Meetings of the Committee
Thursday, Jan. 1, 1857. THOMAS CHAP- MAN, Esq., V.P., F.R.S., in the Chair.
Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.
Read Copy of a Memorial from the New- biggin fishermen, expressive of their grati- tude to His Grace the President for the life- boat which he had stationed there five years ago, and which had, on a recent occasion, been the means of assisting to bring eighteen cobles and their crews in safety into port.
Read the Inspector of Life Boat's Report of his recent visit to some of the life-boat stations on the coasts of Sussex and Kent.— Authorised various alterations to be made in the Eastbourne and Newhaven life-boats.
* Mr. PEAKE did not compete for the prize, but after an examination of all the competing designs, furnished that of his present boat.
Read letter from the Rev. WILLIAM YATE, of Dover, of the 31st Dec., stating that the Local Committee had recommended the replacing of the Dover life-boat and the building of a house for her.—Decided that the application be postponed until the result of an appeal to the inhabitants of Dover on behalf of the undertaking was known.
Resolved — That Messrs. FORRESTT be intrusted to build a life-boat 28 feet long for Penmon, Anglesey.
Read letter from the Shipwrecked Fisher- men and Mariners' Royal Benevolent So- ciety, transmitting a draft for 100Z. in aid of the funds of this Institution.—To be thanked.
Read letter from Mr. A. G. DILLON, of Dublin Castle, of the 27th Dec., transmit- ting a diagram of a gun and an arrow of his invention for effecting communication with stranded vessels in situations where the ordinary life-preserving apparatus could not be made available.—To be acknowledged.
Resolved—That a life-boat house, at the estimated cost of 100Z., be built at Youghal, for the reception of the life-boat now build- ing by the Institution for that station.
Voted the thanks of the Committee to Mr. RICHARD WHITE, chief officer of Coast- guard at Filey, in acknowledgment of his services during many years past in saving life from shipwrecks, by going off in boats, and by means of the mortar and rocket apparatus.
Also a reward of 21. 10s. to five men who had put off in a boat with the intention of rendering assistance to the crew of the French fishing smack Jsmerie, which had,' during a gale of wind, sunk off Rye on the 13th Dec. last. The tide having rapidly ebbed, the crew were afterwards enabled to walk ashore.
Also 41. to four men who had put off in a shore boat and rescued the crew of six men of the schooner Ellen, of Cardigan, which was wrecked during a S.W. gale of wind in Ballycotton Bay. The NATIONAL LIFE- BOAT INSTITUTION has decided to station a life-boat in this dangerous locality at the earliest opportunity.
Also a reward of 12/. to the crew of twelve men of the Portmadoc life-boat, who had proceeded on the night of the 17th Jan., 1856, to the assistance of the brig Bonne Marie, of "Nantes, which they succeeded in bringing in safety into harbour. The owners of the vessel had declined to make these men any compensation for their valuable services.
Also 151. 10s. to the crew .of the Rhyl tubular life-boat, for putting off on the night of the 30th Dec., with the view of rendering assistance to the barque Mary Ann, of Liver- pool, which had a signal of distress flying.
The captain of the ship, however, refused the aid of the life-boat, stating that he could save the crew in his own boats. During the night the vessel foundered, and early the next morning her boat was observed to be drifting with the current when the life-boat again put off and rescued the three men who were in her.
Also 51. 10s. to the crew of the same life-boat for putting off to the rescue of the crew of four men of the schooner Tem- perance, of Belfast, which, during a N.E.
gale of wind and a very heavy surf, was wrecked in Abergele Bay on the 45i Jan.
Thursday, Feb. 5,1857. THOMAS CHAP- MAN, Esq., V.P., F.R.S., in the Chair.
Bead and confirmed the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.
Elected the Bishop of LONDON Vice President of the Institution.
Elected Captain SULIVAN, R.N., C.B., and Commander R. ROBERTSON, R.N., Members of the Committee of Management.
Read letters from WILLIAM MCKERRELL, Esq., of Bath, offering to contribute 1801.
to the Institution for the purchase of a first- class life-boat, and life-belts for her crew.
Resolved—That Mr. MCKEREELL'S mu- nificent offer be accepted.
Read letter from the Rev. JOHN LAWSON, of Seaton Carew, of the 28th Jan., express- ing a desire to bring the life-boat of that station into connection with this Institution.
