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Abstract from the Meetings of the Committee for the Year 1855

Thursday, Jan. 3, 1856.—THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., in the Chair.

Head and confirmed the Minutes of the pre- vious meeting, and those of the Finance, Corre- spondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Com- mittees.

Elected Captain CHARLES EDES, R.N., C.B., Comptroller-general of the Coastguard, a member of the Committee of Management..

Read letter from FRANCIS BRODIGAN, Esq , of the Temple, transmitting a form of agreement, which he suggested might be used by the Institu- tion in lieu of leases in respect to the sites of ground on which its life-boat houses might be erected.—Decided that Mr. BRODIGAN be thanked for his obliging communication, and that the form of agreement suggested by him be used by the Institution.

Resolved— 1. That the Board of Trade be moved to supply additional rocket stations in the vicinity of Dun- geness.

2. That 1,2007. from the funded capital of the Institution be sold, agreeably to a previous order.

3. That the Dungeness life-boat and carriage be transferred to Bye, and that a new life-boat and carriage more suitable to the locality be supplied to Dungeness.

Head letter from Captain ELLIS, R.N., of Southwold, stating that the new life-boat built by the Messrs. BEECHING, of Yarmouth, had arrived at Southwold, and requesting a remittance of the 200/. promised by the Institution to pay for the same.—Ordered that a draft for 2007. be accord- ingly forwarded to Captain ELLIS.

Head letter from Mr. WALKER, late of the Royal Navy, Chief Officer of Watchet, Coastguard Station, stating the necessity of three life-boats within the limits of the station under his com- mand, extending from Stert to Glenthorn, on the western boundary of Somerset, a distance of 40 miles seaboard. He stated that he should, in conjunction with his Inspecting Commander, be nappy to assist in carrying out any plan for the accomplishment of that humane object, and as an earnest of his interest in the matter, he offered to contribute 51. towards the undertaking.— Ordered the usual preparatory life-boat queries and other life-boat papers to be sent to Mr.


Read letter from Mr. BARTLETT, of Teignmouth, of the 21st December, stating that the life-boat of that place had been tried, and that the trial had been satisfactory. This boat had been recently altered in London to Mr. PEAKE'S plan.

Read letter from Mr. VIDLER, of the 26th Dec., stating that he should be happy to co-operate in establishing a Life-boat Branch at Rye, and adding that he was then in correspondence with several gentlemen on the subject.—To be thanked.

Read letter from Mr. HOLMAN, mariner, of Hartlepool, of the 18th December, forwarding a description and model of his life-boat. He pro- posed to propel his boat by paddles.—To be acknowledged.

Reported the transmission of various model life-boats and other life-preserving apparatus, received from the Paris Exhibition, to the Crys- tal Palace, Sydenham.

Read letter from H. D. P. CUNNINGHAM, Esq., R.N., of Gosport, transmitting a description of his Cape Town life-boat carriage, a model of which he also submitted to the Committee.—Decided that Mr. CUNNINGHAM be instructed to build for the Institution a carriage after his plan.

Read letter from the Rev. RICHARD THACKE, Honorary Secretary to the Padstow Branch, stating that the Local Committee had collected about 1607. towards their proposed life-boat, and that the boat would require two transporting car-riages—one for each side of the harbour. He likewise transmitted a copy of a letter received from the Duchy of Cornwall, stating that the Prince of Wales had contributed 25*. towards the establishment, and had permitted, at the request of the Local Committee, the boat to be called Albert Edward.—Decided that one carriage be at present supplied, until the Local Committee had tested its applicability to their locality.

Paid 9677. 17s. It7. for new life-boats, sundry charges on life-boats, life-boat carriages, and life- boat houses.

Voted four Silver Medals, six Thanks of the Committee inscribed on vellum, and 417., as re- wards for saving lives from wrecks, as follows :— Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution to DENNIS DONOVAN, chief boatman of the Kilmore, County Wexford, Coastguard Station, in testi- mony of his gallant conduct in putting off in a boat, with three of his crew (who with him had received 107. for their services), and rescuing, at considerable risk of life, five of the crew of the brigantine Isabella, of Newport, which, during a heavy gale, was wrecked on the rocks off that station on the night of the 18th Dec. Much credit was also due to Captain SHOVELLER, R.M., the chief officer of the Coastguard, for his vigilance and attention.

The thanks of the Committee were also Toted to WILLIAM BYFORD, Esq., R.N., chief officer of the Camber Coastguard Station, and also a reward of 107., to be divided between his crew of two men, and the master and crew of the Rye Harbour Commissioners' steam-tug Erin, for their services to the crew of 6 hands of the Eliza Lomer, of Sunderland, which became a total wreck during a gale of wind, near the above station, on the 23rd Dec. last.

Voted also the Silver Medal of the Institution to Lieutenant JESSE, R.N., chief officer of the Tenby Coastguard Station, and a reward of 167. 10s. to his crew of eleven men, in testimony of their gallant conduct in putting off in the life- boat, and rescuing on the afternoon and night of the 18th Dec. last, the crews of the schooner Affenoria, of Bideford, and of the schooner Alexandre, of Havre.

Also 31.10s. to the crew of the life-boat at 31 Martello Tower, Kent, for putting off to the rescue of the crew of 12 hands, of the Danish bark William, which was wrecked in thick and squally weather near that place on the 27th Dec. No other boat than the life-boat was able to ap- proach the vessel. The boat was represented to have behaved well on the occasion.

Voted also the Silver Medal to Mr. Jons ROBERTS, of Clogwyn, and 27. to two other men, in testimony of their noble conduct in rushing into the surf to the rescue of 4 out of 8 of the crew of the French brig Charlotte, which, in a gale of wind, was stranded near Harlech, on the 24th Dec. last.

Also a reward of 9/. to the crew of the Gorleston life-boat, for rescuing the crew of 8 men of the brig Eliza, of Montrose, which in a heavy gale of wind, drove from her anchors, and struck on the outer bank, near Yarmouth, on the 18th Deo. The vessel, shortly after the crew were taken off, went to pieces.. The life-boat belongs to the boatmen of the village, which they had recently succeeded in placing, through their own contributions, aided by a grant of 507. from the National Life-boat Institution, on this im- portant station.

Also the Silver Medal and the thanks of the Committee, inscribed on vellum, to Mr.

