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Meetings of the Committee

Thursday, 5th Nov. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., V.P., F.R.S., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Resolved— That the Committee desire to express their sincere regret at the death of their much-respected colleague, FRANCIS WILSON, Esq., V.P., who for a long series of years cordially co-operated with them in carrying out the important objects of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION for the preservation of life from shipwreck, thus continuing the valuable services which had been rendered to the cause of humanity by his late esteemed father, THOMAS WILSON, Esq., who had assisted in founding the Institution, and who was its Chairman from its first establishment to the close of his useful career.

Read letter from Captain KENNEDY, R.N., stating that, in compliance with the request of this Institution, orders had been given to the officers of Coast-guard to aid as far as possible the Local Life-boat Committees in connection with the Society in securing the efficiency of their establishments.

Resolved, 1.—That a Ufa-boat be placed at Rosslare, on the coast of Wexford.

2.—That a life-boat be supplied to Brighton on the usual conditions.

3.—That a life-boat be stationed at Hastings on the usual terms.

4.—That a hew life-boat be (stationed at Holyhead.

&.—That a new house be built .for the Whitburn life-boat.

«.-—That a life-boat be provided for Groomsport on the usual conditions being complied with.

Ordered—The sale of 1,500l. from the funded capital of die Institution, to pay for Sundry life-boats and life-boat carriages.

Read letter from the French Ambassador, forwarding agreeably to the request of this Institution, the Report of the Medical Consultive Committee at Paris, convened especially by His Excellency the Minister of Agriculture and Commerce, to consider the subject relative to methods for restoring the apparently drowned.—To be thanked.

Reported—That the Wicklow life-boat had been forwarded to Dublin free of charge by the British and Irish Steam Packet? Company.—To be thanked.

Read letter from JOHN WALSH, Esq., Lloyd's agent at Dublin, stating that he had forwarded from Dublin to Wicklow the lifeboat for that station.—To be thanked.

Read letter from Captain MARTIN, harbourmaster at Ramsgate, giving an -account of the lamentable wrecks which had occurred off Ramsgate on the 8th October. He also suggested that shipowners .should be called oft Ito provide means for effecting communication between a stranded -vessel and the phere.—To be thanked.

Read letter from T. B. CHANTER, Esq, Son. Sec. at Bideford, of the 11th October, detailing the lose, on the Braunton Sands, of an American -ship. 7 of the crew had perished on the occasion, and 4 others were washed ashore on pieces of toe wreck.

The ship broke up immediately after she had struck.—To be acknowledged.

Read letter from -Captain SAYER, R.N, calling attention to his plan of ships' temporary raft or boat.-—To be acknowledged,

Reported that JOHN GEORGE, Esq., had kindly allowed two of his horses -to draw the Cahore life-boat-carriage from Dublin to its station, a distance of fifty mites.—to be thanked.

" Paid 1002. for the Youghal life-boat house, 542. for altering the Seaton Carew life-boat house, and 181L for sundry charges cm the maintenance of life-boat establishments.

Toted the thanks of the Committee inscribed on vellum, and 10s. to Mr. GEORGE WHITE, mate of the steamer Orleane, and 11. to 14 other men, for their services in two boats, in rescuing the crew of 6 karate of the schooner Ocean, of Llanelly, which was wrecked off Newhaven during a gale of wind, on the 8th Oct. last.

Also 11. to the crew of 7 ,men of the lugger Lively, of Margate, for. rescuing, at considerable risk of life, U -out rf 9 of'the crew of the brig Sinn Moque, of Villa Garcia, which was wrecked on the Longsand, on the 24th Oct. last.

Also 02. 10*. to the CREW consisting of 19 men, of the Lowestoft life-boat, who had put off with the view of rendering resistance to the schooner Elizabeth, of Portmadoc, which went en the Holm Sand-during a gale of wind OB the 27th Sept. The vessel -was got off by the crew of -the Pakefield life-boat, which would receive salvage for their services.

Also 202, to the crew of a Pakefield yawl, for putting off and rescuing, at the hazard of their lives, the crew of the brig Spray, of Whitstable, which, during a gale of wind, was stranded-on the Holm Sand, on-the 7th Oct. last.