The life-boat was thirty years old, and would require a thorough overhauling to make her efficient.
Resolved—That the Seaton Carew life- boat establishment be brought into connec- tion with the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTI- TUTION, and that the present life-boat be ! replaced by a new 30 feet life-boat on Mr. PEAKE'S plan.
Read letter from Captain ROBERTSON, R.N., Surveyor-General to the Board of Trade, forwarding a map of the lighthouses of the British Isles, and stating that the number of wrecks during the gale at the beginning of last month was about 340, and that the number of lives lost v,-as 186; but that the number of lives saved, chiefly by life-boats and the mortar and rocket apparatus, was about 662.—To be thanked.
Sanctioned the issuing of the following circular letter to the life-boat Committees, in connection with the Institution, consequent on the loss of the Point of Ayr life-boat.
" To the Hon. Secretaries of Local Life-Boat Committees.
" Lest any of the crews of the life-boats in connection with the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION should take alarm at the melan- choly accident which recently occurred to the Point of Ayr life-boat, the Central Com- mittee of the Institution think it right to acquaint them at once with the following facts:— " 1. That none of the life-boats of the Institution are on the same plan as that at the Point of Ayr, that boat being unprovided with ballast and.
having no self-righting power, and differing from the boats of the In- stitution in other important respects.
" 2. That the crew of that life-boat were not provided with life-belts, which, had they been so, might have proved instrumental to saving some, if not all, of their lives.
" 3. The boat was under sail at the time, and (as the Committee are informed) that the sheets of the sails were found to be made fast when she was subsequently picked up.
" Since to the two latter circumstances may the loss of life on this occasion be chiefly attributed, the Committee request the local Committees to inform their several coxswains that they will be held responsible for every man who goes into the life-boat on service without having on a life-belt. And that, in those boats in which it is indispensable to carry sail, they are on no account to suffer the sheets to be made fast, but to appoint a trustworthy man to attend each sheet, keep- ing it in his hand.
" On its being ascertained that the cox- swain has neglected his duty in either of these respects, on the first occasion of his doing so, he will be considered to have forfeited his pay for the current quarter; and on a second occasion, will be liable to dismissal.
" The coxswains are likewise to be informed that they are never to use their sails unless the distance to the scene of wreck is too great to be reached by rowing, and that, as a general rule, when running for the land before a heavy sea, they will, invariably, if practicable, take in their sails before going into the broken water." « Read letter from Mr. J. SMITH, of York Parade, Hull, relative to his plan of life-boat.
•—To be acknowledged.
Read letter from Mr. J. BROCK, of Red- ruth, late chief officer of Coast-guard, calling attention to the advantages of KISBEE'S float, to be used in conjunction with the mortar and rocket apparatus in saving life from wrecks.—To be acknowledged, and ordered Mr. BROCK'S communication to be forwarded to the Board of Trade.
Read letter from Captain E. A. INGLE- FIELD, R.N., calling attention to his plan of anchor for life-boats.— Instructed the in- spector to test the same on the coast.
Read letters from Captain MARTIN, call- ing attention to the services of the Ramsgate Trust life-boat and steamer during the heavy gales on the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 13th Jan., to vessels in distress on or near the Godwin Sands.—To be thanked.
Reported the transmission of the Dunge- ness life-boat to her station, and that she had been conveyed free of cost by tlie South- Eastern Railway Company to Dover, and thence towed to her station by a Revenue Cruiser, through the courtesy of Commodore EDEN, R.N.—Decided that the Directors of the South-Eastern Railway and Commo- dore EDES, Comptroller-General of the Coast- guard, be thanked.
Read letter from the North of Europe Steam Navigation Company, requesting in- formation respecting a plan of life-boat car- riage for the Dunkirk life-boat, which was being built by Messrs. BEECHING & Boss, of Great Yarmouth.—Decided that the infor- mation required be furnished.
Reported the harbour trial of the Chilian life-boat, which Her Majesty's Government was about to present to the Republic of that country. The trial was in every respect satis- factory. The boat was on Mr. PEAKE'S plan, and had been built by the Messrs. FORRESTT.
Read letter from Captain'ELLIS, E.N., of Southwold, stating that the Local Com- mittee at that place had resolved to present to this Institution their life-boat built by Messrs. BEECHING, in 1852. He also stated that he had decided to resign his appoint- ment of Honorary Secretary to that Branch.