JOSEPH HODGSON, a carver of Sunderland, in testimony of his extraordinary exertions, ex- tending over a period of twelve years, in saving life. He had personally rescued 10 persons from drowning, and had assisted in life-boats and other boats in saving about 17 others.

Thursday, 7th Feb., 1856. His Grace the Duke of NORTHUMBERLAND, K.G., President of the Institution, in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous Meeting,'and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Read the Report of Captain MCHARDY, R.N., and Captain WARD, R.N., respecting their visit to Ramsgate Harbour on the 22nd ult., to examine the means provided by the Commissioners for the preservation of life from shipwreck. They re- ported the same to be of the most complete and efficient character; and as reflecting much credit on the liberality of the Trustees, who had placed the same under the able superintendence of Captain MARTIN, their active Harbour-Master.

Resolved— 1. That the thanks of the Committee be given to the two officers for their valuable Report.

2. That copies of the said Report be trans- mitted to the Board of Trade, and to the Ramsgate Harbour Trustees.

3. That the thanks of the Committee, inscribed on vellum, be voted to Captain MARTIN, in testi- mony of bis long and valuable services to ship- wrecked crews and to vessels in distress.

Read letter from Captain GRANT, Secretary to the Royal Thames Yacht Club, of the 6th inst., stating that the Club had voted a donation of 101.

to the Institution, and that a member of the Club had promised to contribute one-half the cost of a life-boat, if other Members of the Club subscribed the other item.—To express the thanks of the Committee to the Club for its donation, and their sense of the liberality of the Member in question.

Read letter from Captain KENNEDY, R.N., of the 10th Jan., transmitting a copy of a letter from the Inspecting-Lieutenant at Westport, containing a copy of a resolution passed at a public meeting, stating the necessity of a life-boat in that neigh- bourhood.—Decided that the usual preparatory life-boat queries and other papers be forwarded to Captain KENNEDY.

Read also a letter from Captain KENNEDY, R.N., of the 17th Jan., returning answers from Captain STODDERT, R.N., to the life-boat queries relative to the Groomsport, Donaghadee, life- boat, and stating that a life-boat, 28 feet long, to pull 6 oars, single-banked, would be a suitable one for that locality; 33Z. had been promised in aid of the establishment, and more was expected for the permanent maintenance, of the boat.

Annual subscriptions to the amount of 4/. likewise had already been promised.—Decided that the subject of placing a life-boat at Groomsport be considered, as soon as the funds of the Society would admit of it, and that Captain STODDERT be requested to continue his exertions.

Read letter from Mr. GROVE, of Arley Hill, Bristol, of the 24th Jan., stating, in his capacity as one of the executors, that the late B. COLES, Esq., of Tunbridge Wells, had left this Institution 200A, 3 per Cents. Consols, payable after the demise of his widow.—Mr. GROVE to be thanked for his communication.

Read letter from Captain ELLIS, R.N., of South- wold, of the 25th Jan., transmitting a copy of a resolution passed at a Meeting of the Local Com- mittee, thanking the Institution for its vote of 200?. in aid of their life-boat, and reporting that the boat had been tried, and had given satisfac- tion.

Read letter from Messrs. BOYKELL and GLASIER, of the 26th Jan., transmitting an estimate amount- ing to 30/. for building a life-boat carriage for the Dungeness boat, according to a plan sug- gested by Captain WARD, R.N. The carriage would be fitted with their endless railway and apparatus.—Decided that a transporting-carriage be built accordingly.

Read letter from W. W. E. WYNNE, Esq., M.P., of the 24th Jan., stating that the shipowners and masters of vessels at Barmouth, had unanimously agreed to subscribe Id. per ton upon the regular tonnage of their vessels entering Barmouth, in aid of the maintenance of the life-boat of that place.—To be acknowledged.

Read letter from the Secretary to the Sunder- land Seamen's Life-boat Committee, of the 26th Jan., reporting the completion of their life-boat, and requesting the grant of Wl., promised by the Institution in aid of the same.—Ordered the pay- ment to be made.

Read letter from Mr. McMAHON, of Islington, of the 26th Jan., transmitting a description and sketch of. his plan for effecting communication with stranded vessels.—To be acknowledged.

Read letter from the Secretary to the Hartle- pool Seamen's Life-boat, soliciting the assistance of the Institution in aid of building a house for their life-boat.—Decided that an additional grant of 10Z. be made towards this undertaking.

Paid 543;. 18s. jd. for new life-boat carriages, sundry charges on, life-boats and life-boat car- riages.

Voted five silver medals, one second service clasp, and six thanks of the Committee on vellum, and 1691. Us. Sd. as rewards for saving life, as follows":—voted the silver medal of the Institution respectively to HENRY SMITH, JOHN AHERN, DONALD GRAY, DANIEL REGAN, WILLIAM Cox, and the second service-clasp to DENNIS DONOVAN, of the Kilmore Coastguard Station, in testimony of their very gallant conduct in a boat, in rescuing, at the imminent peril of their lives, the crew of 6 hands of the brigantine Exile, of New Ross. A Coastguard man, named JOHN BARRETT, who was in the boat at the time, had since died, and the Committee voted 21. to his widow.

Rewards to the amount of 1111.10s. 8 . were also voted to the crews of the life-boats of the Insti- tution stationed at Barmouth, Portmadoe, Moelfre, Pakefleld, Aldborough, and Dungeness, for their laudable exertions in putting off on various occa- sions, during the past two months, in the said life- boats with the view of rescuing the crews of stranded vessels.

A reward of 107. 10s. was likewise granted to the crew of a Pakefield yawl, for their praise- worthy conduct in saving the crew of 9 men of the brig Content, which was wrecked on the Holme Sand on the 17th Jan.

A grant of Wl. was also made in aid of a sub- scription which was being raised for the widow of THOMAS HOLMES, who was unfortunately drowned from the Spurn Point life-boat, oh the 19th Nov. last, while rendering assistance to the schooner Zabina. HOLMES was a man of excellent character, and had often distinguished himself in the life-boat service.

