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Sophie, of Oporto, Georgina

On the 4th January, 1857, the brig Sophie, of Oporto, was driven on shore in a heavy easterly gale between three and four miles south of Hauxley Point, on the Northumberland coast. The Hauxley life-boat belonging to the NATIONAL LIFE- BOAT INSTITUTION was immediately drawn by horses to the spot abreast of where the vessel was on shore; and, manned by the Hauxley fishermen, she was launched through a very heavy surf, and quickly reached the vessel, over which the sea was breaking violently, taking out her crew of 11 persons, and conveying them in safety to the land. .

On the same afternoon the schooner Geor- gina ran on shore near Hauxley, when the life-boat was again launched, and succeeded in rescuing her crew of 5 persons.

The Hauxley life-boat is on Mr. PEAKE'S design. She gave the utmost satisfaction to her crew by her behaviour in the very heavy sea which was running at the time.

Captain HIPPLEWHITE, harbour-master of Warkworth, and member of the Hauxley Life-boat Committee, went off in the boat on each occasion. Both the vessels became total wrecks.