1.—Resolved, That the life-boat be ac- cepted with thanks, and that she be brought to London, to be altered to Mr. PEAKE'S plan.
2.—That the thanks of the Committee be presented to Captain F. W. ELLIS, R.N., in acknowledgment of his valuable services to the life-boat cause, particularly as Chair- man and Hon. Secretary of the Southwold Branch of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.
Read letter from Lieut. AOASSIZ, R.N., of Exmouth, stating the necessity of a life- boat at that place.—Ordered, the usual queries and life-boat papers to be forwarded to that officer.
Read letter from Mr. W. UNDERBILL, of Danse, of the 12th January, calling attention to his buoyant life-belt cushion.—To be ac- knowledged.
Resolved—That a house be erected at a cost of 86Z. for the life-boat stationed at East- bourne, and that the Hon. Mrs. GILBERT be thanked for the site of ground on which the same was to be erected.
Read letter from Mr. A. HENDERSON, of Cambridge-street, Hyde Park, calling atten- tion to his plan of ship's life-boat.—To be acknowledged.
Paid 282?. 5s. 3d. for sundry charges on life-boats, life-boat carriages, and life-boat houses.
Also 931. 8s. 5d. for the Rye life-boat house, and 647?. lls. 4d. to Messrs. FOR- KESTT for building various life-boats.
Voted the silver medal to ROBERT SHIEI DON, coxswain, for going off in the Redcar life-boat on the 5th January, and on many previous occasions, to save life from ship- wreck.
Also 51. 12*. to the crew of the Tenby life-boat, which had put off during a gale of wind with the intention to render assist- ance to a vessel which had a signaf of dis- tress flying, off' Caldy Island.
Also 121. to the crew of the Hauxley life- boat, for saving the crew of 11 men of the brig Sophie, of Oporto, and 5 men of the schooner Geargina, of Inverness, which were wrecked near that station during a severe gale of wind on the 4th January last. Also the silver medal to Captain THOMAS HIPPLE- WHITE, the harbour-master of Warkworth, for going off in the boat on both occasions.
Also the thanks of the Committee to Mr.
THOMAS LEIGHTON, for having gone-offin the boat on the last occasion. The boat was reported to have behaved exceedingly well.
Also 51. 10*. to the crew of the Scar- borough life-boat, which is on Mr. PEAKE'S plan, for putting off in her on three dif- ferent occasions, and rescuing the crews, consisting of 23 men, of the brig Thomp- sons, of Whitby, the brig Northumberland, of Whitby, the brig Wilsons, of Shields, which were wrecked during a heavy gale off Scarborough, on Sunday, the 4th January last. The crews of the life-boat had like- wise received 16Z. 10*. from the owners of the vessels for their valuable services.
The silver medal of the Institution was also voted to THOMAS CLAYBUBN, who had been coxswain of the Scarborough old life- boat for forty years, and had gone fre- quently off in her to save life.
The Lytham life-boat had put off to the assistance of the flat Turner, of Preston, which, during a N.W. gale, had gone on the Horse Bank, on the 4th January. The life-boat succeeded in bringing the flat and her crew of 4 men in safety into harbour.
The crew of the life-boat received 201. as salvage for their services.
The Filey life-boat put off, during a gale of wind, to the rescue of the crew of 9 men of the brig Ratdiff, of Whitby, which came on shore near Filey, on the 4th Jan.
The owners of the vessel paid the life-boat's crew for their services.
Also the second service clasp to Captain JOACHIM, R.N., in acknowledgment of his gallant services in putting off with 19 men, in the Lowestoft life-boat, to the rescue of the master and crew of 7 men of the brig Ten- nant, of Stockton, which, during a N.E.
gale, was driven on the Newcome Sands, on the 5th January last. The vessel, which was timber laden, was afterwards got off, and towed into Lowestoft harbour. The crew of the life-boat received salvage for this service.
Also the silver medal to Lieutenant THOMAS YOUNG, R.N., Chief officer of the Coast-guard at Atherfield, in acknowledg- ment of his gallant services and skilful sea- manship in saving, with his boat's crew, the brig Bed Port, of London, and her crew, on the 4th January last; he had also, on pre- vious occasions, rendered valuable services in saving life from shipwreck.