A reward of 4AI. was likewise voted to the crew of 22 men of a Pakefield yawl, in testimony of their noble services to the crew of the schooner Ruby, which, about midnight on the 17th Jan., was seen to be on the Newcome Sand. There wag great risk in crossing the tremendous sea on the sand at the time; but seeing from the vessel's situation that she was in immediate danger, the yawl's crew consulted together for a few minutes, and then determined to venture their lives and their boat in an attempt to save the lives of the shipwrecked men, in which humane enterprise they fortunately succeeded. The yawl's men had signalled the Pakefield life-boat to come oft' to the schooner, but before the arrival of the life-boat at the scene of danger the schooner had gone to pieces.

Thursday, 6th March, 1856. THOMAS CHAP- MAN, Esq., F.R.S., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspond- ence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Resolved—That a life-boat carriage be built by Messrs. BOYDZLL and GLASIER, for the Senncn Cove life-boat.

Read letter from Mr. CLIFFORD, of Inner Temple Lane, of the 27th Feb., transmitting a copy of the Report of the Emigration Officer at Liverpool, on his plan for lowering ships' boats.

The officer spoke very favourably of the same.— Mr. CLIFFORD'S ingenious plan is noticed at length in No. 19 of the Life-Boat Journal.

The Inspector of Life-boats reported his con- veyance of the tubular life-boat, on Mr. RICHARD- SON'S plan, from Manchester to Rhyl. He had received valuable assistance from HENRY RICH- ARDSON, jun., Esq., during the transit of the boat.— Decided that Mr. RICHARDSON be thanked for his services.

Head letter from Mr. LEES, of Manchester, builder of the Rhyl tubular life-boat, transmitting his account, amounting to 200/., for constructing the boat. He also handed in an account of 21.10s., incurred in forwarding the boat to Runcom.— Ordered to be paid.

Read letter from the Rev. H. MORGAN, Secre- tary to the Rhyl Branch, of the 29th ult., convey- ing the thanks of the Local Committee to the Institution for the tubular life-boat.

Read letter from Captain SIR GEORGE BROKE, Bart., H.N., stating that he wished to give a donation of 501. to the Institution, and 51 a year to each of the three Branches of the Society on the Suffolk coast.—Decided that Sir GEORGE BROKE be thanked for his munificent contri- butions.

Read letter from Inspecting-Commander ALDRICH, R.N., of Sheerness, of the 17th Feb., stating that it had been arranged to have a sermon preached by the Rev. G. BRYANT, in the parish church of that town, on the 24th inst., in aid of the funds of this Institution.—Captain ALDRICH and Mr. BRYANT to be thanked.

Read letter from F. LEAN, Esq., R.N., Secre- tary to the Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners' Royal Benevolent Society, of the 8th Feb., trans- mitting a draft for 100?. from that Society, in aid of the funds of the Institution.—To be thanked.

Approved of a draft of the Balance-sheet of the Accounts of the Institution, as audited by Mr.

BEGBIE; and decided that His Grace the Presi- dent be requested to take the Chair at the Annual Meeting of the; Institution, to be held at the London Tavern, in the month of April, on a day he might name.

Paid 329Z. 7s. 9d. for sundry charges on life- boats, life-boat carriages, and life-boat houses.

Voted the silver medal of the Institution to Mr.

ROBERT PARROTT, chief boatman of the Tenby Coast-guard station, in acknowledgment of his repeated services in saving life from wrecks.

Voted also a reward of 4Z. to the crew of eight men of the Llanddwyn lite-boat, for their services to 19 of the crew of the ship William Cory, which, in thick and stormy weather, grounded on Car- narvon Bar, on the 12th Feb. The vessel was ultimately got off.

Also a reward of 4?. 10s. was likewise voted to a boat's crew of 6 men for their laudable services to one of the crew of the brig Amelia, which was totally wrecked on the Heoper Sands, in Car- marthen Bay, on the 24th Jan. last.

Also the thanks of the Committee, inscribed on vellum, to Captain EVAN EDWARDS of Barmouth, in acknowledgment of his general services in rescuing life from shipwreck.

Thursday, March 26,1856.—THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspond- ence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Elected Captain Sir GEORGE BROKE, Bart., R.N., a vice-president of the Institution and a member of the Committee of Management, in virtue of his munificent donation of 50/. in aid of the funds of the Society, and 157. annually towards the mainte- nance of three of its life-boats on the Suffolk coast.

Voted the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, to JAMES PEAKE, Esq., Assistant Master Shipwright in H. M. Dock-yard, Woolwich, in appreciation of his having matured and Drought to a state of great perfection his plan of life-boat, and in acknowledgment of his kind and constant services in superintending the building of the life- boats of the Royal National Life-boat Institution.

Read letter from the Secretary to the Ramsgate Harbour Trust, of the 10th March, conveying the thanks of that Board for the Report of the two officers (Captain M'HAKDY, R.N., and Captain WARD, R.N.) appointed by this Institution to in- spect, at the request of the Commissioners, the means of saving life at the said harbour.

Read letter from Captain ROBERTSON, R/N., Inspecting Commander at Hastings, and from A. B. VIDLER, Esq., of Rye, stating that 561. in dona- tions and 13/. in annual subscriptions had been promised in aid of the life-boat proposed to be placed at Rye.—Both communications to be ac- knowledged.

Paid 20/. 16s. 2d. for sundry charges on life- boats.

Voted the silver medal to Mr. CHARLES TAW, Master of the schooner Devonport; also the thanks of the Committee to Captain BUCHAN, R.N., and 21. I0i. to five other persons in acknowledgment of their services to two out of four men who were cap- sized from a boat near Porthcawl, Glamergan, on the 8th Feb. last.

Also the thanks of the Committee, inscribed on vellum, to JAMES BARRETT, Esq.. chief officer of the Coast-guard at Ballygeary, coast of Wex- ford, and 41. to 4| other men, in testimony of their services to the crew of the brig Spec, of Cork, which was wrecked in Bellyhire Bay on the 5th Feb. last.

Also 21. to 2 lads who put off, amidst consider- able danger, in a small boat from a smack to the rescue of twelve persons belonging to the barque Pratens, which was wrecked on the Blackwater Bank on the 12th Feb. last. The men were floating on a piece of the wreck when they were picked up.

Also 71. to 7 men for their services to one out of two persons who were capsized from their boat near Dangan, on the coast of Galway, on the 13th Dec. last.

Also 41. 10s. to 9 men for their services to the crew of 7 hands of the schooner Sarah, which was wrecked near Teignmouth, Devon, on the llth March last.

