrecks, besides assisting five vessels safely into port. On twenty-nine occasions it happened that when the life-boats had put off in reply to signals of distress, the vessels had either got out of danger, or their crews been rescued by other means. Life-boats' crews also assembled several times to give assistance, but were not required to put off to sea. For these valuable exertions the- total sum paid to life-boats' crews was 733/. 18s. 9fl. On these occasions, and on those of quarterly exercise, the lifeboats were manned probably by no less than 4,000 persons; Nearly all the services took place in stormy weather and heavy seas, and often in the dark hour of the night.

Such practical proofs as these of the great value 'of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFEBOAT INSTITUTION, in a maritime country like ours, cannot possibly be overrated. It has now ninety-six life-boat stations under its management.- -On an average, each station requires 30Z. a*year to maintain it in a state of thorough efficiency. This good work can perpetuated by permanent endowments and the continued support of the public to the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.