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Meetings of the Committee

Thursday, 29th March, 1855. THOMAS BARING, Esq., M.P., in the Chair.

Bead and confirmed the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence and the Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Read and approved a draft of the Annual Report of the Institution, and directed that the Balance Sheet be referred to Mr. BEGBIE, the Auditor.

Decided that the Annual Meeting of the Institution be held at the London Tavern, on Thursday, the 26th April next.

Elected GEORGE HOLGATE POSTER, Esq., a Vice-President of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution, in virtue of his liberal contributions in aid of its funds.

Resolved— 1. That authority be given to the Trustees to sell from the funded capital of the Institution a sum not exceeding 1200Z.

2, That a grant of 501. be made in aid of the Gorleston (Norfolk) boatmen's lifeboat.

3. That an application be made to the Board of Ordnance for two complete sets of MANBY'S 24-pounder mortar life-preserving apparatus, on behalf of the Ramsgate Royal Harbour Commissioners, who had decided to supply each of their two towing-steamers with the apparatus, to enable their life-boat promptly to effect a communication with stranded vessels on the Goodwin Sands.

Approved of a draft of a letter to be addressed to the Life-boat Branches of the Institution, calling their particular attention to the advantages that would be derived by their life-boat crews enrolling themselves members of the Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners' Royal Benevolent Society.

Read letter from J. RODWELL, Esq., of Alderton Hall, Suffolk, transmitting 9Z. 6s.

Gd., being the amount realised from the sale of the materials of the Woodbridge Haven life-boat house, it having been decided to discontinue it as a life-boat station. The life-boat, which was built by the late Mr. PLENTY, of Newbury, belonged to the Suffolk Humane Society, which became defunct some years ago. Mr. RODWELL also desired to call the attention of the Committee to the records of the Aldeburgh district of that Society, embracing a period of 28 years, namely, from 1822 to 1850.

During that time the life-boats and the lifepreserving apparatus of the district had been instrumental in saving the lives of 122 shipwrecked persons, and of rescuing from destruction, and of giving assistance in distress to, 26 vessels.—To thank Mr. RODWELL for his communication and contribution, and to express the satisfaction of the Committee with the interesting facts which he had adduced respecting the services of the means used on the Aldeburgh district to save life from shipwreck.

Voted 31. 10s. to the crew of the lugger Ocean Surge, for their services to the crew, consisting of 10 men, of the brig Henrietta, of Bremen, from Bremen to St. Jago de Cuba, which, in a strong wind and heavy swell, had got on the Kentish Knock Sand, near Margate, on the 17th Jan. last.

Also 81. to the crew of the Anglesey life- boat, stationed at Rhoscolyn, for their services to 17 out of 18 of the crew of the ship Southern Cross, of Liverpool, which, during a S.W. gale and thick weather, was totally lost near that station on the 16th March last.

Also 1Z. to 2 men for putting off in a shore boat to the assistance of 2 men belonging to a barge which had -sunk in the river between Barmouth and Dolgelly, on the 22nd March last.

Also II. to DAVID SULLIVAN, pilot, for his services on the occasion of the wreck of the barque Choice, of North Shields, in Ballycotton Bay, on the coast of Cork, on the 16th Feb. last.

Thursday, 26th April, 1855. The Annual General Meeting of the Royal National Life-boat Institution, was held this day at the London Tavern, His Grace the President, the Duke of NORTHUMBERLAND, K.G., in the Chair. The Meeting was numerously and influentially attended, and the following Resolutions, after having been moved and seconded by the several speakers in appropriate addresses, were carried unanimously.

Moved by Captain J. SHEPHERD, H. C. S., Deputy Master of the Trinity House, and seconded by SAMUEL GREGSON, Esq., M.P., 1. That the Report now read be adopted and circulated.

Moved by JOHN MASTERMAN, Esq., M.P., and seconded by WILLIAM COTTON, Esq., late Governor of the Bank of England, 2. That this Meeting, recognizing the national importance of the Royal National Life-boat Institution, and the benefits which have resulted to the cause of humanity from its long-continued and successful exertions, pledges itself to use its best influence to increase the resources of the Society.