Reported that the Pakefield life-boat, manned by 21 men, had saved the crew of 12 men belong- ing to the brig Henry, of Montrcse, which was wrecked near the Pakefield light-house on the 13th inst. The life-boat crew were paid for their services by the owners of the vessel.

Thursday, April 10,1856.—The Annual General Meeting of the friends and supporters of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution was held this day at the London Tavern. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S.. Deputy Chairman, presided on the occa- sion. The Meeting was numerously and influ- entially attended, and the following Resolutions, after having been moved and seconded by the several speakers in appropriate addresses, •were carried unanimously.

Moved by WILLIAM COTTON, Esq., F.R.S., late Governor of the Bank of England, and seconded by Rear-Admiral C. R. DRINKWATER BETHONE, C.B.

1. That the Report now read be adopted and circulated.

Moved by Rear-Admiral Sir THOMAS HERBERT, K.C.B., M.P., and seconded by MONTAGUE GORE, Esq., late M.P. for Barnstaple.

2. That this Meeting has heard with extreme satisfaction that the numerous Life-boat Establish- ments in connection with the Institution are in so highly efficient a state ; and also the encouraging fact that the unusually large number of 1388 per- sons have been rescued during the past year from a watery grave by life-boats-and various means provided by this Society and other Bodies, on the coasts of the United Kingdom, for the preserva- tion of life from shipwreck.

That this Meeting, therefore, pledges itself to use every exertion to support this truly national Institution in its humane work: so that its opera- tions may be co-extensive with the urgent require- ments for life-boats on the coasts.

Moved by Captain STEPHENSON ELLERBY, one of the Elder Brethren of the Trinity House, and seconded by Major-General BLANSHARD, R.E., C.B.

3. That the thanks of this Meeting .be given to the several Honorary Local Life-boat Committees in connection with the Institution, to the Comp- troller-General and the Deputy-Comptroller of the Coastguard, and the Officers under their command, for the valuable assistance which they continue to render to the Society.

Moved by JOHN CHAPMAN, Esq., and seconded by Captain GORDON, R.N., one of the Elder Bre- thren of the Trinity House.

4. That this Meeting tenders its cordial thanks to THOMAS BARING, Esq., M.P., the Chairman, and to THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R S., the De- puty-Chairman, and to the other Members of the Committee of Management, for the care and atten- tion with which they have administered the im- portant affairs of the Institution.

Moved by FRANCIS WILSON, Esq., V.P., and se- conded by GEORGE LYALL, Esq.

5. Tha.t the cordial thanks of this Meeting be given to THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., Deputy-Chair- man of the Institution, for his able conduct in the Chair, and also for the continued kind interest which he takes in the welfare of the Royal Na- tional Life-boat Institution.

Thursday, May 1, 1856. — THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.U.S., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspond- ence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Read letter from CHARLES ATHERTON, Esq., C.E., of Her Majesty's Factory, Woolwich, trans- mitting a few copies of a paper read by him before the Society of Arts oil Tonnage Registration.—To be acknowledged.

Mr. ATHERTON'S paper is instructive and in- teresting ; and we take this opportunity to recom- mend it to the notice of our nautical readers.

Read a communication from Captain LAMBERT PERROTT, transmitting extracts from a speech in the House of Commons by the late Admiral Sir E. CODRINGTON on his presenting a petition from Lieut. HOUGHTON, R.N., in which the petitioner prayed that a general Mercantile Surveying Board might be established to insure the construction of safe ships, and also a Board for examining the officers of merchant vessels, in order to insure their safety, and the safety of the lives of their crews. (Both suggestions of the deceased officer have been incorporated in the Merchant Shipping Act 1854.) Bead letter from Mr. WM. MYALL , of Kingston- upon-Thames, of the 27th March, calling attention to his plan of life-boat. To be acknowledged.

Paid 36U 8s. lid. for new life-boats and life- boat carriages, and sundry charges on life-boats.

Voted the silver medal to GEORGE HAMILTON, chief boatman of the coastguard at Neds Point, Donegal, and 31. to his boat's crew of 6 men (who, with him, had received 101. salvage), in acknow- ledgment of their services to the crew of 15 men of the barque Augusta Jessie, wnich was wrecked during a gale of wind on the 6th Feb.


Also 121. to the crew of the Berwick life-boat for putting off in her during the night of April 14, with the view of rendering assistance to a vessel in distress.

Also 71. to 14 men who put off in the New- biggin life-boat to the assistance of several fishing- boats, which were suddenly overtaken by a storm on the 1st April last.

Also 21. to 7 men for putting off in their boat, and rescuing the crew of five men of the brig Phillippa, which was wrecked during a gale of wind on the Milton Sands, near Dumfries, on the 18th Dec. last.

Thursday, June 5, 1856.—THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspond- ence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Resolved— 1. That the Lords Commissioners of the Admi- ralty be memorialised to station one of Her Ma- jesty's small steamers in the Downs, having attached to her one or two suitable life-boats, to be provided by this Institution, for the purpose of saving life from ships wrecked on the Goodwin Sands.

2. That a 30-feet life-boat, on Mr. PEAKE'S design, be stationed on Walmer beach, and that a house and carriage be provided for the same.

3. That FREDERICK LEITH, Esq., be thanked for his liberality in granting a site of ground for the Walmer life-boat house; and also Captain CHARLE- WOOD, B.N., for his valuable assistance, in conjunc- tion with other gentlemen, in establishing a branch of this Institution at Walmer.

4. That a life-boat be placed at Westport, on the west coast of Ireland, and that the same be forwarded to her station as soon as the boat-house would be ready for her reception.

5. That a life-boat house be erected at Rye, at a cost of 731.; and that W. L. SHADWELL, Esq., be thanked for the site of ground which he had given for the same.

6. That a life-boat house, at a cost of 95?., be also erected at Rhyl.

7. That a second-class life-boat, on Mr. PEAKE'S design, be ordered to be built for Appledore, in lieu of a former boat there, which had become unserviceable.

Read letter from A. W. J AFFRAY, Esq., of St.

Mildred's Court, of the 22nd May, requesting that the Institution would accept one of FRANCIS'S American life-saving cars, which he had ordered to be brought over from New York to this country.—Decided that Mr. JAFFRAY'S valuable present be accepted, and that he be thanked for the same.

