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Mary, of Ramsey

On the 29th March, 1859, a sloop was observed driving towards the shore in Abergele Bay, North Wales. The Rhyl life-boat belonging to the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION was quickly con- veyed by horses to the bay, and launched.

The sloop was found to be the Mary, of Ramsay: she had broken her mainboom and split her mainsail. The weather moderating, a portion of the life-boat's crew were placed on board, and the vessel was afterwards towed into the harbour at Rhyl.

On the 26th and 29th January this life- boat also was taken to the assistance of vessels, which had hoisted signals of dis- tress ; but on neither occasion was it neces- sary to take off the crew of the vessel.

This life-boat is on the tubular prin- ciple, invented and patented by the Messrs. RICHARDSON, of Merionethshire. She is the only boat on this principle which is stationed on our coasts. She has been highly reported of on each occasion of her performing service.