Also 22. 1-Os. -to a boat's crew of 5 .men, for putting off in the night, and rescuing 4 men from a boat which had been capsized during a gale of wind off SckuM, on the coast of Cork, on the 28th Oct. last.

Also 52. to 10 fishermen of Great Yarmouth for putting off in their yawl, and saving the crew-of 4 men of the schooner Arga, of Great Yarmouth, who were seen drifting in their boat, on the 23rd Oct. last.

Also 12Z. to the crew of 12 men of the Lyme-Regis life-boat, for putting off in her on the night of the 7th Oct., .with the view of rendering -assistance to the crews of five vessels which were overtaken by«a heavy gale of wind.

Read letter from the Survey or-General to the Board of Trade, of the 2nd Nov., stating, that during the gale of the 6th, 7th, and 8th Oct., 38 vessels were lost or damaged, and 14 lives lost; and that during the gale of the 22nd and 23rd idem, 15 vessels were lost or damaged, and 25 lives lost.

Thursday, 3rd Dec., 1857. His Grace the Duke of NORTHUMBERLAND, K.G., President of the Society, in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Read letter from the Secretary of the Norfolk Shipwreck Association, forwarding a series of resolutions passed at an adjourned meeting of the subscribers of the Association, held at Norwich, on the 21st Nov., when it was decided that it should be united with this Institution, and that the whole of the life-boat establishments of the Association should be transferred to the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.

Resolved—That the Norfolk Shipwreck Association be brought into connection as a branch of this Institution, on the condition agreed on.

Read the Report of the Inspector of Lifeboats on his visits to the life-boats on] the Irish coast during the months of Oct. and Nov. last.

Resolved—That a small life-boat be placed at Ardmore, on the coast of Cork.

Read also the Inspector's Report of his visit to the Hastings and Brighton proposed branches of the Institution.

Read letter from the Rev. JAMES WILLIAMS, of the 30th Nov., forwarding a copy of the Report of the Anglesey Branch.—To be acknowledged.

Read letter from LEWIS CHALMERS, Esq., Chief Magistrate at Fraserburgh, of the 10th Nov., stating the necessity of a new life-boat at that place.

Reported that the usual preparatory lifeboat papers had been sent to Mr. CHALMERS.

Read letter from Captain HAMILTON, R.N., of the Boulogne Shipwreck Society, stating that, in reply to an application which had been made by that Society to the Duke of Northumberland, His Grace had consented to become its Vice-Patron.

Read letter from His Excellency the Prussian Ambassador, of the 4th Nov., transmitting the Report of the Medical Committee at Berlin, instituted by the Prussian Government on the communication forwarded by the Committee of this Institution, on the two methods for restoring persons apparently drowned.—To be thanked.

Read letter from Captain MARTIN, harbour- master at Ramsgate, stating that assistance had been rendered to the crew of the brig CaminKa, of Lisbon, by the Trustees' steamer and life-boat. The Broadstairs small life-boat had also gone off to the assistance of the crew, but she was stove in and lost on the occasion.

Resolved—That the silver medal of the Institution be presented to JAMES HOQBIN, Coxswain of the Ramsgate Harbour life-boat, in acknowledgment of his repeated services in her in saving life.

Read letter from the London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway, of the 27th ult., offering to convey a life-boat of the Institution from London to Newhaven.—To be thanked.

Read letter from the Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners' Society, of 28th Nov., forwarding 1501. from their life-boat fund in aid of the funds of the Institution.—To be thanked.

Messrs. FORRESTT transmitted their accounts, amounting to 16092. 9s. 5d., for various new life-boats, alterations of lifeboats, and sundry charges on life-boats.

Ordered 800/. to be paid to Messrs. FORRESTT. Also 300Z. to Messrs. RANSOME and SIMS, for sundry life-boat carriages, built by them for the Institution.

Paid 911. 12s. for sundry charges on lifeboats, life-boat carriages, and life-boat houses.

Also 881 6s. 9d. for altering the Rhyl life-boat house.

Voted rewards to the amount of 46?. 10s. to the crews of the Aldborough (Suffolk) Portmadoc and Rhyl (tubular) life-boats, for putting off, some of them in the night, with the view of rendering assistance to the crew of ships in distress.

