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Meetings of the Committee

Thursday, 2nd April, 1857. His Grace the PRESIDENT in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Read letter from G. W. ALEXANDER, Esq., of 41 Lombard-street, of the 16th March, stating his intention to solicit contributions in aid of the funds of the Institution.—To be thanked.

Read letter from the Rev. Dr. PATERSON, of Glasgow, of the 10th March, calling atten- tion to his plan of life-boat. —To be acknow- ledged.

Read letter from Mr. CHARLES GURR, ship- wright in Her Majesty's Dockyard, Ports- mouth, of the 18th March, requesting the acceptance, by the Institution, of his model life-boat.- —To be accepted with thanks. (The model is the result of much ingenuity.) Reported that the Journal of the Society of Arts for March 13th, had inserted an account with a drawing of the life-boat of the Institution, Produced a copy of the Universal Code of Instructions issued by the Board of Trade, for using the Mortar and Rocket Apparatus.

[These instructions, with drawings, were printed in the last number of the Life-Boat Journal, p. 79.] Reported that the Padstow life-boat, manned by 7 men, had rescued the crew of 4 men of the schooner Haberdine, of Teign- mouth, which was wrecked off Padstow during a heavy gale of wind from W.N.W., on the 14th March last. The boat was re- ported to have behaved very well on the occasion. The crew had received from the property saved, salvage for their services.

Paid 162J. 18*, lOd for sundry charges on life-boats, life-boat carriages, and life-boat houses. Also 86Z. 7s. for the Eastbourne life-boat house.

Voted the thanks of the Institution, in- scribed on vellum, to Inspecting-Lieut. Hip- PISLEY, R.N,, of Her Majesty's Coast-guard, Dungeness; also the same and one sovereign, to Mr. ARTHUR BROOKS, chief boatman, and 11. to 13 other Coast-guard men, in testi- mony of their meritorious services in wading into the surf at considerable danger, to the rescue of 7 of the crew of the French schooner Albertine, which was wrecked off Dungeness Light on the 10th Jan. last. (Mr. BROOKS received the silver medal of the Society in Feb. 1853, for gallant services rendered by him to the crew of the Dutch vessel Louise Emelie, wrecked off Dungeness.) Voted 51 10*. to the crew of the Rhyl tubular life-boat, for putting off with the ia- tention of rendering assistance to the ship Marian, of Liverpool, which was observed to have a signal of distress flying off Rhyl, on the 25th Jan. last.

Also the silver medal and 21. to HENRY HOUGHTON, joiner, of West Hartlepool, in acknowledgment of his services in wading, at the risk of his life, into the surf, to the rescue of 7 out of 8 of the crew of the brig Era, of Rochester, which was wrecked during a strong N.E. gale of wind off Har- tlepool on the 4th Jan. last.

Also the silver medal to Mons. PIERRE Pi CARD, master of the fishing-smack Victoire Desir&e of Honfleur, and 12J. to be divided between himself and his crew of 5 hands, in acknowledgment of their gallant services in rescuing 3 men from the smack Dart, of* Lyme Regis, which had foundered in stormy weather in Portland Race, on the 8th March last The crew of the Frenchman had in- curred considerable risk of life, and had displayed much promptitude, in the perform- ance of this service.

Also 7L to the crew of 14 men of the New- biggin life-boat, for putting off in her and res- cuing, during a gale of wind, the crew of 3 men from a coble, of Berwick, which, during a gale of wind was observed to be in a sinking state off Newbiggin, on the 13th March last.

Also 1H. to the crew of the Berwick life- boat, for putting off in her -and rescuing the crew of 5 men of the Heinrich Gerdes, of Rostock, which, during a gale of wind, was stranded on- Spittal Point, on the night of the 22nd March last. One of the life-boat's crew was, by a huge wave, washed overboard, but was immediately saved by means of the 'life-boat's life buoy.

Also 8?. to the crew of the Seaton life- boat, for putting off in her with the view of rendering assistance to the crew of the brig Empress, of Sunderland, which, during a strong gale and heavy sea, was wrecked on the Long Scar Rocks, on the 4th Jan. last.