This Meeting further desires to express its sincere regret that, notwithstanding the large number of lives that have been saved during the past year through the direct agency of the life-boats of the Institution and other means, upwards of 1500 persons perished from shipwreck within the same period on the coasts of the United Kingdom —a circumstance which more loudly than ever demands the renewed and increasing exertions of the National Life-boat Institution, 'which may thus, under God, be the instrument of lessening much of the misery which such a large sacrifice of human life must necessarily cause.

Moved by T. M. WEGUELIN, Esq., Governor of the Bank of England, and seconded by the Rev. WILLIAM YATE of Dover, 3. That the best thanks of this Meeting be given to the Committee of Management for the care and attention with which they have conducted the affairs of the Institution.

Moved by THOMAS BARING, Esq., M.P., Chairman, and seconded by FRANCIS WILSON, Esq., , 4. That the very cordial thanks of this Meeting be given to His Grace the Duke of NORTHUMBERLAND, K,G., President of the Society, for his able conduct in the Chair, and also for the continued kind interest which he takes in the welfare of the Royal National Life-boat Institution.

Thursday, 3rd May, 1855. His Grace the Duke of NORTHUMBERLAND, K.G., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, the Wreck and Reward, arid the Life-boat Sub-Committees.

Decided that the offer of the Dover Lifeboat Committee, to transfer their life-boat to the Royal National Life-boat Institution, be accepted, and that the boat be brought to London, and altered to Mr. PEAKE'S plan.

Read letter from a Miss Dix, an American lady, dated the 31st March, stating the services that the life-boats which she and some other benevolent persons had placed on the coasts of some British possessions in that country, had rendered to shipwrecked crews and passengers.—To be acknowledged.

Resolved— 1. That the life-boat stationed at 31 Tower, Rye, Sussex, be replaced.

2. That a new life-boat be stationed at Hauxley, in lieu of the one there at present, which was found unsuitable for the locality.

3. That a suitable carriage be supplied forthwith to the large life-boat stationed at Appledore, Devon.

4. That the life-boat now at Kilmore, Wexford, be replaced.

5. That a pair of experimental waterproof boots be supplied for trial to each coxswain of 12 life-boat stations.

6. That a set of life-boat carriage harness be furnished to the life-boat station at Skerries, county Dublin.

7. That the Inspector be authorized to proceed on a tour of inspection of the lifeboats on the coasts of Somerset, Devon, Cornwall, and Dorset.

Read letter from the FRENCH AMBASSADOR, of the 29th March, transmitting some particulars of the cases in which the Imperial Government had recently granted rewards to British sailors for their services to the crews of French vessels in distress.

These cases are given in detail in the Life- Boat Journal, No. 17, p. 67.

Voted 9/. to the crews, of 18 men, of two fishing cobles, for saving the crew, consisting of 7 men, of the scooner Elizabeth, of Bideford, which, through stress of weather, had been driven on shore near the coastguard watch-house, Robinhood's Bay, on the 15th March last.

Also 21. to GEORGE BIRCH, pilot, and 3Z.

to his crew of 3 men, for their assistance to the crew and passengers, consisting of 62 persons, of the American ship Joseph F. Votsom, iron laden, which was totally wrecked off Lundy Island, Bristol Channel, on the night of the 14th April last.

Also 22?. to the crew, 11 men, of the Broadstairs lugger Fame, for rescuing 5 out of 6 of the crew of the brig Thomas and Adah, of Middlesborough, which was wrecked on the Goodwin Sands on the 20th March last. The men had first attempted to go. off in the Broadstairs life-boat, but they were unable to make way in her against a head wind. They then put off in the lugger, in which they were employed 15 hours.

Also 51. to a boat's crew of 5 men for saving the crew, consisting of 5 persons of the schooner Young Hunter, which during a .S.S.E. gale of wind struck on the bar of the .Isle of Whithorn on the 15th March last.