Reported, that the Sennen life-boat, with some shore boats, had assisted to bring into Penzance an abandoned vessel.

Head letter from the Secretary to the Royal Humane Society, of the 10th May, transmitting 50 copies of the Society's new method for treating the apparently drowned.—Reported that a copy of the same had been forwarded to each of the life-boat stations of the Institution.—To be acknow- ledged.

Read letter from the Secretary to the Admiralty, of the 31st May, transmitting a plan and descrip- tion of an apparatus invented by Captain TREMBLAY, of the French Navy, for effecting communication from the shore with a stranded vessel.—To be acknowledged.

Paid 479/. 6s. 8rf. for new life-boats, life-boat carriages, and sundry charges on life-boats.

Voted the silver medal to Captain NORCOCK, R.N., Inspecting Commander of the Coast-guard at Fowey, Cornwall, and also to THOMAS HEN- WOOD and RICHARD JOHNS, in acknowledgment of their gallant services to one out of four of the crew of the schooner Endeavour of Ipswich, which, during a gale of wind, was wrecked near Gribbon Point, Cornwall, on the 6th May last.

The thanks of the Committee, inscribed on vellum, were also voted to Mr. W. C. GEACH, for his promptitude and forethought in conveying a small boat on a waggon to a spot near the site of the wreck. The boat was afterwards lowered over the cliff to the rocks below, a height~of no less than 200 feet. Captain NORCOCK immedi- ately afterwards jumped into the boat, accom- panied by the two men above named, and after a manful struggle, at the risk of their lives, they succeeded in reaching the wreck, and in taking off in an exhausted state the only survivor of the crew.

Voted also 81. 10s. to the crews of two fishing- boats, for rescuing 4 out of 8 of the crew of the brig Reform, of Belfast, which, during a south- east gale of wind, was wrecked near Shark Head, on the coast of Galway, on the 24th March last. Thursday, July 3, 1856.—THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., in the Chair.

Bead and confirmed the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspond- ence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Elected Vice-Admiral Sir JOSHUA K. ROWLEY, Bart., a vice-president of the Institution, in virtue of his munificent donation of 50?. in aid of its funds.

Head letter from the Rev. WM. YATE, of Dover, of the 23rd June, stating that he had, at St. John's Mariners' Church in that town, preached on the previous Sunday two sermons in aid of the funds of the Dover Branch of the National Life-boat Institution, and that the collections after the same had amounted to 121. 8s.—Mr. YATE to be thanked for his valuable assistance.

Bead letter from B. PEARCE, Esq., of Penzance, of the 5th June, reporting the completion of the life-boat house of that place, and that the cost of the erection of the same was 88?.—Ordered the amount to be paid.

Bead letter from EDWARD HOCKLEY, Esq., of Doctors' Commons, stating that the late Mr.

CHARLES SELL, of Hoxton, had bequeathed the residue of his property, which was between 5001, and 600?. to the National Life-boat Institution and three other societies.—To be acknowledged.

Reported that His Grace the DUKE OF NOR- THUMBERLAND had again directed a swimming- master to proceed to the coast to teach some of the fishermen the art of swimming.

Resolved— That a life-boat carriage with BOYDELL'S End- less railway apparatus, be built for the Ainmouth life-boat.

Read letter from the Secretary to the Admiralty, of the 20th June, stating, in reply to a question from the Institution, that the Lords Commis- sioners of the Admiralty recommended that pro- ceedings might be taken against parties who discharged cargoes of stone opposite life-boat houses, and below high-water mark.—To be acknowledged.

Paid 93/. 17s. 2d. for sundry charges on life- boats and life-boat carriages.

Voted 12/. to Mr. ADAM PINNER, master of the smack Agenaria, and his crew of 5 men, for their services in their boat in saving a man and a lad belonging to the brig Julia, of Whitby, which was wrecked on the Long Sand, during a gale of wind, on the 31st May last.

Also 21. 10». to 5 Coast-guardmen of the Teign- mouth station, for putting oft' and rescuing 4 men who were capsized from a boat near that place on the 5th May last.

Also 4f. to 4 men who put off in their curraghs to the rescue of 4 men who were upset from their boat during a gale of wind near Doaghbeg, on the coast of Donegal, on the 18th May last.

Also 21. to JAMES SCOFIELD, fisherman, for rescuing, in his sailing-boat, 13 persons who were capsized from their boat, near Westport, on the 30th April last.

Monday, July 28, 1856.—THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., in the Chair.

Bead and confirmed the minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correipond- ence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Elected B. C. ROWLEY, Esq., a member of the Committee of Management of the Royal National Life-boat Institution.

Read letter from the Secretary to the Admiralty, of the 10th July, stating, in reply to the applica- tion of the Institution to place one of Her Majesty's gun-boats in the Downs, for the purpose of assisting to save life from ships wrecked on the Goodwin Sands, that their lordships regretted that, in their opinion such service could not be provided for in the way proposed.

Resolved-— 1. That a new carriage be supplied to the Lyme Regis life-boat. 

2. That an additional carriage be provided for the Padstow life-boat, and that the same be built on the Whitby life-boat carriage model.

3. That a two-wheeled suspension carriage fitted with BOYDELL'S endless railway apparatus be placed at Bideford.

4. That a circular letter be sent to the several branches of the Institution, suggesting that meetings of the Local Committees be regularly called at the end of each quarter, in order to report on the general efficiency of the establish- ments, and to request.that all the life-boats be exercised, if practicable, in the early part of each quarter.

Paid 1551. 19j. lid. for sundry charges on life- boats and life-boat carriages.

Voted 62.10s. to the crew of the Fishguard life- boat, for putting off on the 7th July to the brigan- tine Theodore, of Liverpool, which was observed to have a signal of distress flying in Fishguard Bay.

The crew of the ship had determined to abandon the vessel, but the gale moderating, they were per- suaded by the crew of the life-boat not to do so.

Also 21. to WILLIAM COOPER, ferryman, for saving in his boat 7 out of 15 persons who were capsized from a boat in the River Tyne on the 6th July last.

