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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

Thursday, 2nd Dec., 1858. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committee.

Read letter from his Grace the DUKE of NORTHUMBERLAND, K.G., President of the Institution of 18th Nov., forwarding a communication from Vice-Admiral Sir GEORGE SARTORIUS, requesting that a life-boat might be built for the Portuguese Government on the plan adopted by this Institution.

—Reported that Sir GEORGE had been informed of the two classes of life-boats adopted by the Society, and that he had ordered a 32-feet life-boat, through Mr. PEAKE, to be built by Messrs. FORRESTT.

Also from his Grace the PRESIDENT, of 1st inst., forwarding a communication from Colonel Fox, of Hyeres, Department of the Var, of 29th Nov., requesting particulars for the information of the Due de LUYNES, of the life-boats of the Institution.

Colonel Fox stated that the French duke was desirous to establish some life-boats on the French coast.—Ordered the usual life-boat papers to be transmitted to the Due de LUYNES.

Read and approved the Inspector's Report of the 15th Nov., on his visits to the life-boats on the Norfolk coast.

Read letter from JAMES BURMAN, Esq., Hon.

Sec. of the Castletown Branch, of 29th .Nov., stating that the life-boat on that station, which belongs to this Institution, had been the means of saving a vessel and her crew from, apparently, an almost inevitable death on the previous Friday.— To be acknowledged.

Also from C. H. COOKE, Esq., Hon. Architect, forwarding a drawing of the Exmouth life-boat house, and also the revised estimate from a local builder for its erection—Decided that Mr. COOKE be thanked for the same, and that the estimate of the builder be accepted.

Also from Captain MACLEOD, R.N., of Invergordon, of the 16th Nov., calling attention to his plan for lowering, at night, ships' life-buoys.—To be acknowledged.

Also from Mr. J. DALRYMPLE, of Fraserburgh, of the 22nd Nov., conveying the thanks of a public meeting, of which he was Chairman, to the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, for the new life-boat sent by it to Fraserburgh. A vote of thanks was also passed to Mr. McKERRELL, the benevolent donor of the cost of the life-boat to the Institution.

Also from their Excellencies the Ambassadors of Sardinia, and of Sweden and Norway, conveying the thanks of their respective governments to the Society for the drawings of the life-boat and carriages presented to them.

Also from Lieutenant PESTCHOOROFF, of the Imperial Russian Navy, of 29th Nov., stating that his Imperial Highness the Grand Duke Constantine, High Admiral of Russia, had decided to order three small life-boats and two transporting carriages on the plan of those adopted by tins Institution.—Ordered the same to be proceeded with.

Also a letter from Count BERNSTORFF, the Prussian Ambassador, of the 29th Nov., stating that the Prussian Government were desirous to have a 32-feet life-boat built for them on the plan of the Society.—Ordered the boat to be built accordingly.

Ordered the sale of 10007. Three per Cent. Reduced Annuities from the funded capital of the Institution.

Decided—To station a life-boat and carriage at Lossiemouth, on the north-east coast of Scotland.

Voted the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum to the Rev. C. W. KING, late Hon. Sec. of the Newbiggin Branch, for his zealous and valuable services in that capacity.

Ordered a new life-boat house to be built at Berwick-on-Tweed, and at Carnsore, near Wexford.

Paid 796Z. 15s. %d. for sundry charges on, lifeboats, life-boat carriages, and life-boat houses.

Also 10297, 16s. &d. to Messrs. FORRESTT for life- .boats built by them for the Institution.

Voted, 1 gold medal, 4 silver medals, and 1837.

8s. Gd., for various services rendered by the lifeboats of the Institution, and shore-boats, at several wrecks, the particulars of which will be found detailed in its Annual Report, published in April last.

Thursday, 6th Jan., 1859. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., V.P., F.R S., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committee.

Reported the death of G. HOLGATE FOSTER, 'Esq., Vice-President of the Institution. Mr. FOSTER had been a liberal contributor to the funds of this Society, and had left it a legacy of 1000/.

free of duty.