Also a reward of 21. to JOHN BLACK, coast guardman, and JOHN MCINTYRE, fisherman, for wading into the surf at considerable risk of life, to the rescue of the crew, consisting of 3 men, of the sloop Brothers, of Bed Bay, which wag wrecked on the coast of Antrim on the 7th Oct. last.

Also 101. to the crew of the Teignmouth lifeboat, for putting off and rescuing 2 out of 3 pilots, whose boat had been swamped on Teignmouth Bar on the night of the 27th ult. The life-boat was reported to have behaved exceedingly well on the occasion. She shipped two heavy seas and cleared herself of the same in a few seconds. Mr. MANSFIELD , ship-builder, bad allowed his workmen to assist in launching the life-boat.

Decided—That Mr. MANSFIELD be thanked for bis valuable services in permitting his men to aid in launching the life-boat.

Also 51. to a yawl's crew of 10 men for rescuing .the crew, consisting of 7 men, of the brig Robert and Anne, of Sunderland, which had sunk, on the Scroby Sands, on the 22nd Nov. last.

Also 202. to 10 men for putting off in a coble and rescuing, at the imminent risk of their lives, the crew of 2 men and a boy belonging to the billyboy Alpha of Lynn, which was wrecked off Winterton, during a gale of wind, on the 27th Nov.


Thursday, Jan. 7th, 1858. THOMAS CHAPMAN, .Esq., F.H.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Read letter from the Secretary to the Board of Trade, of the 21st ult., expressing the approval of the Lords of the Committee of Privy Council for Trade, of the operations of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIVE-BOAT INSTITUTION, and promising their continued assistance under a new arrangement to it.

The Chairman reported that he had, agreeably with the authority vested in him by the Committee, concluded a definitive arrangement with the Norfolk Shipwreck Association; which Society had resolved to transfer its life-boats to the management of this Institution, to defray the cost of renovating the life-boat establishments on the Norfolk Coast from their capital, and to remit to the Institution their Annual Subscriptions in aid of the maintenance of the stations.—The Committee voted their thanks to the Chairman for having brought the negotiation to a successful issue.

Gave instructions to build three new first-class life-boats, to be stationed respectively at Palling, Winterton, and Mundesley, on the Norfolk Coast; to place a large life-boat at Yarmouth, and to build two new life-boat carriages for the two first- ' named stations.

Read letter from T. B. CHANTER, Esq., Hon. Sec. of the Bideford branch, of the 2nd Jan., transmitting the Annual Report of the Local Committee, in which they expressed their satisfaction with their three life-boats, and stated that their establishments were now quite complete and efficient.—To be acknowledged.

Read and approved the report of the Life-Boat Compass Sub-Committee, and ordered nineteen stations to be supplied with liquid compasses as manufactured by Mr. DENT, of London.

Ordered—The transmission of sets of life-boat carriage drawings to the Australian and Canadian Colonial Governors.

Read letter from the Rev. JAMES WILLIAMS, Hon. Sec. of the Anglesey branch, of the 7th Dec., stating that the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty had acceded to the request of the Local Committee to build a house for the new lifeboat which this Institution had decided to station at Holyhead.—To be acknowledged.

Read letter from Mr. W. D. STONE, Hon. Sec. of the Newhaven branch, reporting that the lifeboat had, since her return from London, where she had been undergoing some alterations under the superintendence of this Institution, been tried, and that her behaviour on the occasion was much approved of by her crew.

Read letter from Mr. BRYANT, of Padstow, of the 16th Dec., stating that the new life-boat and carriage had, on a recent trial, answered admirably.

The Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners' Society forwarded an additional donation of 1002. to the Institution, which amount had been chiefly collected in three-pieces from the seamen-members of the Society.

Paid 522. 17s. for alterations made in the Rhyl life-boat house; and 175?. 17s. I0d. for sundry charges, on various life-boats, life-boat carriages, and life-boat houses.

Voted a reward of 71. to a boat's crew of 7 men, in consideration of their laudable services in putting off and rescuing the crew of 7 men of the brig Zillah, of Whitby, which was wrecked during a gale of wind off Winterton, Norfolk, on the 23rd Oct. last.