The thanks of the Committee were also voted to FREDERICK HARRIS, Esq., chief officer of the Kessingland Coast-guard Sta- tion and his crew, for assisting to rescue, with the mortar and rocket apparatus, the crew of the schooner Agnes Jermyn, of Exeter, which was wrecked near Kessing- land, Suffolk, on the 5th January last.
Also the silver medal to Mr. HENRY WYRILL, for putting off' with 5 others in his boat, and rescuing the crew of 5 men of the brigantine Elizabeth, of Sunderland, which was wrecked off Scarborough, on the 14th of November last The 5 men had received a reward from a local subscription for their services.
Also 11. to ROBERT JENKINSON, fisher- man, for wading into the surf, at consider- able risk of life, to effect a communication between the shore and the schooner Wil- liam IV., which was wrecked, during a gate of wind, off Filey, on the 4th January- last, by which means her crew of 3 men were saved.
Also 6/. to JOSEPH READ, commissioned Coast-guard boatman; JOHN MCCARTHY, fisherman, and 9 other fishermen, for rescu- ing 15 men from the barque Edward, of North Shields, which, during a heavy gale of wind, was wrecked in Dunworly Bay, on the coast of Cork, on the 9th December last.
Also 21. to 4 men, for putting off in a • boat and rescuing 3 men, who had been capsized from their boat during heavy squalls, near Portaferry, on the coast of Down, on the 22nd December last.
Also a reward of 13/. to the crew of the Walmer life-boat, for going off in her on the night of January 5th, and rescuing the crew of 13 men and 2 boatmen of the barque Reliance, of London, which, during a N.E.
gale of wind and thick snow-squalls, went to pieces opposite Walmer Castle. The life- boat, the cost of which was liberally pre- sented to the Institution by some members of the Royal Thames Yacht Club, was reported to have behaved exceedingly well on the oc- casion.
Also a reward of 9£. 10*. to the crew of the Lowestoft life-boat, for putting off in her with the view of rendering assistance to the crew of the brig Darlington, of Shields.
On reaching the distressed vessel, however, she was found to have been driven high enough on the beach for her crew to have been rescued by other means.
Thursday, March 5, 1857. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., V.P., F.R.S., in the Chair.
Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.
Read letter from the Secretary to the Royal Thames Yacht Club of the 5th Fe- bruary, stating that the Club had voted an additional donation of 101. to the Institu- tion, and expressing the gratification of the Club to learn that the Walmer life-boat, the voluntary gift of some members of the Club to the Society, had saved 15 persons from the barque Reliance, of London.
Produced a copy of the Wreck Register for 1856. It appeared that during the year 1,153 wrecks had taken place on the coast of the British isles, and that 521 lives had been lost therefrom. The number of lives saved by life-boats, shore boats, and other means during the year was 2,243.
Voted a life-belt to Mr. JOSEPH HODGSOIT, of Sunderland, in acknowledgment of his continued gallant services in saving life on occasions of shipwreck.
Read letter from Captain BECHER, R.N., F.R.S., of the 21st February, stating that a page or two of the Nautical Magazine would be always at the service of this Insti- tution to promote its important objects.— To be thanked.
Also from the editor of the Mercantile Marine Magazine, forwarding a complete set of that periodical to the Institution and stating that a copy of the magazine would be sent every month to the Society, and that notices of its proceedings would be inserted in it and occasional advertisements.
—To be thanked.
Read letter from Mr. W. WILLIAMS, master of the steamer Windsor, belonging to the City of Dublin Steam-packet Company, calling attention to his plan of life-boat.— To be acknowledged.
Produced a printed circular issued by the Board of Trade to the Coast-guard, respect- ing the re-organization and completion of the mortar and rocket apparatus on the coast.
Read letter from Lieutenant SIMMONS, R.N., of the 24th February, stating that the Southwold life-boat, manned by 13 men, had saved the brig Pensker and her crew on the 9th idem. When the life-boat ap- proached the brig she was found in a sink- ing state, with seven feet of water in her hold. The life-boat's crew, however, per- severed at the pumps, and succeeded in bringing her ultimately to Lowestoft har- bour.
Paid 111. 8*. for sundry charges on life- boats, life-boat carriages, and life-boat houses.
Also 1531. 15*. 6rf. for the Appledore and llornsea life-boat carriages.
Voted the silver medal and 21. each toWILLIAM PILLAR, gunner, of Her Ma- jesty's Revenue cruiser Eagle; WILLIAM COCKEOM, steward of ditto; GEOEQE HUGHES, pilot; HENRY BONGOURU, pilot; and thanks, on vellum, severally, to Lieut.