Also the silver medal and 21. to GRACE TAIT ; likewise the silver medal and 21. to ELLEN PETKIE; and 21. to the father of the former, in acknowledgment of their putting off in a boat and rescuing, at considerable risk to their lives, 2 out of 4 men who were capsized from their fishing- boat in Blomel Sound, on the coast of Shetland, on the 24th May last.

Also 4/. 10s. to the crew of the Holyhead life- boat, for putting off on the 26th May to the assist- ance of the crew of the Surinam, of Liverpool, which was observed to be in a dangerous position near the South Slack lighthouse. A shore boat had previously gone to the assistance of the vessel, and by the joint exertions of both boats the vessel was in safety brought into the harbour.

Also 21. to 3 persons, for putting off in a pilot coble and rescuing 4 o it of 8 persons who were capsized from a boat, during squally weather, near Sunderland, on the 6th July.

Thursday, Sept. 4, 1856.—Captain LAMBERT PERROTT in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the pre- vious meeting, and those of the Finance, Cor- respondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub- Committees.

Head letter from Dr. SIBEALD, of 96, Pad- dington, Liverpool, of the llth Aug., calling attention to his Patent Ship Communicator, and requesting the acceptance by the Institution of the same.—To be accepted, and Dr. SIBBALD to be thanked.

The Inspector of Life-Boats reported that, at the late Yarmouth regatta, the Aldboro* and Thorpe life-boats had gained the rowing life-boat prizes. FRANCIS'S American life-saving car was tested on the occasion, and was shown to be superior to any of the means hitherto employed to bring wrecked persons along a line to the shore.

Read letter from Captain KENNEDY, R.N., re- porting the conveyance from Belfast on board a revenue-cruiser of the Newcastle, Duudrum, life- boat to her station.—To be thanked.

Read the Secretary's report of his recent visit to the Tenby, Fishguard, and Llanelly life-boat stations, all of which he found in a satisfactory condition.

Paid 3661. 19». 2d. for sundry charges on life- boats and life-boat carriages.

Voted 6/. 10s. to the crew of the Bude-Haven life-boat, for putting off in her on the 13th August last with the view of rendering assistance to a vessel which had a signal of distress flying near Bude Haven. Before, however, the arrival of the life-boat, which had proceeded about a mile out, the vessel hauled down her colours and stood out to sea.

Also the silver medal and 51. to Mr. "WILLIAM CALLAWAY, mariner, in testimony of his very gallant services in rescuing 2 men, who were capsized from a boat during squally weather, near Lyme Regis, on the 22nd August last, and for having also, at the imminent risk of his life, plunged into the sea to attempt the rescue of a third man, who was unfortunately drowned.

Also 21. to JOHN PEAT, a fisherman, for his prompt and laudable services in rescuing, with his boat, a man and a boy who were capsized near Torquay, from their fishing-boat during squally weather on the 14th August last.

Also 61. 10s. to the crew of the Barmouth life- boat, for putting off in her on the morning of the 26th, and rescuing the crew, of 3 hands, of the smack Ana and Catherine, of Barmouth.

Also 30/. to the crew, consisting of 15 men, of a Pakefield yawl, for rescuing at the risk of their lives the crew, consisting of 5 men, of the sloop Garland, of Dunkirk, which, during a gale of wind, was wrecked on the Newcome Sands on the 12th July last. When the sloop was first seen, the crew of the yawl deemed it too dangerous to approach her; but, on hearing the cries of the shipwrecked crew, after consulting together a few minutes, they made a bold and successful effort to rescue them.

Ordered that the Llanddwyn and Holyhead life-boats be supplied with canvas covers, to protect them from drifting sand.

Reported the arrival of the life-boat and carriage at Castletown, Isle of Man, from Dun- drum Bay.

Read letter from Mr. McNAMARA, Hon. Secre- tary to the Drogheda Branch, of the 18th August, reporting the arrival of the life-boat and carriage at that station.

Read letter from A. W. J AFFRAY, '.Esq., of St.

Mildred's Court, of the 15th August, requesting to be informed if there was any chance of more of the American life-saving cars being imported.

He stated that he would cheerfully contribute to a fund for that purpose, and that he would under- take to have the cars ordered and shipped in America.—To be acknowledged, and decided that a representation on the subject be made to the Board of Trade, and to suggest that three or four of these cars might advantageously be placed on the coast under the superintendence of the Coastguard.

Thursday, Oct. 2, 1856.—Captain LAMBERT PERROTT, in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the pre- vious Meeting, and those of the Finance, Cor- respondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub- Committees.

Read letter from Mrs. A.M.Wood, of the Lodge, Eltham, of the 29th Sept., oflering 1501. to the Institution to build a second-class life-boat, and requesting that she might be allowed to give the life--boat a name.

Resolved—That Mrs. Wood's munificent offer be accepted, with thanks, and that it be suggested to her that the boat might appropriately be called after her own name.

Read letter from the Rev. HUGH MORGAN, Hon.

Secretary to the Rhyl Branch, of the 1st inst., reporting the completion of the life-boat house.— Ordered that a draft for 951. be transmitted to Mr. MORGAN to pay for the same.

Resolved—That a 28-ft. life-boat, to pull six oars, be ordered to be built for llorusea, near Hull.

Read letter from Mr. BRYANT, of Padstow, transmitting an estimate, for 37/. 17«. 6d., for the erection of a life-boat carriage-house, and stating that C. G. P. BRUNE, Esq., had liberally given the site of ground for the same.—Decided that Mr. BRUNE'S liberality be acknowledged, and that the estimate for the erection of the house be accepted.

Read letter from the Rev. E. L. BERTHON, of Fareham, of the 7th Sept., calling attention to his present position in respect to his collapsing ship's life-boat, and stating that he had expended in bringing the same to its present state of per- fection 5,OCKM.—To be acknowledged.

Read letter from Mr. SAMUEL LAING, engineer of Dundee, respecting his plan of ship's life-boat.

—To be acknowledged.

Read letter from Capt. KENNEDY, R.N., of the 9th Sept., stating that the application of the Institution in respect to the establishment of a Coastguard station at Rhyl would be duly con- sidered, in the event of a Coastguard force being placed on that part of the coast.

Read letter from Mr. NICHOLLS, of Penrhyn, calling attention to his plan of life-boat, and requesting to be informed if the Institution assisted inventors to carry out their plans.—To be acknowledged, and to be informed that the Institution had no funds at its disposal for that purpose.