Also 21. to 2 men who had put off in their yawl, and had rescued, at considerable risk of life, 3 persons, from a boat which had swamped on Irvine Bar during a gale of wind on the 10th Dec. last.

Also the Silver Medal of the Institution and 21. to Mr. D. O'Sullivan, chief boatman of the coast guard, and 217. to two boats' crews of 10 men, in testimony of their laudable conduct in putting off and rescuing, at the imminent risk of their lives, the crew of 11 men of the barque Sona Fratella, of Russia, which was wrecked during a S.W. gale off White Ball Head, Coast of Antrim, on the 2nd Dec. last.

Thursday, 4th Feb., 1858. THOMAS BASING, Esq., M.P., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committee.

The Committee expressed their sincere condolence for the family of the late EDWARD HDBKY, Esq., V.P., who, as a member of the Committee for a period of thirty-four years, had zealously and efficiently co-operated in promoting and carrying out the important objects of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION. Mr. HOBBY'S memory will long be cherished by a wide circle of friends.

Elected Captain A. P. RYDER, R.N., Com- mander C. R. EGERTON, R.N., and W. H. HARTON, Esq., Members of the Committee of Management of the Institution.

Read letter from WILLIAM MCKERREL, Esq., of Bath, offering to the Institution 1801. to place a first-class life-boat on the North East Coast of Scotland, where the fisheries are carried on, and where great loss of life had occurred last winter amongst the fishermen of that district. He suggested that the boat should be called the Havelock.

" As a means of rescue from danger, the name appeared to him suitable, and it was well that the name of that Christian soldier should be cherished in that locality." Mr. MCKERRELL had presented to the Institution a similar amount last year in aid of stationing a life-boat on the English Coast.

Resolved—That Mr. MCKERRELL'S munificent offer and request be accepted and complied with, and that Fraserburgh be named to him as a station suitable for the life-boat.

Read letter from Captain CANNON, R.N., Hon. Sec. of the Walmer branch, of the 16th Jan., calling attention to the excellent behaviour of the Walmer life-boat on a recent occasion.—To be acknowledged.

Read letter from WILLIAM HUGHES, Esq., Hon. Sec. of the Rhyl branch, forwarding the return of the services which the Rhyl tubular life-boat had rendered to the ship Rosina Claypok, of Liverpool, on the 1st inst.

Read and approved the Inspector's report of his visit to the Holyhead and Rhyl life-boat stations.

Mr. MAAS, of Holland, called attention to his plan of life-boat.—To be acknowledged.

Read letters from R. B. FORBES, Esq., and the Rev. 6. K. LOTHROP, Boston, U.S., of the 13th Jan., expressing the thanks of the Massachusetts Shipwreck and Humane Society, for the life-boat and carriage drawings that had been presented to them by this Institution.

Reported—That the Llanelly and Holyhead lifeboats had been conveyed free of charge to their respective stations, by the Great Western, North Western, and Chester and Holyhead Railways.— To be thanked.

Reported also the transmission of the Groomsport life-boat to her station on the 14th Jan.

Her crew had since tried her, and had expressed their great satisfaction with the boat.

Reported—That C. H. COOKE, Esq., Hon. Architect to the Institution, had prepared a drawing of the Yarmouth new life-boat house.—To be thanked.

Read letter from F. J. BLAKE, Esq., Sec. to the Norfolk branch, stating that that branch had decided, through this Institution, to transfer the mortar and rocket apparatus on the Norfolk Coast to the Board of Trade.

Laid on the table some lithographic plans of the mortar and rocket apparatus, prepared by Inspecting Commander HEARD, R.N., of the Sunderland Coastguard Division. He had most creditably exerted himself in perfecting the means for saving life on that dangerous line of coast.—To be thanked for the zeal and ability with which he had co-operated with the Institution.

Ordered—5872. 7s. 5d. to be paid to Messrs. FORRESTT for several new life-boats, alterations of life-boats, and sundry charges thereon.

Paid 3961. 9«. for sundry charges on the maintenance of life-boat establishments.

Voted 251. to pay the expenses of the Caister life-boat, which had put off on the 4th Jan. to a vessel which had a signal of distress flying. Her crew, however, had, unknown to the life-boat, been previously taken off by a yawl, to which the Institution also voted 82. for the service.