After two gallant and persevering attempts to reach the wreck, the life-boat was com- pelled to return ashore. This life-boat, which belonged to a local Society, was thirty years old. The NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTI- TUTION has since placed a new life-boat on this station.

Also a reward of 51.5s. to the crew of two boats, for putting off, amidst some danger, to the rescue of 3 men whose boat had foun- dered off Arklow, on the 16th March last.

Also the thanks of the Institution, in- scribed on vellum, to JOHN LISCOMBE, com- missioned boatman of the Coast-guard at Sunderland, for his services in assisting to rescue, by means of the rocket apparatus, the crew of 8 men of the brig Medina, of Cowes, which was wrecked off Sunderland, on the night of the 21st March.

Also a reward of 61. to 3 fishermen, who had put off in their coble, at great danger, to the rescue of 4 men of the schooner Mary, of Sunderland, which was wrecked off Whitby, during stormy weather, on the night of the 20th March last.

Thursday, 7th May. THOMAS CHAP- MAN, Esq., V.P., F.R.S., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Read letter from His Grace the President, of the 20th April, transmitting a communi- cation from the Hon. HENRY PAENELL, re- specting his plan of shore and ships' life- boats.—To be acknowledged.

Read letter from T. B. SMITHIES, Esq., of No. 3 Cambridge Terrace, Islington, of the 6th April, stating the pleasure it had given him to notice the objects of the Insti- tution in his periodical called the British Workman, No. 27.—To be thanked.

Ordered a cheque for 500?. to be paid to Messrs. FOEEESTT, for various life-boats built by them for the Institution.

Read and approved the Inspector's Report of his visit to the life-boats of the Society stationed on the west and south coast of England.

Resolved— 1. That a small life-boat, 28 feet long, be built and stationed at Brannton, Appledore.

2. That a small carriage be provided for the life-boat at Appledore.

3. That a roadway be made from Apple-" dore boat-house to the beach.

The Inspector of life-boats produced a hand compass binnacle lantern.—Referred the same to a Sub-Committee, with instruc- tions to obtain the best information on the subject, and to place themselves in communi- cation with the head of the Compass Depart- ment of the Admiralty.

Read and approved the Report of the Sub- Committee, appointed to consider the best mannner of circulating throughout our Colo- nies and in foreign countries, a description of the plan of life-boat adopted by this Institu- tion.—Laid on the table a lithographic coloured working drawing of the life-boat.

The Committee sanctioned that drawings of four of the most approved life-boat car- riages be made and circulated with the life- boat drawing.

Bead letter from Mr. W. WILLIAMS, of Vine Cottage, Milford, of the 6th April, relative to his plan of life-boat.—To be acknowledged.

Read letter from R. B. FORBES, Esq., Chairman of the Massachusetts Shipwreck and Humane Society, x f the 14th April, stating that he would beglad to have twelve of Captain WARD'S cork life-belts, and that he wished to import one of Manby's mortar apparatus with some gear.—Decided that the life-belts be forwarded to Mr. FORBES, and that the Board of Ordnance be requested to supply the mortar and gear.

Read letter from Captain R. J. OTWAY, R.N., of Cheltenham, of the 15th April, stating, that having been twice shipwrecked, he naturally felt much for those who were likely to suffer in the same way; he had therefore decided to pay an Annual Subscrip- tion of 51. in aid of the funds of the Institu- tion.—To be thanked.

Reported the receipt of Is. 6d. in postage stamps, from an unknown friend, who stated that the same were " Cecil's savings for the poor sailors." Also reported that the late Mrs. JANE DA VIES, of Aikin's Road, Clapham, had left the Institution a legacy of 100?.

Bead letter from Lieut STEWART, B.N., chief officer of the Coast-guard at Hornsea, of the 1st April, stating that the B. Wood life-boat, recently sent by the Institution to that station, had been tried, and that the trial had given her crew much satisfaction.