Read letter from Mr. CUBITT, Hon. Sec. of the Bacton Branch, of 28th Dec., giving an account of a recent favourable trial of the life-boat on that station.

Also from Messrs. FORRESTT, presenting a model to the Institution of a 38-feet life-boat, being the largest life-boat they had hitherto built on Mr. PEAKE'S plan. A boat built after the model had been sent by them to the Cape of Good Hope.

To be thanked.

Reported the transmission of the Tramore and Carnsore life-boats and carriages to their stations.

Free passages had been kindly given to them to Waterford on board the steamers belonging to the Messrs. MALCOLMSON of Waterford.—To be thanked.

Read letter from Captain MARTIN, of Ramsgate, of 22nd Dec., forwarding a report of the services of the Ramsgate life-boat and steam-tug to a vessel on the Goodwin Sands on the previous day.

—To be thanked.

Also from Mr. J. W. MAHER, Hon. Sec.-of the Tramore Branch, of 28th Dec., reporting the result of the recent favourable trial of the new lifeboat sent by this Institution to that station.—To be acknowledged.

Also from the Colonial Secretary of the Cape of Good Hope, of the 13th Oct. last, expressing the thanks of the governor of that colony for the Instructions for the Treatment of the Apparently Drowned, and stating that the same had been published in the Government Gazette.

Also from Mr. P. HEINES, of High-street, Poplar, of 14th Dec., calling attention to his plan of life-boat carriage.—To be acknowledged.

Also from Mr. R. CULVERWELL, of Plymouth, of 9th Dec., submitting his plan for preventing boats from upsetting.—To be acknowledged.

Also from Mr. N. JECGER, of Bergen, of 26th Nov., calling attention to his new plan of tubular life-boat.—To be acknowledged.

Also from Messrs. WHITE of COWES, of 2nd Dec., forwarding a model of a ship's life-boat for exhibition at the Institution.—To be thanked.

Also from the Due de LUYNES, of Hyeres, of 19th Dec., expressing his thanks for the various life-boat papers which had been forwarded to him by the Institution.

Paid 208/. 19s. lid. for sundry charges on lifeboats, life-boat carriages, and life-boat houses.

Also 2501. for the Tramore, Cullercoats, Aberdovey, and Berwick life-boat carriages.

Voted a reward of 61. to 6 men, for putting off and saving 2 men of the crew of the smack Catherine Anne, of Ramsey, which was wrecked during a S.W. gale, off Maryport, on the 7th Oct.


Also 81. to a fishing-boat's crew, for saving the crew of 3 men of the schooner Oak, of Goole, from Goole to Ipswich, which, during a fresh gale and squally weather, was wrecked off Blakeney Harbour, on the 18th Oct. last.

Also 21. to 3 men, for saving a man whose boat was capsized off Britannia Pier, Yarmouth, during cloudy weather, on the 24th Oct. last.

Also 31. 10«. to a boat's crew, for putting off and rescuing 1 out of 3 men of the crew of the schooner Earl Spencer, of Liverpool, which was wrecked during cloudy weather at the mouth of the Boyne, Drogheda, on the 17th Nov. last.

Also a reward of 31. to a boat's crew, for putting off and rescuing 5 out of 6 of the crew of the brig Sampson, of Waterford, which was wrecked during hazy weather off Ballinacourty, near Dungarvan, on the I4th Nov. last.

Also 41. to a boat's crew, for going off and saving the crew of 6 men of the schooner Sealby, of Maryport, which was wrecked during a gale of wind off Innisboffln, on the coast of Donegal, on the 30th Nov. last.

Also the silver medal of the Institution and II.

to JOHN Moss, for saving, at the peril of his life, 1 out of 2 men from the lugger Stowaway's boat, which was run down off Dungeness, on the 19th Dec. last.

Also a reward of 51. 10s. to a boat's crew, for going off and saving 2 persons from a boat which was capsized during squally weather, off Glin, Limerick, on the 13th Nov. last.

Also SI. to a boat's crew, for putting off and rescuing 3 men from a fishing-boat which went to pieces off Nesting, Shetland, during a gale of wind, on the 27th August last.