Also 42. to the crew of the Aberdovey life-boat, which had put off on the 7th Jan. with the view of rendering assistance to a vessel in distress on Sarn-y-Broch.

Also 52. to a fishing lugger's crew, for their valuable services to the crew of a Norwegian barque, which was seen to be in distress on ' Hasbro' Sands, on the 23rd Oct. last. The crew had taken to the ship's boat, and were picked up with some difficulty by the fishermen.

Also 32. 10s. to another fishing-lugger's crew of Yarmouth, for their services to the crew and passengers of the steamer Rapid, of Leith, which had been in collision with another vessel off Yarmouth, on the 14th Dec. last.

Voted 52. to BARBARA HOME, in acknowledgment of her gallant and prompt conduct in assisting to save by wading into the surf, at the imminent risk of her life, the crew of a fishing-boat which, during a heavy gale of wind, was seen in distress off Portknockie, Banff, on the 25th Nov. last.

Also 72.10j. to a boat's crew, for promptly putting off and rescuing at some danger 3 persons whose boat had been amongst the breakers on the Herd Sands, on the 3rd Jan. last.

Also 132. to the Barmouth life-boat, for putting off with the view of rendering assistance to vessels in distress, on the 7th Jan.

Also 202. in aid of a local subscription raising for the families of two fishermen who had perished in a noble attempt to rescue the crew of the French ship La Capricieuse which was wrecked off Tramore Bar during a gale of wind, on the 25th Jan.

Thursday, 4th March, 1858. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Laid on the table the accounts of the Institution for the past year as audited by Mr. G. C. BEGBIE, public accountant.

Read letters from Lieutenant SIMMONS, R.N., Hon. Sec. of the Southwold branch, of the 28th ult. and the 3rd instant, stating, that while the Southwold life-boat was returning, under sail from exercise, she struck on the Middle Shoal. She fell on the port side, and when the masts went, which they did in about five minutes, she turned keel up, and drifted on the shore in that state. A portion of the crew were saved by a yawl, the remainder swimming ashore; but three gentlemen, who were amateurs, were drowned. Spare life-belts hod been offered to them, but declined. One of them was the son of Captain ELLIS, R.N., a Member of this Committee. The crew, haying on their lifebelts, were all saved.

Read also from Lieutenant SIMMONS, R.N., replies to A series of questions that had been put to him touching the cause of the accident.

Passed a vote of condolence to the family of Captain ELLIS.

Deputed Rear-admiral McHARDY and the Inspector to proceed to Southwold to hold a Survey on the life-boat, and to inquire into all the circumstances of the accident.

Resolved, 1.—That a new life-boat be placed at Dover, in lieu of the present boat at that place, which was found unsuitable for the station.

2.—That the co-operation of the Commodore Comptroller-General of the Coast-guard be solicited to ascertain, through the Officers of Districts and Divisions of that Service, the necessity of additional life-boats on the coast, and that the assistance of some of Lloyd's agents be requested for the same object.

Reported the conveyance free of charge of the Ardmore life-boat to Cork on board one of the Cork Steam Ship Company's steamers, and that Captain STEWART, R.N., Hon. Sec. of the branch, had proceeded to Cork to superintend the conveyance of the life-boat to the station.—To be thanked.

Read letter from the Hon. Sec. at Yarmouth of the 13th Feb., stating that the Corporation had granted an eligible site of ground for the new life-boat house.—To be thanked.

Approved of the erection of a new life-boat house at Winterton, at an estimated cost of 1152.

Voted 101. in aid of the cost of a house for the Sunderland seamen's life-boat, which had been liberally presented to them by Miss BURDETT Coutts.

Also 101. in aid of the Margate seamen's lifeboat.

Read letter from Captain MARTIN, Harbour Master, Ramsgate, detailing the valuable services of the Commissioners' life-boat in putting off to vessels in distress on the Goodwin Sands.—To be thanked.

Ordered the transmission of life-boat and carriage drawings to the Dutch Shipwreck Societies.

Paid 135;. 2s, 3d. for sundry charges on lifeboats, life-boat carriages, and life-boat houses.