Produced the March quarterly returns of the exercise of forty-seven life-boats in con- nection with the Institution. The life-boats were reported to be in an efficient state, -and their trials to have been satisfactory.

Read letter from Captain MARTIN of the Royal Harbour, Ramsgate, of the 30th April, stating the services rendered by the Rams- gate Harbour steam-tug and life-boat, in conjunction with other boats, to the Norwe- gian brig Redwig Amdei, which was found dismasted on the Longsand, on the 28th idem.

The vessel being timber laden, was ultimately got off.—To be thanked.

Read letter from A. BARTLEMAN, Esq., of Tynemouth, of the 29th April, stating that the Cullercoats life-boat had put off on the 2nd idem, during a strong gale of wind, to assist two fishing cobles over the bar.

The life-boat shipped several heavy seas, and freed herself of the same immediately. She was reported by her crew to have behaved very well on the occasion.

Paid 1881. 3s. Id. for sundry charges on life-boats, life-boat carriages, and life-boat houses.

Paid also 521, 17s. 6d. for the Padstow life-boat carriage. • Voted the silver medal of the Institution to PETER CORBET, pilot, in testimony of the intrepid and skilful manner with which he piloted, during a heavy gale of wind, Her Majesty's Revenue Cruizer Eagle, amongst the Totnez Rocks, on the Guernsey Coast, thereby enabling the Eagle's boat to rescue 3 of the crew of the barque -Boadicea of Shields, which was wrecked on those rocks ou the 5th Jan. last.

Also a reward of 61. to the crew of the Cemlyn life-boat, who had put off with the view of rendering assistance to the barque Ellen OKver, of Liverpool, which, during a dense fog, had gone on the north-east point of Skerries Rocks on the 5th April last.

The vessel was afterwards got off and taken in tow of a steam-tug in the direction of Liverpool. The compass lantern, on the plan of Captain WARD, R.N., had been of essential service on the occasion, in enabling the life-boat to make- the shore. Other boats having left the wreck at the same time were out many hours and in much danger.

Also •67. to 3 men for their laudable ser- vices in rescuing 2 of the crew of the smack Ann, of Amlwch, which was wrecked during a heavy gale of wind, near Voryd Telegraph Station, Rhyl, on the 3rd Jan.

last. The men had been engaged in the service the whole of the night, and had in- curred considerable risk in the performance of the same.

Also 11. 17*. to the crew of the New- biggin life-boat, for putting off in her, and rescuing the crew, consisting of 6 men of the brig Catherine, of Ipswich, which came ashore near Blyth on the 7th April. The life-boat was reported to have behaved very well on the occasion.

Also 21. to WILLIAM E. CHURCH, coast- guardmari, of Malin Head, Donegal, and 41.

to 4 fishermen who put off in a boat and rescued, at much risk of life, 2 men who had been capsized from their boat during squally weather near that station on the 13th Jan.

Also 21. to JOHN MCLAUGHLIN, and 10s.

to PATRICK RODDKN, for wading into the surf and rescuing a man who had -been capsized from his boat near Port Bedford, County Donegal, on the 14th Feb. last.

MCLAUGHLIN had incurred much risk of life in the service.

Also 4?. 10s. to 9 men for wading into the surf, and rescuing 5 men who had been capsized from their boat off Great Yarmouth on the 10th March.

Also the silver medal and 21. each to JAMES PEARSE, THOMAS PEARSE, JOHN JONES, pilots, and GEORGE CLARK, seaman, in acknowledgment of their gallant services in putting off in a boat and rescuing 3 out of 4 men of the crew of the schooner Trevau- nance, of St. Agnes, which was wrecked, during an easterly gale, off Porthcawl, on the 29th March. After striking, the vessel almost immediately sank, when the crew, 4 in number, took to the mast head, where they remained for several hours before they were even seen from the land. When the boat's crew were within half a mile of the wreck, they found that they could not ap- proach her, owing to the heavy sea that was breaking over the sands. At last, when quite dark, and seeing that unless they then made the attempt, an hour or less would seal the poor creatures' fate, as the tide was close up to them, the boat dashed into the surf and took the shipwrecked men, now re- duced to three, from their most perilous posi- tion on the cross-tree, to which they had clung for sixteen hours.

