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Drawings of the Life-Boats and Life-Boat Carriages Adopted By the Royal National Life-Boat Institution

FIVE years' experience by the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION of the new class of life-boats, designed by JAMES PEAKE, Esq., of Her Majesty's Dock-yard, Woolwich, and elicited by the prize of 100 guineas given by His Grace the Duke of NORTHUMBER- LAND in 1851,* has now fully established their superior qualities, and justifies that Institution in recommending them wherever life-boats are required.

At a recent meeting of the Committee it was accordingly determined to have litho- graphed drawings prepared of one of these boats of ordinary dimensions, and also of those descriptions of life-boat carriages con- sidered most useful in varying localities; and that copies of the same should be for- warded to foreign governments, the British colonies and foreign possessions, and to other parties who might desire to provide life-boats on the coasts of this or any other country.

A Sub-committee has been nominated to carry out the same, and the drawings having been lithographed under their superintend- ence, are now in readiness for distribution.

His Grace the Duke of NORTHUMBER- LAND has generously expressed a desire to defray the cost of these drawings, and they will be circulated, under the superintendence of the Committee of the Institution, solely at his Grace's expense.