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French Assistance to British Wrecks

HER MAJESTY'S Consul at Boulogne has addressed a letter to the Earl of Clarendon, relative to the services rendered by Generals de Courtigis and Borelli, and their troops, to British vessels recently wrecked near that port. Four British trading vessels were stranded between the 25th and 26th Feb- ruary, in consequence of the dense fog.

Fortunately no lives were lost. Generals de Courtigis and Borelli, in command of the camps of Equihan and Ambleteuse, fur- nished the soldiers required by the marine department as working parties, with officers, to assist in saving the cargoes; and most effectually it was done. One of the ships, the Mangosteen, of London, of 383 tons burthen, from India, with a very rich cargo, derived very great benefit from the military, 300 in number, in making a road over the rocks, so as to enable. carts to get to the wreck, which was most expeditiously exe- cuted, and a very considerable portion of her cargo was safely landed, which otherwise could not have been effected previous to the ship's breaking up.