Also 11. to 2 men who had put off in a boat and rescued, at some danger, two per- sons who had been capsized from a small boat, between Shields and Sunderland, on the 14th April last.

Thursday, 4th June. His Grace the PRESIDENT in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance Correspondence and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Elected THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., EDWARD HURRY, Esq., and Capt. WASH- INGTON, R.N., F.R.S., Hydrographer of the Admiralty, Vice-Presidents of the Institu- tion, in acknowledgment of their zealous and valuable services to the Society.

Read letter from the Rev. JOHN LAWSON, Hon. Sec. of the Seaton Carew life-boat branch, of the 17th May, stating that the Seaton Carew new life-boat had arrived at her station. She had recently been tried, and he was happy to say that her crew had taken wonderfully to the new life-boat, and had already full confidence in her qualities.

Read the Inspector's report of his recent visit to the Seaton Carew and Hornsea life- boat stations.

Resolved—That the Seaton Carew life- boat house be altered and repaired, and that the road along the northern boundary be widened.

Read letter from Dr. MARSHALL HALL, of 37 King's Road, Brighton, of 3rd May, relative to his method for treating the appa- rently drowned.—To be thanked. (This distinguished and philanthropic physician has since died.) Read Messrs. FORRESTT'S monthly report of the state and progress of the life-boats building by them for the Institution.

Read letter from Mr. H. DENNETT, of Carisbrook, Isle of Wight, of the 2nd inst,, stating the satisfaction of the Danish Govern- ment with Capt. WARD'S cork life-belts.

Read letter from E. W. 'CooKE, Esq., A.R.A., of the 28th May, stating that as he felt much interest in the objects of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, he meant to exert all his powers for its benefit by appealing to the sympathies of the public through the medium of his pic- tures. He added that he would not relax his efforts on behalf of the Society until he could place a life-boat to be called the Edward Coolie on some thankful station.— To be thanked.

Read letter from Mr. WILLIAM LESLIE, of Souris, Prince Edward's Island, of the 7th May, calling attention to his plan of life-boat.—To be acknowledged.

Paid 93Z. 6s. lid. for sundry charges on life-boats and life-boat houses.

Also 64Z. 12*. for the Rhyl life-boat car- riage, and 50Z. in aid of the cost of the Appledore life-boat house.

Voted 61. to the crew of 12 men of the Thorpness life-boat, for putting off during stormy weather and rescuing 3 men, whose fishing-boat was in a dangerous position near Sizewell Bank, on the 9th May last. The assistance of the life-boat was most oppor- tune, as the fishermen had despaired of suc- cour reaching them.

Voted SQL to the crew of 25 men and some floaters of 3 Lowestoft yawl, for put- ting off hi her and rescuing, at considerable risk of life, the crew of 14 men of the barque Margiana, of Sunderland, which was wrecked on the Holm Sand early on the morning of the 10th May. The master of the vessel stated that his ship had been lost through the defective state of his com- pass.

Also a reward of 61. to 2 men for putting off in a boat, and rescuing, at the imminent risk of their lives, 3 out of 4 persons from a yawl that had capsized in Kenmare Bay on the 8th Dec. last.

Also the silver medal and 21. to JOHN AIKIN, commissioned boatman of Coast-gnard at Cushendall, for saving the life of a farmer named O'NEAL, who had been tripped over a mooring chain into the sea. AiKiNhad plunged into the sea after him, and seizing a mooring chain, carried himself over it to the place where the man had sunk. Upon his coming to the surface, AIKIN seized him with one hand, and suspended himself by the other from the chain for at least five minutes. From the dragging he received, AIKIN had his arm dislocated, and his hand severely hurt.

Thursday, 2nd July. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., V.P., F.R.S. in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Read also and approved the Minutes of the Life-Boat Compass Sub-Committee.

Resolved— 1. That the thanks of the General Com- mittee be given to the Life-Boat Compass Sub-Committee for their Report.