The Lytham life-boat put off to the assistance of the schooner E If, of Salcombe, which had a signal of distress flying, during a S.W. gale, and succeeded, on the 19th Dec. last, in bringing her into port in safety.

Voted HI. to the crew of the Newbiggin lifeboat, for going off and rescuing 4 persons from the schooner Betsy, of Sunderland, which was wrecked during a strong gale of wind off Newbiggin Point, on the 9th Jan. last.

Also 61. to the crew of the Institution's life-boat at Newcastle, Dundrum Bay, for going off and saving 5 persons from the lugger Louise Amelie, of Nantes, which was wrecked during a gale of wind from the S. in Dundrum Bay, on the 12th Dec. last.

Thursday, 3rd Feb. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committee.

Also from Captain PRIEST, R.N., Hon. See. of the Holyhead Station, of the 2nd Feb., forwarding an account of the services of the Holyhead new life-boat, and stating the great satisfaction the behaviour of the boat had given to her crew.—To e acknowledged.

Also from WILLIAM HUGHES, Esq. Hon. Sec. of the Rhyl Branch, of 1st Feb., giving a detailed account of the services of the tubular life-boat, and of her valuable qualities, especially when being towed by a steam-tug through a heavy sea.

The Committee voted their thanks to the Directors of the Belfast Steam Ship Company, the Great Northern, North Eastern, London and North "Western, and Preston and Wyre Railway Companies, for kindly giving free conveyance to the life-boats and carriages of the Institution to their respective stations on the coast.

Read letter from JAMES PEAKE, Esq., of 17th Jan., stating that, in consequence of his appointment to Her Majesty's Dockyard, Devonport, he was unable to give any further personal attention to superintend the building of the life-boats of the Institution, and suggesting that the Committee might appoint a superintending officer to secure the efficiency of the practical workmanship of the life-boats. Resolved—That the gold medallion of the Institution be presented to Mr. PEAKE in acknowledgment of his eminent services as designer of the 'life-boat now successfully adopted and used by the Institution, as well as for his long and valuable assistance in superintending the building of the Society's life-boats.

Decided—That an application be made to the Admiralty for the occasional absence of Mr. PHOWSE during his working hours to survey the life-boats of the Institution.

Reported the transmission of a new life-boat and carriage to Cullercoats.

Read letter from Mr. PAIN, Hon. Sec. of the Mundesley Branch, of the 22nd Jan., stating that they had had a favourable trial of the Mundesley new life-boat.—To be acknowledged.

Also from Mr. BEATSON, Chief Officer of Coastguard at Fraserburgh, of the 5th Jan., stating that he had collected 12Z. 9s. amongst his friends and acquaintances in aid of the funds of this Institution.

—To be thanked.

Also from his Excellency the Danish Ambassador in London, conveying the thanks of his Government to the Society, for drawings of the life-boat and carriages presented to them.

Read letter from Mr. VAIL, of Belfast, of 26th Jan., calling attention to his plan of wreck-escape.

—To be acknowledged.

Paid 182?. 13s. 9d. for sundry charges on lifeboats, life-boat carriages, and life-boat houses.

Also 400?. to Messrs. FORRESTT for life-boats built by them for the Society. Also 2037. 7s. Id. for life-boat carriages.

Voted the silver medal to JOHN RUDDOCK, boatman, of Filey, in testimony of his general valuable and gallant services in saving life from wrecks on different occasions.

Also a reward of 4/. to a fishing-boat's crew for rescuing 4 out of 5 of the crew of the brig Nancies, of Irvine, which was wrecked off Troon during blowing weather, on the 10th Jan.

Also 101. to the crew of a Pakefield yawl, for putting off and rescuing the crew of 9 men of the brig Slack Prince, of North Shields, which was wrecked during thick weather on the Holme Sands, on the 21st Dec. last.

Also 71. to 7 men, for putting off and rescuing, at the risk of their lives, the crew of 7 men of the schooner Maria, of Bilboa, which was wrecked during a heavy storm, off Lerwick, Shetland, on the 6th Jan. last.