Voted 9/. 10». for expenses incurred by the Youghal life-boat, in putting off and rescuing the crew of 13 men of the barque Galatea, which, during a heavy gale of wind, was wrecked on Youghal Bar, on the 8th Feb. last. , Reported that the Tenby life-boat had put off on the 8th Feb. to the assistance of a vessel which had a signal of distress flying. After some difficulty the wreck was reached, after which the lifeboat piloted her through the Channel. The owners gave the life-boat's crew 10?.

Voted also 4?. to 4 men in testimony of their valuable services in putting off in a boat and rescuing, at the risk of their lives, 3 men from a hooker which had been in collision with a steamer, on the 6th Jan. last.

Also II. 10». to 3 men who had waded into the surf and rescued the crew of 8 men of the French schooner Topaze, which wag wrecked during blowing weather on the Pentowya Saudi, Carmarthen Bay, on the 9th Feb. last.

Also 21. to GRACE and ELLEN PETRIE, and 10s. to WM. G. PETRIE, in testimony of their prompt and valuable services in rescuing a man and a boy who had been capsized from their boat between Tell and. Cast, on the coast of Shetland, on the 10th Jan. last. Also 10s. to the lad for his persevering exertions in keeping his father afloat. The two women had for a previous service received the Silver Medal of the Institution.

Thursday, 18th March, 1858. The Annual General Meeting of the Friends and Supporters of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTES was held this day at the London Tavern, Bishopsgate Street, His Grace the Duke of NORTHUMBERLAND, K.G., President of the Society, in the Chair.

His Grace, the Chairman, having opened the Meeting with some remarks, the Secretary read the Annual Report of the Committee and the Financial Statement of the Society. The following resolutions were afterwards moved and unanimously carried:—• 1.—Moved by Vice-Admiral BOWLES, C.B.; Seconded by WILLIAM COTTON, Esq., F.R.S., late Governor of the Bank of England,— 1.—That the Report now read be adopted and circulated.

2.—Moved by Rear-Admiral the EARL of SHREWSBURY and TALBOT, C.B.; Seconded by Captain J. SHEPHERD, H. C. 8., Deputy-Master of the Trinity House,— 2.—That this Meeting, recognising the truly national and benevolent objects of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, has heard with much satisfaction of the success which has attended the services of its Life-boats daring the past year, in having saved so many of our fellow-creature* from perishing by shipwreck. And considering that the Society has now Seventy Life-boats under its management, which must necessarily repairs a large and permanent outlay to maintain them in a state of efficiency, this Meeting undertakes to make the objects of the Institution more extensively known, so that it may receive that amount of public support which will be commensurate with its important operations.

3.—Moved by THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V,P., Deputy-Chairman of the Institution; Seconded by MONTAGUE GORE, Esq.,— 3.—That the thanks of this Meeting be given to the Lords of the Committee of Privy Council for Trade, and to the Marine Department of the Board of Trade, for the important and cordial aid afforded by them to the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.

Also to the Commodore Comptroller-General, the Deputy-Comptroller-General, and the Officers and men of Her Majesty's Coastguard service, for their continued valuable assistance to the Society.

4.—Moved by Captain the Honourable F. MAUDE, K.N.; Seconded by T. NEWMAN HUNT, Esq., V.P., Bank of England Director,— 4.—That this Meeting tenders its cordial thanks to THOMAS BARING, Esq., M.P., the Chairman, to THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.K.S., the Deputy- Chairman, and to the other Members of the Committee of Management, for the care and attention with which they have administered the important affairs of the Institution.

Also to the honorary Local Committees of the several Branches of the Institution for their zealous co-operation with the Central Committee in promoting the efficiency of the Life-Boat establishments in-trusted to their superintendence and management.

5.—Moved by THOMAS BARING, Esq., M.P., Chairman; Seconded by GEORGE LYALL,, Esq., M.P.,— 5.—That the best acknowledgments of this Meeting be given to His Grace the President the DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND, K.G., for his able conduct in the Chair, and for the interest which be continues to take in the Institution.

Thursday, 1st April. Capt. LAMBERT PERROTT in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Elected Rear-Admiral FITZROY a member of the Committee of Management of the Institution.