Ordered a roadway to be made for launching the life-boat at Hauxley, at a cost of 24/. I0a.- and the life-boat carriage to be altered at an expense of 4/. Ws.

Paid 165/. 12s. 2 f. for sundry charges on life- boats and life-boat carriages.

Also 32?. to Mr. 11. D. P. CUNNINGHAM, Esq., for a life-boat carriage.

Voted 31. to the crew of a Coastguard boat for their services to a lad who was capsized from a boat during a squall of wind near Lamand's Cove, Bantry Bay, on the 14th July last.

Also 21. to 2 men for their services in their curraghs to 2 persons who were capsized from their boat in Sheephaven Bay, coast of Donegal, during squally weather, on the 26th August last.

Also 21.10s. to a boat's crew for their services in rescuing 3 out of 4 persons capsized from a boat near Cove Bay, Stonebaven, during a fresh breeze, on the 26th August last.

Also the second service clasp and 11. to Mr. W.

LEWIS, master of the smack Tryall, of Harwich, and 4/. to his crew of 4 men, for their valuable services in their boat to the crew of the sloop Maria, of Goole, which, during a fresh breeze and thick weather, was wrecked on the Long Sand on the 4th Sept. last.

Also II. to Jons COLLINS, and 11. to 2 others, for their promptitude in rescuing in their pilot- skiff 4 men from the brig Ashley Doom's boat, which was overtaken by a storm in the Bristol Channel on the 19th September, and became water-logged.

Also 121. to 6 men, for rescuing, with a life-pre- serving apparatus, 5 men from a fishing-boat, which, during squally weather, was wrecked near Banff on the 26th August last. The men had pre- viously made a gallant attempt to approach the wrecked people in a boat, but were unable to reach them from the heavy sea that was running at the time, and the violence of the gale.

Also 51. to 5 men, in acknowledgment of their laudable services in rescuing, at considerable risk of life, 4 men and 1 woman, who were capsized from a fishing boat during a dark and stormy night, near Buckie, Banff, on the night of the 7th Sept. last.

Thursday, Nov. 6, 1856.—THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.K.S., in the Chair.

Kead and confirmed the Minutes of the pre- vious meeting, and those of the -Finance, Cor- respondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub- Committees.

Read a copy of the probate of the will of the late HAMILTON FITZGERALD, Esq., Commander I R.N., in which he bequeathed a legacy of 10,000* to the National Life-Boat Institution. Captain FITZGERALD was a "Vice-President of the Insti- tution, and had been a liberal contributor to its j funds.

The Inspector of Life-Boats read a report of j his recent inspection of various life-boats in con-nection with this Institution on different parts of j the United Kingdom.

Resolved— 1. That the thanks of the Committee be given to Captain WARD, R.N., for his valuable report.

2. That 30-ft. life-boats be placed at Arklow and Cahore Point, and that life-boats, 28 ft. long, be stationed at Wicklow and Kilmore—the latter place is on the coast of Wexford.

Read letter from JOHN GEORGE, Esq., M.P., of Cahore, County "Wexford, offering to co-operate with the Institution to place a life-boat at Cahore Point, and stating that about 80/. was likely to be raised to build a boat-house, and that about 202.

would probably be collected annually towards the maintenance of the boat.—To be thanked.

Read letter from MONTAGUE GORE, Esq.,stating that the Rev. Sir WILLIAM DUNBAE, Bart, and the Rev. Dr. CBOLY, had offered to preach ser- mons in aid of the funds of this Institution.—The offer of the Rev. gentlemen to be accepted with thanks.

Read letter from FRANCIS BRODIGAN, Esq., J. P., of the 4th Nov., stating that some of the pilots of Drogheda had enrolled themselves as the crew of the life-boat placed there, and that they were much pleased with the boat.—To be acknowledged.

Read letter from Mr. HARDACRE, of Platt- street, Oldham-road, Manchester, calling attention to his plan of life-boat.—To be acknowledged.

Read letter from Mrs. A. M. WOOD, of the Lodge, Eltham, of the 9th Oct., requesting that the life- boat, the cost of which she had contributed, be named the £. Wood.—Decided that the life-boat now building for Hornsea be accordingly named.

Read letter from Captain GRANT, Secretary to the Royal Thames Yacht Club, of the 2nd inst., stating that the contributions of some of the members of that Club for the purpose of pre- senting a life-boat to the Institution amounted to 160/. 17s., and requesting to be informed on what part of the coast the Committee proposed to station the boat. — Decided that Walmer be named to the Club as a suitable station for the boat, and that the flag of the Club be painted thereon.

Produced and examined the quarterly reports of the state and exercise of the various life-boats of the Institution, all of which were reported to be in a satisfactory condition.

Decided that the thanks of the Institution be given to the Great Western Railway Company, for conveying the Appledore life-boat, free of charge, to Bristol.

Paid 601. for Castletowm (Isle of Man) life-boat house, and 891. 3s. for sundry charges on life- boats.

Voted the thanks of the Committee to ARTHUR JAMES, Esq., chief officer of the Coastguard at Fivemile Point station, Wicklow, and 32. 10». to his crew of 5 men, for rescuing, at considerable danger, with a lead and line, the crew of 5 men of the brig Pelican, cf Drogheda, which, during a gale of wind and thick weather, was wrecked near the above station on the night of the 1st Oct.

Also the thanks of the Committee to Lieut.

TAYLOR, R.N., chief officer of the Coastguard at Dunbar, and to his crew of 5 men, for rescuing, with the Manby apparatus, the crew of 10 men of the brig Valentine, of Rostock, which was wrecked near that station on the 28th September last.

Also the silver medal to DONALD THOMPSON, in acknowledgment of his gallant services in putting off on two occasions, and rescuing, at considerable risk of life, 2 of the crew of the Russian brig Altti, which was wrecked near Ham, Thurso, during a gale of wind, on the 26th Sept.

last. THOMPSON, and his crew of 4 men, had previously received a reward from the Board of Trade for their courageous services.

Also a reward of L to a boat's crew, for promptly putting off to the rescue of 2 persons who were capsized from a boat near Rathmullan, on the 1st October.

Voted also 61. to the crew of the Berwick life- boat, for putting off in her, and rescuing the crew, of 6 men, of the Norwegian galliot Provence, which was stranded near Berwick, during a gale of wind on the 28th Sept. last.

