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Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners' Society

A MEETING of the Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners' Society was held at their offices, Hibernian Chambers, London Bridge, on the 26th February last, His Grace the Duke of MARLBOROUGH, President, in the chair, the following members of the Committee being present: — the Right Hon. Lord HY. CHOLMONDELEY, V.P.; Admiral Sir HY. HOPE, K.C.B., V.P., Chairman of Committee; Captain the Hon. FRAS. MAUDE, R.N., Deputy Chairman ; WM. STUART, Esq.; Vice-Admiral CATOR ; Capt. LAMBERT PRREOTT; Rev. C. B. GRIBBLE; Capt. J. C. HEASLOP, R.N.; Capt. WESTBROOK, R.N.; Capt. H. B. YOUNG, R.N.; JOHN GILMORE, Esq.; Capt. C. R. EGERTON, R.N.; and Capt. B. J. SULIVAN, R.N., C.B. of the Board of Trade.

It was announced that during the past year the following Gold Medals had been given as rewards for saving life in the British Colonies and on the high seas, viz.:—To Mr. R. GRANGER, Cape of Good Hope, forwarded through Sir GEORGE GREY by the Secretary of State for the Colonies, for pulling off in a small dingy to save the crew of the schooner, Miner, capsized by a heavy squall in Table Bay. Also to Captain A. C. CLARKE, for saving the lives of the crew of the Eleanor Lancaster, wrecked in a gale of wind at Newcastle, New South Wales. Also to Mr. SHEARD of -the Rundolph, for his exertions in saving the lives of immigrants wrecked at Mauritius.

Also to Captain J. BLAMPIED, for rescuing the master and crew of the screw-steamer, Briton, which foundered at sea in a storm.

Also to Lieutenant JAMIESON, R.N., Port Captain, Table Bay, Cape of Good Hope, for rescuing the crews (amounting to 64 persons) of the Newport, Isabella, Christobel, and Ellen Rawson, wrecked at that place.

The following persons had been presented with Silver Medals:—viz., Mr. H. WILSON, Assistant Port Captain, Table Bay—Jos. HOPSON, the Coxswain of the life-boat; and 11 men, engaged with Lieut. JAMIESON, as above—JOHN ROMERIL, Mariner, engaged with Capt. BLAMPIED, as above — Capt. SYVRET, who with a crew of 4 men manned a boat, and succeeded in saving the crew of the Adelaide, off Richibucto Harbour, after being lashed to the rigging without food for 40 hours—E. O. HAYES, Esq., R.N., for •his exertions and admirable behaviour in rescuing five of the crew of the cutter of the Cockatrice, who were capsized in the surf— Capt. G. B. LEE, who gallantly in his own boat went to the assistance of the crew of the Aphrogenia, wrecked off Cochin—Mr. A. H. JOHNSON and 7 men, who were instrumental in rescuing the emigrant ship Martin Luther, having on board 498 passengers, found disabled in the Bay of Biscay.

The Society has, in addition to the above, relieved in the last year 1114 widows and aged parents, 1876 orphans, and 4133 shipwrecked mariners and fishermen, making a total of 7123 persons suffering from shipwreck or other casualties of the sea, at a cost of 94002., being in excess of the year 1856 928 persons and 24002.

It was also stated that a large proportion of the 47,000 mariners who subscribe to the Society had likewise given, in addition, threepence each in aid of the Life-Boat and Reward Fund, out of which the sum of 2501.

had been voted by the Committee during the past year (being their sixth donation) from the same fund, in aid of the funds of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.

Friday, 21st May, 1858.—The above Society held its Nineteenth Annual Meeting this day, at Willis's Rooms, His Grace the Duke of MARLBOROUGH, President of the Satiety, in the chair. The Meeting was numerously attended by ladies and gentlemen.

The noble Chairman called on the Secretary to read the Report, which stated that year by year the Committee had to regret a growing increase of casualties among the shipping; last year no fewer than 3300 were recorded by Lloyd's, of which 1143 had occurred on the coast of the United Kingdom. The Society, however, in the midst of this distress, had done everything that humanity required; thus 4133 shipwrecked persons had been clothed, fed, and forwarded to their homes, and 2980 widows and orphans, making a total of 7113 persons who had been promptly relieved in their extremity by the honorary agents on the coast (of which there are 500) during the past year; no less than 68,884 persons had experienced the blessings of the Charity since 1839. The amount of relief during the first year had exceeded that of 1856 by 22302., and had exceeded the income by 12842.

The interesting subject of a Hospital, similar to that at Greenwich, for the aged, disabled, and worn-out mariners of the Mercantile Marine, towards which the Society had voted 50002., remained in abeyance, owing to the excitement of the Indian mutiny, and the monetary panic which followed. The Hospital Committee were ready to resume their labours when those hindrances should be removed.

The Society was stated to have provided effectually against the benevolent public being importuned by beggars professing to have been shipwrecked, as all genuine cases were promptly relieved by its agents: they therefore confidently appealed for increased support to Christian liberality to be enabled to carry out its benevolent designs, on behalf of half-a-million of our maritime population.

On the motion of the EARL of SHREWSBURY and TALBOT, the Report was adopted; and, various resolutions having been passed unanimously, the proceedings terminated, after the usual vote of thanks to the noble Chairman.