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Her Majesty the Queen's Recognition of Gallant Conduct

THE destruction by fire of H. M.'s troop-ship Birkenhead, in 1852, and of the hired transport Europa,* in 1854, will no doubt be remembered by many of our readers.

Both catastrophes were attended by lamentable loss of human life, and both exhibited in striking colours the courage, endurance, and high discipline of British troops in positions of the utmost peril and difficulty.

We have much gratification in recording the following statement, evincing as it does Her Majesty's appreciation of such nobleness of character in her loyal and devoted subjects :— * An interesting account of the noble and devoted conduct of Colonel Moore and his brave companions in arms will be found in the 13th Number of this Journal.

" A grateful tribute has just been paid by the Queen to the memory of the officers and crew who perished on board the Birkenhead troop-ship. Her Majesty, desirous of recording her admiration of the heroic conduct and unbroken discipline shown on board' that vessel, has caused to be placed on the colonnade at Chelsea Hospital a tablet in commemoration of the event. A tablet has also been erected by command of Her Majesty to the memory of Lieut.-Colonel Willoughby Moore, -who perished on board the Europa.".