Bead the report of Admiral McHARDY and the Inspector, on the Southwold life-boat, and directed that their recommendations be carried out.—The Committee voted their thanks to Rear-Admiral McHARDY.

Voted a double payment to the crew of the Southwold life-boat, in acknowledgment of the exposure and risk they had incurred.

Read letter from E. W. MATHEW, Esq., stating the valuable services rendered on the 9th and 10th March by the Portmadoc life-boat to the steamer flyalymon. The life-boat had remained by the steamer a day and a night, and had received some injury in aiding to get the steamer off.—To be acknowledged.

Reported—The services of the Arklow life-boat, in conjunction with two other boats, to the barque Egldn, which was stranded on Glasgorman Bank on the 29th March. The vessel had been got off and taken to Kingstown.

Read letter from the Rev. JAMES WILLIAMS, of the 30th ult., reporting the services of the Moelfre life-boat to the flat Hannah and her crew of 6 men. The vessel had been got off her dangerous position and brought safely into port, through the valuable assistance of the life-boat.

Ordered 9461. 6s. 4rf. to be paid to Messrs. FORREST for new life-boats, and 300/. to Messrs. RANSOMES and SIMS for life-boat carriages.

Paid 43«. 6«. 6d. for sundry charges on lifeboats and life-boat stores.

Reported- That the Hauxley life-boat, manned by MIDDLETON DAND, Esq., Captain HIPPLEWHITE, and 9 fishermen, had put off on the night of the 1st April, with the view of rendering assistance to the brig Nairtu, of Shields, which was stranded during a heavy gale of wind off Warkworth.

The Committee voted their thanks to Mr. DAND and Captain HIPPLEWHITE, and 12Z. to pay the expenses of the life-boat.

Also 102. 12 . fid. to pay the expenses of the Rhyl tubular life-boat, which had put off and rescued 3 men from the ship James Holmes, which was wrecked during a gale of wind off Rhyl, on the 7th March.

Also 9/., being the expenses of the Mundesley life-boat, which had put off to the assistance of the schooner Jane, of Ipswich, which was wrecked off that place on the 8th March last. The life-boat was hardly afloat before the ship went to pieces, and her crew of 5 men instantly perished. The vessel was reported to have been quite rotten, or she might otherwise easily have weathered out the storm.

Also 61. to pay the expenses of the Lytham lifeboat, which had put off to a vessel, which had a signal of distress flying, off the Ribble Light House, on the 13th March last. The ship, however, succeeded in getting off the sand, and driftiujjon the main at high water before the life-boat could reach her.

Also 20/. 10s. to the crew of the Lowestoft life-boat, for putting off on the 27th Feb. and rescuing the crew of 6 men of the brig Oswy, of Shoreham, and boatmen who were on board the vessel when she foundered on the Beachflat on that day.

Also 292. to pay the expenses of the Lowestoft and Pakefield life-boats, for putting off to the assistance of the sloop Orwell, of Arbroath. Her crew of 5 men were saved by the former life-boat.

Also SI. to a boat's crew for putting off and rescuing the crew of 7 men of the brig Hose Macroom, of Waterford, which was wrecked, during a gale of wind, off Great Saltee Island, Coast of Wexford, on the llth Feb.

Also 6Z. 19s. to pay the expenses of the "Walmer life-boat, for putting off to a ship which was on the Goodvfin Sands, on the 6th March; but, on approaching the vessel, no one was found on board.

Also 10Z. to the crew of a Winterton yawl, for putting off with the view of rendering assistance to a vessel which had been in collision, with another ship off Winterton, Norfolk, on the 6th March. Before the yawl, however, could reach the ship, she had sunk, her crew having been taken on board the vessel with which she had been in collision.

Voted also the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, to Mr. JOHN BROOK, who, with several others, had waded into the surf and rescued ;he crew of the Portuguese barque Tomeraria, which was wrecked during a gale of wind off Brixton, Isle of Wight, on the 8th Oct. last.

Also 31. to 3 men for putting off in a boat and rescuing, at the peril of their lives, 3 men whose Boat had been capsized off Lerwick on the 8th ult.

Also 51. to two boats' crews for putting off and rescuing 22 persons from the barque Eclipse, of Yarmouth, which was wrecked in Sandwich Bay, Shetland, on the 20th Jan. last.