WILLIAM T. STANDBRIDGE, R.N, Com- mander of the Eagle; Mr. GEORGE SCOTT, master of the steam-tug Watt, and to Mr.
WILLIAM BRACHE, - master of the pilot- cutter Blonde, and 161. to 8 other men, in acknowledgment of their valuable services in rescuing six of the barque Boadicea, of Shields, which was wrecked off Guernsey, during a heavy gale of wind, on the oth January last.
Also 101. to 5- seamen, for putting off in a boat through a heavy sea, and at the risk of their lives rescuing 2 men who had been upset from their fishing-boat during a gale of wind near Irvine, on the 19th De- cember last.
Also 21. 10s. to 5 men who had put off with the intention of rendering assistance to a vessel in distress off Great Onnes Head Telegraph Station, on the 30th Dec. last.
Also 21. to 4 Coast-guard boatmen at Scarborough, for rescuing amidst consider- able difficulty, by means of the mortar and rocket apparatus, 9 out of 12 of the crew of the bapjue Samuel Cunard, which was stranded near that place on the 5th January.
Also III. to the crew of the Kessingland life-boat, for their services in rescuing the crew, consisting of 4 men, of the schooner Friends of Eliza, of Hartlepool, which was wrecked near Kessingland Coast-guard Station on the night of the 21st January last.
Thursday, 19th March, 1857.—The An- nual General Meeting of the friends and supporters of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE- BOAT INSTITUTION was held this day at the LondonTavern, Bishopsgate-street, His Grace the Duke of NORTHUMBERLAND, K.G., Pre- sident of the Society, in the Chair.
His Grace the Chairman having opened the Meeting with some remarks, The Secretary read the Annual Report of the Committee. The Auditor also read the Financial Statement of the Society.
The following resolutions were afterwards moved and unanimously carried-:— Moved by Rear-Admiral the Earl TALBOT, C.B., and seconded by MONTAGUE GORE, Esq.,— 1. That the Report now read be adopted and circulated.
Moved by Captain JOHN SHEPHERD, H.C.S., Deputy-Master of the Trinity House, and seconded by WILLIAM COTTON, Esq., F.R.S., late Governor of the Bank of England,— 2. That this Meeting has heard', with peculiar satisfaction, of the success which has attended the humane operations of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION during the past year, and the gratifying fact, that in the same period, 2,243 persons were rescued by life-boats, shore boats, and other means, from shipwrecks, on the shores and in the seas of the British Isles—facts which should call forth the acknowledgments of the com- munity at large, as showing most satisfac- torily what can be accomplished in this good work by sustained and well-directed efforts.
That this Meeting does therefore pledge itself to use its best exertions to maintain and extend the operations of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, whose claims ur- gently appeal to every one for support.
Moved by J. D. POWLES, Esq., and seconded by Captain WASHINGTON, R.N., F.R.S., Hydrographer of the Admiralty,— 3. That the thanks of this Meeting be given to the President of the Board of Trade, and to the Marine Department of that Board, for the important and cordial aid afforded by the Board to the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION. Also to the Comp- troller-General, the Deputy-Comptroller- General, and the Officers and men of Her Majesty's Coast-guard service, for their con- ;inued valuable assistance to the Society.
Moved by Admiral Sir THOMAS COCHRANE, K.C.B., and seconded by Captain RAVEN, R.N.,— 4. That this Meeting tenders its cordial thanks to THOMAS BARING, Esq., M.P., the Chairman, to THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., the Deputy-Chairman, and to the other Members of the Committee of Manage- ment, for the care and attention with which they have administered the important affairs of the Institution.
Also to the honorary Local Committees of the several Branches of the Institution for their zealous co-operation with the Central Committee in promoting the efficiency of the Life-Boat establishments intrusted to their superintendence and management.
This resolution was responded to on be- half of the Committee by THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., Deputy-Chairman, and Chairman for Lloyd's Register of British and Foreign Shipping Society.
Moved by THOMAS BARING, Esq., M.P., and seconded by Captain GEORGE A.
HALSTKD, R.N., Secretary to Lloyd's,— 5. That the best acknowledgments of this Meeting be given to His Grace the DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND, K.G., for his able conduct in the Chair, and for the kind in- terest which he continues to take in the prosperity of the Institution..