Also 20Z. jto a boat's crew of 20 men, for putting off and rescuing the crew of 8 men of the French brig Druide, of Morlaix, which was wrecked during squally weather off Blakeney, Norfolk, on' the 8th Jan. last.

Thursday, 3rd March, 1859. THOMAS BARING, Esq., M.P., Y.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committee.

Read the following letter from Viscount BURY, M.P.:— 11th February, 1859.

" SIR, " 47, Sloane Street, S. W.

" On the homeward voyage of the steamship Asia from New York, the passengers whiled away the time by contributing short papers in verse and prose to a Magazine which they established on board, and which, partly in allusion to the name of the ship, and partly in honour of Mr. LOTT, her captain, they called the Asiatic Lottery.

" It was proposed by some of the ladies on board, and carried by acclamation, that the MS. of the Magazine should be raffled for, and that the proceeds should be given to the funds of the NATIONAL LITE-BOAT INSTITUTION.

" I have, in consequence, the honour and satisfaction of enclosing a cheque for 211.

" May I request that you will acknowledge the receipt of this note, as I have engaged to communicate your reply to my fellow-passengers ? "They are not without a hope that others may adopt an amusement which made their voyage a pleasant one, and the proceeds of which will, they trust, in the hands of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFEBOAT INSTITUTION, help to alleviate the sufferings of some who have ' gone down to the sea in ships' with less good fortune than the providence of God awarded to themselves.

" I have, &c., To the Secretary of the "(Signed) BURY." Royal National Life-Boat Institution.

Resolved, that the thanks of the Committee be presented to Viscount BURY and his fellow-passengers for their generous contribution.

Also a communication from the workmen of Messrs. FORRESTT, forwarding a contribution of 30/., collected amongst them in aid of the funds of this Institution.—To be thanked for their generous contribution.

Read and approved a draft of the Annual Report read. The same was adopted at the Annual Meeting of the Institution on the 17th March.

Read and approved the Report of the Inspector* on his visit to the life-boats on the south coast.

Ordered a life-boat house to be built at Fleetwood.

Reported the stranding of the steamer Prince Frederick William off Calais, on the 28th February last, and the upsetting of the new life-boat, when three persons lost their lives on the occasion.

Captain WARD, R.N., Inspector of Life-Boats to the Institution, had at once been instructed to proceed to Calais to make inquiries on the subject.

Some farther particulars of this case will be found at page 198.

Bead letters from His Grace the President, of the 16th and 18th February, stating that he would preside at the Annual Meeting of the NATIONAL LITE-BOAT INSTITUTION, if his health would permit him to be in London on the occasion.

Also from Mr. FLETCHER, of Caldy Island, near Tenby, of 21st February, calling attention to his plan of. life-boat.—To be acknowledged.

Also from JAMES PANTON, Esq., Hon. Sec. of the Cullercoats Branch, of 22nd February, stating that they had had a trial with the new life-boat and carriage at Cullercoats, and that the same had gone off satisfactorily.

Reported that Mr. MONTAGUE GORE had delivered a lecture on Life-boats at the Sailors' Home, Wells Street, on 25th February.

The Committee voted their thanks to Captain KENNEDY, K.N., Deputy Comptroller-General of Coast Guard, for kindly allowing Her Majesty's Ship Ajax, to tow the Newcastle, Dundrum, lifeboat from Belfast to her station.

Decided—That a set of five life-belts be presented at the request of the Rev. THOMAS CLEMENTS, of East Wittering, Sussex, to the boatmen of that place, to be worn by them on occasions when their services are required to save life from shipwreck.

The Committee voted their thanks, inscribed on vellum, to Capt. J. B. WILLOUGHBY, R.N., Inspecting Commander of the Coast-Guard, in acknowledgment of his valuable services at the stranding of the barque Aurora, off Rottingdean on 9th February last, and of his zealous exertions in promoting the establishment of several lifeboats on the coast.

Paid 2657. 3s. 3d., for sundry charges on various life-boats, life-boat carriages, and life-boat houses.

Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution to Mr. JOHN RIDGE, and III. to several other men for going off in shore-boats, and rescuing 18 out of 31 men from the schooner Czar, of Hull, which sank on the Vroge Rocks, Lizard Point, during a S.W.

gale, on the 22nd January last.

Also II. to two men for going off and rescuing 2 men from the sloop St. Anne, of Galway, which was wrecked off Rinmore Point, on the coast of Galway, on the 6th February last.

Also II. to a man named JOHN FOI.AN, who, at the risk of his life, swam out to the assistance of a man who was observed to be in an exhausted state in the sea off Derrigimla, Clifden, on the coast of Galway, on the 27th January last.

The thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vel- «lum, were voted to Mr. J. R. JONES, and 11. 10s. to 5 other men, for going off and rescuing the crew of 5 men of the schooner Eliza Pickering, of Hull, which was wrecked off Cymyron, near Holyhead, on the 18th January last.

Also the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, were voted to Mr. KENNETH MURRAY, and 51. 10s. to several men for putting off and assisting the crew of 5 men from the brigantine ftfiney Harley, of Cork, which was found disabled off the Butt of Lewis, during hazy weather, on the 28th December last. Some of the crew had died from famine, and the captain died soon after he had been brought ashore.

Also 21. to a boat's crew for putting off and saving a man from a fishing-boat which had struck on a sunken rock off Innishen Island, on the coast of Donegal, on the 7th January last.

Also 21. 10s. to a boat's crew for going off and rescuing 1 man out of 6 from the schooner Richmond, of Middlesborough, which was wrecked during a S.W. gale off Kingsdown Walmer, on the 2nd February last.

Thursday, 17th March. The Annual General Meeting of the Friends and Supporters of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION was held this day at the London Tavern, Bishopsgate Street, the Right Honourable Sir JOHN SOMERSET PAKINOTON, Bart.,M.P., First Lord of the Admiralty, in the absence of His Grace the DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND, K.G., President of the Society, in the Chair.

The Chairman having opened the Meeting with some remarks:— The Secretary read the Annual Report of the Committee.

Various resolutions were afterwards moved, seconded, and carried unanimously, pledging the Meeting to renewed exertions on behalf of the benevolent objects of the Institution. (The resolutions will l e found in the preceding number of the LIFE-BOAT JOURNAL.) Thursday, 7th April. THOMAS BARING, Esq., M.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committee.

Read letter from the Secretary to the Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners' Society, of the 5th April, forwarding an extract from the Report of the Sub-Committee on the present position of the Society, and stating that in consequence of the great pressure on the funds of that Society which for the last two years had caused an outlay over the income of 10001. per annum, the Committee had thought it right to adopt the recommendation of the Sub-Committee, by raising the subscription of the beneficiary members to three shillings; that in order to prevent such an alteration from injuriously affecting this Institution, the Honorary Agents of the Society would be instructed to urge the continuance of the subscriptions of the Mariners, and that such subscriptions would in future be collected expressly for this Institution, but without, as heretofore, fixing the amount at threepence, in the hope that many masters of vessels and others might be induced to contribute a still larger sum.—To be thanked.

Reported the receipt of an additional donation of 1051. from the Royal Exchange Assurance Corporation ; an annual subscription of IGl. 10s. from the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company, and a further donation of 211. from the Clothworkers' Company.—To be thanked.

Read letter from Sir EDWARD LAMBERT PER- ROTT, Bart., stating that Colonel TULLOH, R.A., Director of the Carriage Department of the Royal Arsenal,Woolwich, had suggested that Mr. MORRIS, the Master Wheelwright of that Department, might be appointed to survey the life-boat carriages of the Institution.

Decided—That Colonel TULLOH be thanked, and that Mr. MORRIS be appointed.

Also from C. H. COOKE, Esq., Hon. Architect, forwarding his report of inspection of the lifeboat houses built on his design at Yarmouth and Lowestoft, and stating that the same had been completed to his satisfaction.

Approved of the pamphlet on the " Management of Boats in Heavy Surfs, &c.," aud ordered the same to be printed and circulated. Also ordered the pamphlet to be translated into French.

