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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

Thursday, 5th May, 1859. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., V.P., F.R.S., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committee.

Read and approved the Inspector's Report of his recent visit to the life-boat stations on the Norfolk coasts—Decided that instructions be given to build, at the boatmen's own particular request, a surf life-boat for Yarmouth, in lieu of the life-boat previously sent there by the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFEBOAT INSTITUTION.

Ordered the Exmouth life-boat to be named the Victoria, on the suggestion of LADY ROLLE, who had paid the Institution yjbl. for the life-boat establishment of that seaport.

Reported that the Great Western, Bristol and Exeter, Great Northern, and Great Eastern Railway Companies had, with their usual kindness, given a free conveyance to the Exmouth and Whitburn life-boats and carriages from London to stations near their destinations.—To be thanked.

Laid on the table copies of the pamphlet on the Management of Boats in Heavy Surfs and Broken Water, and ordered the same to be circulated, and also to be translated into French.

Read letter from THOMAS BRASSEY, Jun., Esq., of 56 Lowndes Square, of the 13th April, forwarding a donation of 10!., " as an earnest of the great interest which, as a yachtsman of many and long voyages, and an Englishman proud of the maritime supremacy of his country, he had ever taken in the successful operations of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION."—To be thanked.

Also from the Secretary of the Junior United Service Club, of the 23rd April, stating that the Committee had decided on presenting to this Institution a donation of 10L 10s.; and that they purposed to recommend at their next general meeting an annual grant of that amount. — To be thanked.

Also from Dr. GWYNNE, of Culverland Cottage, Exeter, directing attention to his scheme for increasing the security and modifying the motive power of life-boats.— To be acknowledged.

Also from Mr. ONION, of George Street, Euston Square, calling attention to his plan of life-boat.—To be acknowledged.

Also from Messrs. RICHARDSON of 9th April, forwarding a communication relative to their tubular plan of life-boat.

Decided that Messrs. RICHARDSON be informed that in the event of any application being made to this Institution from any station for a boat on their plan, it would be taken into consideration ; and also that if an opportunity presented itself for further developing the qualities of their plan of boat, the Institution would, if practicable, embrace it.

Read letter from Capt. KENNEDY, R.N., of 30th April, forwarding a plan and specifications, with a model of a life-boat from Chief Boatman THOMAS WEIGHT, of Guns Island Coast-Guard Station.-—To be acknowledged.

Reported the transmission of the Aberdovey new life-boat to her station on the 2nd April.

Read letter from T. J. AGAR ROBARTES, Esq., M.P., of 28th April, stating that he, in conjunction with the Hon. Mrs. AGAE, would defray the cost of the proposed Lizard life-boat establishment.—To be thanked.

Paid 4:571. 4s. 6d. for sundry charges on life-boats and life-boat carriages. Also 1581. Us. lOd. for the Lowestoft life-boat house, and 2701. 14s. 4d. for life-boat stores.

Reported the services of the Cullercoats life-boat in putting off on the 29th March and 18th April to render help to two pilot cobles. The life-boat was manned on both occasions by a volunteer crew, who made no charge for rendering help to their own comrades. The crew spoke favourably of both the life-boat and carriage.

Voted 13Z. 10s. to pay the expenses of the Walmer life-boat for putting off, during the night of the 15th April, and rescuing 1 out of 4 of the crew of the sloop Liberal, of Wisbeach, which was wrecked on the Goodwin Sands on the morning of that day.

The life-boat was reported to have behaved exceedingly well on the occasion. (See No. 33, p. 190, for a full account of this gallant service.) Also 241. 15s. to pay the expenses of the Winterton new life-boat, for putting off' during a gale of wind and rescuing the crew of 9 men of the barque Alecto, of Fredrichstadt, which was wrecked off Winterton on 24th April last Voted the Silver Medal and 11.• to ALEXANDER BAIN, seaman, in testimony of his gallant services in wading into the surf at the peril of his life, and conveying a line on board the French barque Azalea, of Nantes, by which means her crew of 3 hands were rescued. The vessel had gone on the rocks off' Skerries, near Dublin, during a gale of wind on 28th April last.

Also a reward of 21. 10s. to a boat's crew of 5 men for putting off in a boat and rescuing 2. out of 5 persons from the schooner Slue Jacket, of Bangor, which was wrecked on the Latton Sands, off Beaumaris, on 20th March last.

Also 41. to a boat's crew of 4 men, for putting off in a boat and rescuing 2 women who had been left on a waste rock off Sellerna, on the coast of Donegal, on 10th March last.

Also the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum to WILLIAM SHANNON and JOHN GEORGE, of Shields, for wading into the surf at the risk of their lives to the rescue of the crew of the schooner Sir William Curtis, which, during a gale of wind, went on the rocks off Tynemouth on 14th March last.

Thursday, 2nd June, 1859. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., V.P., F.R.S., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committee.

Read letter from Capt. PRIEST, R.N., Hon.

