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Queen of The Isle

On the morning of the 15th Nov. the lugger, Queen of the hies, anchored in Castletown Bay, the wind blowing a heavy gale from the eastward at the time. Her foresail and mizen having been blown away, and it being known at Castletown that her anchor-gear was of a very inferior description, the lives of her crew were considered to be in the greatest danger. The Castletown life- boat, belonging to the NATIONAL LIFE- BOAT INSTITUTION, accordingly went off to her aid, taking an anchor and large hawser with them.

On arriving alongside, the crew, consist- ing of 2 men and a boy, were found to be in a helpless and exhausted state. A portion of the life-boat's crew were placed on board her, and the anchor taken out by the life- boat was let go ; by which means, she was secured until there was sufficient water to cross the bar, when the life-boat men slipped both the anchors and succeeded in getting her into the port. The Rev. E. FERRIER, of the local Committee, accompanied the crew in the life-boat.