Also the silver medal to Mr. F. F. M. STRONG, master R.N, in lieu of the one voted to him in March 1833, which he had lost, for his services to the crew of the brig Erin, of Liverpool, which had been wrecked near Plymouth in that month and year.

Also 121. to the crew, 12 men, of the Bridlington life-boat, for saving the crew, consisting of 7 persons, of the schooner Albion, of Weymouth, which was stranded near Bridlington on the night of the 21st March last.

Also 10s. to a young man named FEEN, who, with a rope, rendered some assistance to the crew of a boat which had been dashed to pieces in Dunny Cove, on the coast of Kerry.

Also 21 to THOMAS WHELAN, and 127. to his boat's crew of 12 men, for their services in a boat to the crew, of 5 persons, of the brig Good Hope, of Waterfbrd, which had, during a gale of wind, been totally wrecked near Helwick Head, coast of Waterford, on the 21st March last.

Thursday, 7th June, 1855. His Grace the Duke of NORTHUMBERLAND, K.G., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence and the Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Elected JOHN ANGERSTEIN, Esq., a Vice- President of the Royal National Life-boat Institution, in virtue of his munificent donation of 100Z. in aid of its funds.

Resolved— 1. That a house be built forthwith for the life-boat stationed at Penzance.

2. That the life-boat about to be removed from Hauxley be transferred to Bridlington, on the Yorkshire coast.

3. That a 30-feet life-boat, on Mr.

PEAKE'S design, be ordered to be built for Drogheda; and that a carriage and house be provided for the boat.

Reported that the boat returned from Boulmer had been repaired and transferred to Thorpness, Suffolk.

Mr. PEAKE reported {hat he had this day been present at the harbour trial of the lifeboat built for Vera Crazy by the Messrs. FORRESTT, on his plan, under the sanction of the National Life-boat Institution. The boat is 32i feet long. The trial was satisfactory in every respect.

Bead letter from Commander KISBEE, R.N., of Great Yarmouth, of the 26th June, transmitting a description of his life-buoy or float, which was represented to have been instrumental in saving many lives on the coast.

Voted 31.10s. to the crew of 7 men of the Coastguard at Galloways, near Folkestone, for their services with a hawser life-buoy and life-lines, to 9 persons, consisting of the crew of 5 men and 4 beachmen, of the schooner Brothers of Whitby, which, during a S.W. gale, became a total wreck near that place on the 9th May last.

Also 51. 10s. to 11 men, for their services on going off in the Lytham life-boat with the view of rendering assistance to the crew of the flat John, of Freckleton, which, during a gale of wind, drifted on the Horse Bank.

The tide being on the ebb, the crew refused to leave the vessel; the life-boat then returned to her station, but went back again at the following tide to the scene of danger. The flat by this time had temporarily been repaired by her crew, and the weather having moderated, she was got off.

Also 1L 15s. to the crew of the life-boat at Llanelly for putting off to the assistance of the crew of the ship Elizabeth, which was observed to be in a dangerous position off the Holmes on the 8th March last. The ship, however, got out of danger before the life-boat approached her.

Also 11. to a boat's crew, of 2 men, for their assistance to 6 persons who were upset during squally weather from two boats on . Bantham Bar, Salcombe, Devon, on the 26th April last.

Also 21. 10s. to a boat's crew, of 5 men, for their services to 1 out of 3 persons who were upset from a boat near Cape Clear on the 26th March last. One man and a female perished on the occasion.

Also 21. to a boatman named JOHN JONES, for saving, in a small dingey, on two trips, 5 persons who were thrown out of a passageboat in the river Severn, on the 30th April last. Seven lives were lost by the accident.

Also 31. to a boat's crew of 4 men, for having saved 3 out of 5 persons belonging to a salmon coble, which upset on the Black Rocks, Ballintrae, county Donegal; on the 16th April last. Two men lost then- lives.