Sec. of the Holy head Branch, of the 1st June, stating that he had been authorized by the Admiralty to complete the repairs of the Holyhead life-boat house.—To be acknowledged.

Read letter from the President of the Calais Humane Society of the 6th 'May, calling attention to a description of a lifeboat required for that port.—Ordered the communication to be forwarded to the Board of Trade, who had placed, in the first instance, the life-boat at that town.

Read letter from the Secretary to the Admiralty, 18th May, stating that the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty had decided on distributing copies of the pamphlet issued by this Institution on the Management of Boats in Heavy Surfs and Broken Water amongst her Majesty's ships in commission.

Also from the Secretary at War, stating that instructions had been given to circulate the same pamphlet amongst all the military libraries at home and abroad.

Also from Capt. KENNEDY, R.N., of 14th May, stating that the pamphlet would be circulated amongst the Captains of Districts and Inspecting Commanders of Divisions of the Coast-Guard Service, Also from the Secretary to the Corporation of the Trinity House of 17th May, stating that instructions had been given to distribute the pamphlet on board all the light-vessels of the Corporation.

Ordered copies of " Instructions for the Restoration of the Apparently Drowned," issued by this Institution, to be forwarded to all the foreign Missionary Societies for circulation amongst their mission stations abroad.

Read letter from WILLIAM RASHLEIGH, Esq., of Menabilly, Cornwall, of 23rd May, offering to give 50?. in aid of the cost of the Polkerris, Fowey, life-boat, the site of ground for the life-boat house, and stones for its erection.

Reported also that T. J. AGAR ROBARTES, Esq., M.P., had promised to give 251., and J. F. BtJLLER, Esq., of Morval, 50Z., in aid of the same boat.—To be thanked; and ordered a life-boat and carriage to be built forthwith for Polkerris, Fowey.

Paid 121L 17s. for sundry charges on life-boats and life-boat carriages. Also 130Z. 2s. for the Dungarvan life-boat house.

Voted the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum to Captain ELLISON and Mr. McLELLAN; and 21. to 4 other men, for their services in rescuing 10 of the crew of the brig William Sortie, of Glasgow, which was wrecked off Barra, Western Islands, on 26th Jan. last.

Also 41. to a boat's crew of 4 men for putting off and attempting to rescue, at great risk of life, the crew of 5 men of the French lugger SonccUais, of Bayonne, which was wrecked about 4 miles off Blackrocks, Dundalk Bay, on the 27th April last. The crew were subsequently taken off in finer weather by the same boat's crew, who were accompanied on that occasion by Mr.

McDERMOTT and a French boy. The latter were thanked for their services.

Also 21. 10s. to a boat's crew of 5 men for their services in piloting, during thick weather, the boat of the wrecked- steamer Preston, of Liverpool, through an intricate passage near Holyhead to a place of safety on the 3rd April last.

Also 51. to 5 coast-guard men for putting off in a boat and rescuing, at considerable risk of life, the crew of 4 men of the schooner Amelia, of Salcombe, which was wrecked during a gale of wind off Cardiff on 27th April last.

Thursday, 7th July. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., V.P., F.R.S., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committee. .

The Committee expressed their condolence with the family of the late General BLANSHARD, R.E., C.B. The General had seen considerable service in his time, and was the inventor of the well-known military pontoon which bears his name.

Read letter from Captain WASHINGTON, R.N., of 3rd June, forwarding a letter which he had received from Admiral PARIS, C.B., of the French Navy, in which he kindly offered to translate the pamphlet on the Management of Boats in Heavy'Surfs and Broken Water, &c., into French.—To be thanked.

Also from Lieut. HARRIS, R.N., Hon.

Sec. of the Palling Branch, of 22nd June, stating that he had had a very favourable trial with the Palling new life-boat, on the 21st inst.—To be acknowledged.

Resolved 1.—That the thanks of the ROYAL NATIONAL LITE-BOAT INSTITUTION be presented to Commodore CHARLES EDEN, R.N., C.B., Lord Commissioner of the Admiralty, in acknowledgment of his valuable services and cordial co-operation, as Comptroller-General of Her Majesty's Coastguard, in assisting to carry out the objects of the Institution.

2.—That the Whitburn life-boat be called the Thomas Wilson, after the late Chairman of the Institution, who was one of its founders, and a native of the county of Durham.

Read letter from Mr. F. LACY, of Sherborne Street, Birmingham, of 8th June, calling attention to his plan of life-boat.— To be acknowledged.

Paid 32II. 3s. 2d. for sundry charges on life-boats, life-boat carriages, and life-boat houses. Also 500Z. to Messrs. FORRESTT, on account of life-boats.

Voted a reward of 11. 10s. to a small boat's crew, for putting off in a heavy sea, and rescuing, at some risk of life, 3 out of 4 men who were capsized from a boat in a squall of wind off Casdetownsend, Co.

Cork, on 1st April last.

Also a reward to a boat's crew of 2 men, for their services in rescuing at some risk of life, 4 persons who had been capsized from a boat off Fahy, Clifden, Co. Galway, on 16th April last.