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Meetings of the Committee

Thursday, 6th Aug. 1857. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., V.P., F.R.S., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Reported the death of Captain STEPHENSON ELLERBY, a member of the Committee of Management of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, and one of the Elder Brethren of the Trinity House. The Committee passed a vote of condolence to the family of the deceased gentleman.

The Deputy Chairman reported, that during a recent visit on the west coast, he found the Appledore life-boats, which belong to this Institution, in excellent order.

Laid before the Committee, four different lithographic drawings of the Life-beat Carriages adopted by the Institution for varying localities. The same are to accompany the lithographic drawing of the Life-boat adopted by the Society.

The Inspector reported that various alterations and repairs were required for the tubular life-boat at Rhyl, and that the same were now lying done, at the cost of this Institution, at Manchester, by the original builder of the boat.

Ordered a 30-feet, and a 28-feet lifeboat, to be built by Messrs. FORRESTT, to be ready for exigencies.

Also a life-boat carriage to be built for the Cahore life-boat.

Also the erection of a life-boat house at Camber, near Bye, at a cost of 757.

Reported that the South Eastern Railway had offered to take, free of charge, the Walmer life-boat carriage, from London to Deal.

—To be thanked.

Reported that the Youghal life-boat had been' gratuitously conveyed to Dublin, on board one of the steamers of the British and Irish Steam Packet Company.—To be thanked. .

Read letter from Mr. JOSEPH WALKER, President of the New York Shipwreck Society, of the 5th July, calling attention to Captain BUNKER'S life-preserving and bathing shirts, three of which the former gentleman had presented to this Institution.—To be thanked.

Read letter from Mr. R. C. PAULING, of Denbigh Street, Pimlico, calling attention to his invention for keeping vessels from sinking.

—To be acknowledged.

Read letter from Mr. ROBERT TAYLORSON, of Tryon's Terrace, Hackney, detailing his method for Improving the Construction of Iron Ships.—To be acknowledged.

Captain KYNASTON, R.N., C.B., presented a copy of his pamphlet for Lowering and Disengaging Ships* Boats at Sea.—To be acknowledged.

Read letter from Mr. J. MCGREGOR, Barrister at Law, of the Inner Temple, presenting a copy of his pamphlet relative to Marine Propulsion.—To be acknowledged.

Read letter from Captain MARTIN, of the 3rd July, stating the services rendered by the life-boat of the Royal Harbour Commissioners, Ramsgate, to shipwrecked crews on the Goodwin Sands.

Paid 4AI. 3s. 4d. for altering the Newbiggin life-boat house and roadway, and 2777. 16s. 3d. for sundry charges on lifeboats, life-boat carnages, and life-boat houses.

Read the Report of the services of the Lytham life-boat, manned by 13 men, to the schooner Philanthropist, of Aberystwith, which was observed in a dangerous position on the verge of the Crusader Bank.

The life-boat had been taken out for inspection and exercise on the occasion.

Voted the silver medal and 21. each to HENRY POMEEOY, chief boatman of the Coast-guard at Mevagissey, JOSEPH LEY, pilot, and WILLIAM CLOKE, pilot; and 28Z.

to 14 other men, in acknowledgment of their intrepid services in saving, at great risk of life, the crew, consisting of 5 men, of the schooner RocheUaise, of Cette, which was stranded on Mevagissey Bar on the 14th July last.

Also a reward of 1Z. 10s. to 3 persons who had waded into a heavy surf to the rescue of a boy, who was seen on the bottom of a capsized boat, off the Pigeon House Lighthouse, Dublin Bay, on the 30th June last.

Also the silver medal and 21. each to Mr.

PETER INKSTER, Master of the steamer William Tell, and JOHN BLANCE, apprentice-boy, in testimony of their courageous services in rescuing, with a small boat, at great hazard to their lives, 2 out of 4 persons who had been capsized from their boat, during a gale of wind, off' Grief Skerry, Shetland, on the 17th June last.

Thursday, 3rd Sept., 1857. Captain LAMBERT PERROTT in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Elected C. H. COOK, Esq., Honorary Architect and Surveyor to the Institution.

Read and approved the Inspector's Report of his recent visit to the life-boats on the Lancashire and Welsh coasts.

Resolved— 1. That a new life-boat house and a winch be erected at Rhoscolyn. Also a winch at Ceralyn.

2. That the launching-ways at Penmon be made efficient.

3. That the Llanelly life-boat be brought to London, to be altered to Mr. PEAKE'S plan.

Ordered the erection of a new life-boat house on the Braunton Sands.

Also the building of a life-boat carriage, furnished with Bojdell's Endless Railway Apparatus, for the Wicklow life-boat.* Read letter from the President and other Members of the Boulogne Shipwreck Society, of the 6th Aug., requesting that the Institution would allow the Inspector of Life-boats to visit their establishment, in order that they might have the advantage of his experience to make their life-boats as efficient as possible, having especial reference to providing them with self-righting power.

Resolved—That the Inspector of Lifeboats do visit Boulogne accordingly, and that Mr. PEAKE be requested to accompany him.

Reported the transmission, on the 12th Aug., of the Danube life-boat to her station.

She had been thoroughly equipped with every kind of store.

Reported the transmission from .Ipswich of the Arklow life-boat carriage.

Paid Messrs. BOYPELL and GLASIER for two pairs of Endless Railway Apparatus, 109?.; and 115?. 8s. 4d. for sundry charges on life-boats, life-boat carriages, and life-boat houses, to various other parties.

