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Additional Stations and New Life-Boats

CAHORE, IRELAND.—A branch of the Na- tional Life-boat Institution has been founded at Cahore, on the coast of Wexford, Ireland.

The Blackwater Bank, extending for many miles along this part of the coast, has been from time immemorial a source of great danger to shipping, and seldom a year passes that several wrecks do not take place on it.

Through the exertions of gentlemen in the neighbourhood of Cahore, headed by John George, Esq., late M.P. for the county of Wexford (whose indefatigable exertions in this humane cause have most materially contributed to the success of the undertaking), and with the co-operation and liberal aid of the National Life-boat Institution, a first- class life-boat, on Mr. Peake's design, 30 feet in length, fully equipped, and furnished with a carriage, has been provided and sta- tioned at Cahore, where a substantial boat- house has been erected for its reception.

On undergoing her harbour trial previous to leaving the builders' yard, in London, it was shown that, besides possessing great stability" and the power of almost instan- taneously self-discharging any water that might be shipped, she would also self-right, in the event of being upset, even with her masts tip and sails hoisted and sheeted home.

This life-boat was liberally conveyed, without charge, from London to Dublin, by the British and Irish Steam Packet Com- pany, and from Dublin to Cahore by the proprietors of the steamers trading between Wexford and Dublin.

YOUGHAL, IRELAND.—A first-class life- boat, on Mr. Peake's design, similar in all respects to that above described, has been stationed at Youghal, in the county of Cork, being another of a series of life-boats which the National Life-boat Institution, aided by the residents in the several localities, is placing on the coast of Ireland* His Grace the Duke of Devonshire, who is one of the principal landowners in the town and neigh- bourhood of Youghal, is one of the chief contributors to the cost of this establishment.

An excellent boat-house has been built, and a carriage, furnished with Boy dell's self- acting endless railway, has been provided for conveying the boat along the soft beach of the locality. A branch of the Institution, with its usual local Committee of Manage- ment, has been formed at Youghal to super- intend and ensure its future efficiency.

This life-boat was liberally conveyed from London to Cork, without charge, by the Cork Elver Steamer Company.