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A Solitary Voyager

The schoooner Happy Return, which left Sunderland with coals, was sometime since towed into Dundee by the Hull steamer Queen, with only one hand (a lad named WILLIAM CHARLTON) on board. It seems that after leaving Sun- derland, the schooner had encountered a heavy gale, and lost her main boom; had her sails split, and her bulwarks carried away. Her crew got on board a foreign vessel near the South Bell Light; but for some reason or other not explained, they left the lad on board. After the crew left the boy in the leaky and disabled barque, in a rough and stormy sea, it appears he had pumped her and kept her before the wind until exhausted with his efforts to keep the crazy craft afloat, he went below to bed after securing the wheel, and slept soundly for several hours. He was awoke by the steamer coming alongside. When the schooner was got into Dundee, it was as- certained that she was making 3 1/2 inches of water an hour.