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Additional Life-Boat Stations and New Life-Boats

DUNGARVON. — A life-boat station has been established at Dungarvon, in County Waterford, and a 30 ft., single-banked, selfrighting boat, on the Institution's plan, together with a good carriage, has been provided by the Society, a good boat-house being erected for the same by local contributions.

This boat completes a series of seven life-boat stations which the Institution * An admirable boat's compass, in a portable binnacle, has been provided for the life-boats of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION. It may be seen at Mr. DENT'S, Strand.

has established on the south coast of Ireland within the last two years, previous to which time that part of our coast was totally unprovided with life boats.

. — The NATIONAL, LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION has recently established a lifeboat station at Dundalk, on the N.E. coast of Ireland. After the wreck of the barque Mary Stoddart, in April, 1858, when some valuable lives were lost, including that of Captain KELLY, a native of Dundalk, a general desire was felt in the neighbourhood to be provided with a life-boat to meet future similar emergencies. Application having been then made to the Institution, the request was readily acceded to, and with the co-operation of the locality and the munificent gift of the cost of the boat-house by LORD CLERMONT, a selfrighting 30 ft. life-boat, fully equipped and furnished with an excellent carriage, is now available for the prevention of any future loss of life from shipwreck in Dundalk Bay.

ABERDOVEY, NORTH WALES. — A new self-righting 30 ft. life-boat, on the Institution's plan, rowing six oars, single-banked, with a superior carriage, has been placed by the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION at Aberdovey, to replace an old worn-out boat ; and a new boat-house has been erected, the whole establishment requiring to be renewed.

CULLERCOATS, NORTHUMBERLAND. — The life-boat belonging to the Institution at Cullercoats having become affected with dry rot, and being found on examination to be so seriously injured by it as not to be worth repair, a new boat, 30 ft. long, and rowing ten oars, double banked, has been supplied by the Institution to replace her. A new carriage has been provided for this boat, as also at Berwick-on-Tweed, and at Boulmer, and Alnmouth, on the Northumberland coast.

AYR, SCOTLAND. — At the request of the Harbour Commissioners of the Port of Ayr, on the west coast of Scotland, the life-boat station at that place has been recently received into connection with the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, of which it now forms a Branch, and a new life-boat, 32 feet long, rowing 12 oars, double-banked, and on the self-righting principle, has been placed there, at the joint expense of the Institution and the local body, together with a transporting carriage of the newest design.

She has since her arrival at her station been tried, and has met with the entire approval of those who will be called on to man her in the hour of danger. This station, together with some others on the west coast of Scotland, had been allowed to fall to decay; with the aid of the Institution it has now been placed in a state of complete efficiency, and will no doubt be the means of affording invaluable aid to shipwrecked crews.

WHITBURN, DURHAM.—The old life-boat and transporting-carriage at Whitburn having become worn out, and the whole establishment needing renovation, the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION has recently placed a new boat and carriage there, and has built a new house for their reception. The boat is 32 feet long, rows 10 oars, doublebanked, and is self-righting.