Thursday, Dec. 4, 1856.—THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.B.S., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous meeting, and those of the Finance, Corre- spondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Com- mittees.

Reported the death of Rear-Admiral BEECHEY, who was a member of the Committee of Manage- ment of this Institution and a liberal contributor to its funds. He always took a warm interest in the preservation of life from shipwreck.

Read the report of the Inspector of Life-boats, respecting his tour of inspection on the south- east coast of Ireland.

Resolved— 1. That a 30-feet life-boat, to pull ten oars, be stationed at Youghal.

2. That a 28-feet life-boat, to pull six oars, single banked, be placed at Penmon, on the Anglesey coast.

3. That a life-boat bo built forthwith for Camber, near Rye, on the Sussex coast.

4. That life-boat carriages be provided for the life-boats to be stationed at Arklow, Cahore Point, Kilmore, Hornsea, and for the tubular life- boat now at Rhyl.

5. That a letter be addressed to the Rev. JAMES WILLIAMS, expressive of the sympathy of the Committee for the loss which he, as well as the life-boat cause, had suffered by the recent death of Mrs. WILLIAMS.

6. That the Bishop of London be invited to become a Vice-President of the Institution, and that his Lordship be informed that the Society has had always the honour of numbering amongst its Vice-Presidents the Bishop of London for the time being.

Read letter from WILLIAM KASHI/EICH, Esq., of Menabilly, Fowey, of the 15th Nov., stating that he was desirous to have a good life-boat on the part of the coast where he lived, and requesting information on the subject of the life-boats of this Institution.—Decided that various papers be for- warded to Mr. RASBLEIGB, and to offer him the co-operation of the Committee in his humane undertaking.

Read letter from A. B. VIDLEB, Esq., of Rye, of the 24th Nov., stating that the life-boat lately at Dungeness had been brought to Rye.

Read letter from JAMBS TREMBATH, Esq., of the 14th Nov., stating that 1001. salvage would be awarded to the Sennen Cove life-boat, manned by 9 men, for services which she had rendered, in conjunction with four other boats, to the Charles Adolphe, which they had brought from the Land's End to Penzance on the 7th May. Proportionate amounts of salvage had been awarded to the four other boats.

He stated that if, agreeably to the rules of this Institution, one-fifth were deducted for the main- tenance of the life-boat, her crew of nine men would .hardly receive 97. each, which, although they had rendered the most important service, would be considerably less than what the other men would receive.—To be informed that the Institution placed the lite-boat at Sennen Cove to save life, and not for salvage of property, except under such accidental circumstances as those which occurred in the case of the Charles Adolphe: that the crews of the life-boats of the Society, when they went afloat in them, did so on the express understanding that they were to receive a stipulated amount for their services: that in cases of salvage of property the Institution reserved only one-fifth of the total amount to cover the risk of injury to its life-boats. In this particular instance, the men, instead of being paid 11. each by the Society, as they would have been for going off to save life, would receive 8/.

or 91. for services in the performance of which they had incurred neither risk to their lives nor to their property.

Bead letter from Capt. KEKXEDF, H.N., Deputy Comptroller of the Coastguard, of the 29th Nov., stating, in reply to the application of the Institu- tion, that he had not at that time any vessel available for the conveyance of the new life-boat from Limehouse to Dungeness, but that, in a short time, he had no doubt a revenue cruizer wou!d be abje to forward the boat to her station.

—To be thanked.

Head letter from T. B. CHANTEE, Esq., of Bideford, of the 15th Nov., stating that the new life-boat which the Institution had just sent to Appiedore gave much satisfaction to the seamen of the place.

Head letter from Capt. CHARLEWOOD , B.K., Honorary Secretary to the Walmer Branch of the Institution, stating that the Walmer boatmen were unanimous in their praise of the new life- boat. He had collected 30'. 7s. Gel. in annual sub- scriptions, and 3H. 18s. in donations: the boatmen had dropped into the contribution box, during the few daya it bad been exposed, 7s. Gd. in halfpence and small change.-—Capt. CHARLEWOOD to be thanked for his continued valuable services to the Institution.

Read letter from Capt. MARTIN, Harbour Master of Ramsgate, of the 5th and 25th Nov.

and 2nd Dec., reporting the services rendered by the Ramsgate life-boat, in conjunction with the Trust steamer and some Ramsgate luggers, to the Tartar, of Yarmouth; the Leopoldine, of Oporto ; and the Sophia, of Naples, which they had brought in safety from the Goodwin Sands into Ramsgate Harbour. He also stated that the Commissioners' steamer had taken into Ramsgate the crew of the Prussian brig George Forster, which was totally lost on the Goodwin Sands on the 30th Nov.

Paid 16-21. 17n. 3d. for sundry charges on life- boats, life-boat carriages, and life-boat houses.

Voted 3/. to the master and crew of the smack Tryall, of Harwich, in acknowledgment of the valuable services rendered by them to the crew of five hands of the schooner Hope, of Goole, which was wrecked on the Long Sand, during squally weather, on the 8th Nov. last.

Also the thanks of the Committee, inscribed on vellum, to D. LYELL, J. DCSNETT, J. MURRAY, and J. NICHOLSON, in acknowledgment of their gallant services in putting off in a boat, at the risk of their lives, and rescuing two of the crew of the Russian schooner Ahti, which was wrecked near Ham, Thurso, on the 23rd Sept. last. These men had also received a gratuity and medal from the Board of Trade for their services on the occa- sion.

Also the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, to A. BROWN, W. LUNDALL, J. BOWDEN, G. GKEBRELI,, and B. BAINES, Coastguard-men of Kimmeridge station, Dorset, in testimony of their valuable services to the crew of four men, of the sloop Carnarvon Castle, of Carnarvon, which was wrecked during hazy weather on the Cuttle Ledge Rocks on the 25th Sept. last. The men, with five other Coastguard-men, had received salvage to the amount of 25/. for saving some of the property of the wreck.

Voted also 8/. to eight fishermen, of Staiths, Redcar, in consideration of their praiseworthy services in putting off in two cobles and rescuing, at considerable risk of life, three fishermen who had been upset from their coble, during squally weather on the 20th Nov., near that place.