2. That the three compasses be sent to Walmer on trial.

Read letter from His Grace the President, of the 10th June, transmitting a copy of Mr. HENKY GEEATHEAD'S pamphlet on his plan of life-boat, published in 1802. Also one from Dr. JOHNSTON, on the plan adopted for restoring the apparently drowned in the latter end of the last century. His Grace also forwarded a letter addressed to his late father in 1802, by a gentleman named WILLIAM WAKRE, of Oporto, thanking the then Duke of Northumberland for a life-boat on Mr. GEEATHEAD'S plan which his Grape had presented to that port.

His Grace also forwarded, at the same time, a communication from the Shipwreck Society at Boulogne, requesting to be fur- nished with a drawing of the life-boat of the Institution.

Decided.—That his Grace be thanked for the pamphlets, and that a drawing" of the life-boat be forwarded to the Boulogne Society as soon as ready.

Reported that new life-boats belonging to the Institution had recently been forwarded to the following stations—Seaton Carew, Durham; Penmon, Anglesey; Braunton, Devon; and Arklow, Ireland.

The Committee voted their thanks to the General Steam Navigation Company, for kindly conveying, free of charge, the life- boat formerly at Hauxley from Hull to London to be altered.

Read letter from WILLIAM M KEBBELL, Esq., of the 5th June, forwarding a cheque for 1801. towards the cost of the life-boat which the Institution had just placed at Seaton Carew.—Decided that the sincere thanks of the Committee be given to Mr.

M°KERRELL, for his munificent contribution.

Authorized the construction of a life-boat house at Wicklow, at a cost not exceeding 97?.

Read letter from the Hon. Secretary to the Aberdovey Branch, of the 6th June, stating that on the morning of the 8th May, a vessel having struck on the rocks, imme- diately went to pieces, being as rotten and unseaworthy as she could be; and adding, that no opportunity was afforded for any- thing to be done by the Aberdovey life-boat -towards rescuing her crew,, as not a vestige of the vessel was to be seen in half an hour after she had struck. Three out of four of her crew perished, the master having saved his life by swimming ashore.

Bead letter from the Shipwrecked Fisher- men and Mariners' Society of the 18th June, transmitting a circular relating to the Society's proposition for the erection of a hospital for worn-out seamen. The Society had, at its general Meeting, held on the 29th May, decided to vote 5,000?. towards the object.

A Meeting on the said subject has since been convened by the Lord Mayor, and held at the Egyptian Hall, Mansion House, when it was decided by acclamation, that the pro- position of the Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners' Society should be carried into effect.

The Committee voted their thanks to the Editor of the United Service Magazine for his* kind promise of co-operation, by giving pub- licity in his Magazine to the proceedings of the Institution.

Read letter from Inspecting Lieutenant HIPPISI.EY, R.N., of the Dungeness Coast- guard District, of the 26th June stating that the life-boat recently sent to Dungeness had been tried in a heavy gale from E. to E.N.E., and in a heavy surf; she behaved most admirably. The boat filled in launching, and cleared herself of the sea readily.. She pulled off well, but oa rounding the Black Buoy, she shipped a heavy sea on her broad- side, when she again cleared herself to the satisfaction of all.

The Committee learned with regret the death of Miss ANNA GURNET, of Northrepps, Norfolk, a liberal subscriber to this Insti- tution, and who had taken considerable interest in inventions fop saving life from shipwreck. She was herself the inventor of a hand-mortar apparatus for throwing a line from a boat to a wreck. She had always kept the Manby Mortar Apparatus in her house, and had a man in her employ in- structed in its management.

Voted a reward of 21. to 4 men who put off in a boat, and rescued a Coast-guard man and a boy who had been capsized from their boat at the entrance of Kilrush Creek on the 27th May last.

Also the thanks of the Committee to Mr.

GEORGE STARK, Assistant Harbour Master at Leith, and 6 men, for putting off in a steam-tug and assisting to rescue 4 out of 6 men who had been capsized from the Cus- toms' boat off that place, on the night of the 30th May last..