Voted a reward of 6Z. to a boat's crew of 6 men, who, at the risk of their lives, had saved 2 out of 4 persons who were capsized during squally weather, off Hamnaroe, Shetland, on the 6th July last.

Also a reward of 6'. to 3 Coast-guard men, in testimony of their intrepid services ia going off in their boat and rescuing 4 out of 5 men, who had been capsized during heavy weather from a boat near Barr Mouth, Coleraine, on the 22nd July last. | Also the silver medal and 21. each to WILLIAM WEDGE, JAMES TUEPIE, and DAVID THOMAS WARDER, Coast-guard men of Salcombe Station, for putting off in a small boat and rescuing, at great risk of life, 2 out of 3 persons who had been capsized from their boat, on Bantham Bar, Devon, on the 22nd Aug. last.

Thursday, 1st October, 1857. Captain LAMBERT PERROTT in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Read letter from Captain KENNEDY, R.N., Deputy Comptroller-General of the Coastguard, of the 17th September, stating that this Committee would always find him both willing and ready to forward in every way the objects of this most valuable Institution.

Also from Captain KENKEDY, R. N., of the 17th September, transmitting, agreeably to the request of the Committee, the opinion of a large number of medical men residing in the neighbourhood of the several Coast-guard Divisions on the coasts of the United Kingdom on the relative merits of the two methods of treatment of persons apparently drowned, as described in the Circular of this Institution.

Recommended—That the special thanks of this Committee be given to the Commodore Comptroller-General, and to the Deputy Comptroller-General of the Coastguard for their courtesy in aiding the Institution to obtain the valuable information contained in the said opinions.

Read and approved the Report of Mr.

PEAKE and the Inspector of their visit to the Boulogne, Calais, and Dunkirk Life-boat Stations. They reported that they had been most kindly received on the French coast, and that the Boulogne Society had decided to alter one of their life-boats to Mr. PEAKE'S plan.

Resolved—That the thanks of the Committee be presented to Mr. PEAKE for the trouble he had taken in visiting the Boulogne and other life-boat stations on the French coast.

Read also the Inspector's Report on his visit to the Eastbourne, Rye, Margate, and Walmer life-boats, and approved of the several recommendations therein made.

Reported that Miss BURDETT COOTTS had presented a life-boat, on Mr. Clarkson's plan, to the Margate boatmen.

Resolved—That a set of life-belts be presented to the Life-boat Committee at Margate.

Ordered the paper entitled " Our Life- Boat," which appeared in the September and October numbers of the UniteD Service Magazine, to be reprinted, and circulated in a pamphlet form.

Read letter from MATTHEW PARKER, Esq., Hon. Sec. of the Youghal Branch, conveying the thanks of the Local Committee for the new life-boat and carriage which this Institution had placed on that station.

Ordered a warp and anchor to be supplied to the Southwold life-boat.

Read letter from Mr. JOHN GHAVEY, boat builder of Hastings, of the 21st September, calling attention to his plan of life-boat.— To he acknowledged.

.Read letter from H. D. P. CUNNINGHAM, Esq.,.of Gosport, of the llth September, calling attention to his new plan of life-boat carriage.—The Inspector was directed to examine the same at an early opportunity.

Read letter from M. LOUIS VITTU, of JIaJignon, France, requesting that a model of the life-boat of the Institution might be sent to the Society of Arts at Paris, in order that the attention of the French Government might be directed to the same, who would probably build from it life-boats for exposed points on the French coast.—Decided, that drawings of the life-boat be furnished.

Resolved—That the Cpmroodore Comptroller and Deputy Comptroller-General of the Coast-guard be addressed by the Institution requesting the co-operation of Coastguard Officers in forwarding the objects of the Society by aiding the Local Life-boat Committees in lie management of -their life-boat establishments.

Reported—That the Board of Ordnance had forwarded the stores of Manby's Lifepreserving Apparatus to R. B. FORBES, Esq., Chairman of the Massachusetts Shipwreck Society, United States.

Paid 75Z. for the Camber life-boat house, and 55L 8s. 2d, for sundry charges on lifeboats, life-boat houses, and life-boat carriages.

Voted a reward of one sovereign to JOHN ROE, master of the barge Bessie, in acknowledgment of the services he had rendered to 3 out of 6 sergeants of the Royal Marine Artillery, whose boat had been capsized, near Southsea Castle, on the 6th August last.

Also a reward of one sovereign to 2 fishermen for saving 3 men who had been capsized from a boat off Innisturk Island, on the coast of Mayo, on the 24th May last.

Also three sovereigns to 3 pilots who had saved 17 persons from a boat which had become unmanageable on the Patch Sand, Bristol Channel, on the 17th August. The pilots had very laudably exerted themselves on the occasion.

Also the silver medal to Commander TUDOR, R.N. He and 13 other men had put off, on the 9th October, in the Wick lifeboat, and had attempted to save the crew of a Hanoverian galliot, which was observed in a dangerous position, in a gale: of wind, off Wick. The life-boat, which had behaved very well on the occasion, had been rendered useless by the heavy seas which had swept over her, which had broken or carried away all her oars. One of the crew had, unfortunately, been thrown out of the boat, and perished on the occasion. He had left a wife and seven children. His name was Mr. ALEXANDER BAIN, retired mastermariner and part shipowner.

Voted a gratuity of 201., in aid of the subscription raising for the widow and children of Mr. BAIN.