The Committee voted their thanks, inscribed on vellum, to R. V. GORHAM, Esq., late Honorary Secretary to the Aldborough, Suffolk, Branch of this Institution, in acknowledgment of his long and valuable services in that capacity.

Read letter from Captain WASHINGTON, R.N., of the 8th March, forwarding a letter from Her Majesty's Consul at Rome of 8th January, who stated that Prince BORGHESE, the owner of a large extent of land on the Italian coast, had requested various particulars relative to the life-boats of the Institution to be furnished to him.—To be acknowledged.

Reported the transmission of the Lossiemouth life-boat and carriage to their station on the 22nd March, and that they had given satisfaction to the inhabitants of the place. A free conveyance had been given to them on board a steamer belonging to A. DUNN, Esq., of Lime Street, London.

—To be thanked.

Read letter from Captain WASEY, H.N., Hon.

Sec. of the Fleetwood Branch, of 20th March, stating that the Fleetwood new life-boat had been tried in a gale of wind, and that she had answered every expectation.

Also from the Hon. MARK ROLLE, of 1st April, stating that he would grant a lease of a piece of ground at Exmouth for the life-boat house at a nominal rent, and that he should be happy to contribute 1(M. annually as a subscription to the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.—To be thanked.

Paid 5391. 6e. 3d. for sundry charges on lifeboats, life-boat carriages, and life-boat houses.

Also 510/. 12s. 9d. to Messrs. FORRESTT for lifeboats built by them for the Institution. Also 1242. Is. 5d. for the Lossiemouth and Dundalk lifeboat carriages.

Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution to DANIEL SHEA, Coxswain of the Padstow life-boat of the Institution, and 7i. to her crew, for going off and rescuing the crew of 7 men of the brigantine Gonsalve, of Nantes, which, during a heavy gale of wind, was wrecked on the Doombar Sand, Padstow, on the 8th March last.

Also 8/. to the crew of the same life-boat for rescuing the crew of 4 men and a pilot from the schooner Frederick William, of Ipswich, which was wrecked on Doombar Sands, Padstow, on the 15th March last.

Also 41. to the crew of the Society's life-boat Mermaid, stationed at Appledore, Bideford, for putting off and rescuing the crew of 5 men of the schooner Caroline, of Fowey, which was wrecked on Northam Burrows, on the llth March last.

Also the thanks of the Committee, inscribed on vellum, to T. B. CHANTER, Esq., Hon. Sec. of the Bideford Branch, in acknowledgment of his long and zealous services in that capacity.

Also 37Z. to pay the expenses of two of the Institution's life-boats stationed at Appledore, for rescuing 2 out of 5 of the crew of the schooner Clifton, of Gloucester, which, during a heavy gale of wind, was wrecked off Bideford on the 12th March last.

Also 61.10s. to the crew of Society's life-boat at Holyhead, for putting off and assisting to bring to a port of safety the schooner Scotia, of Carnarvon, which, during a heavy gale of wind, was observed to be in, distress off the Clipera. Rocks on the 14th March last.

Also llOl. 10s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Kewhaven, Brighton, Teignmouth, Penmon, Fishguard, Portmadoc, Rhyl, Aldborough, and Arklow life-boats, for putting off with the view of rendering assistance to vessels which had signals of distress flying.

Also III. 10s. to pay the expenses of the Thorpness life-boat, which likewise belongs to the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT institution, for putting off during rough weather, and rescuing the crew of 8 men of the brig Velocity, of Sunderland, which was wrecked on Sizewell Bank, on the 2nd April last.

Also 141. to two boats' crews of 7 men, at Barmouth, for their services to the crew of 3 men of the flat Margaret, of Preston, which sank off Mochras Head, Cardigan Bay, during a dense fog on the 3rd March last.

Also 61. to the crew of 12 men of the Irvine lifeboat, for putting off during a gale of wind, and rescuing the crew of 4 men of the schooner Ebenezer, of Beaumaris, which was wrecked on the north side of Irvine Bar, on the 7th March last.