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Emperor of the French—His Rewards to British Seamen for Saving Life

COUNT WALEWSKI, late French Ambassador at the Court of St. James's, has obligingly forwarded to the Royal National Life-Boat Institution the following list of British seamen, to whom the Emperor of the French has, by imperial decrees, granted rewards in testimony of their highly meritorious assistance to the crews of French vessels in distress.

The silver medal of honour of the first class to Captain Row, master of the brig Britannia, for having on the evening of the 31st Oct. last taken on board his vessel, amidst considerable danger, the crew of the smack L'Ulysses, which foundered at sea after having been in collision with another vessel. Also a gratuity to the crew of the Britannia, as an indemnification of the expenses incurred by them on the French sailors.

Also a silver medal to FREDERICK SMITH and to DAVID BARNES, of Selsey, in testimony of their services to the crew of the French fishing smack Le Souverain, of Havre, which was upset in a heavy squall about 10 miles off the Sussex coast on the 15th July, 1853.

Also a gold medal of the second class to Captain STOREY, of the Titania, in appreciation of his gallant conduct to the crew of the ship L'JUlodie Antonie, which sank between Cette and Brest, on the coast of France, on the 23rd Nov., ] 848. The boat of the shipwrecked crew having been dashed to pieces near the Titania, Captain STOREY immediately jumped into the sea to their rescue, by which means, aided by his crew, he succeeded in saving 7 persons from a watery grave.

Also a gold medal of the second class to Captain ROBERTSON, of the ship Warren, for his prompt and opportune assistance to 8 men belonging to the lugger Pekin, of Nantes, on the 31st Dec., 1853. The men were found in an open boat on the high seas, without compass, provisions, or clothes.

Also a gold medal of the second class to Captain YULES, of the brig Dantzig, for having received on board his vessel six men, comprising the crew of La Rose, which had foundered at sea on the 27th Sept., 1853.

Also a silver medal of the first class to A. N. BOXHALL, coxswain of the life-boat belonging to the Royal National Life-Boat Institution, stationed at Lyme Regis, in testimony of his laudable exertions, in conjunction with those of his crew, when the crew of La Jeune Hose were saved by the said life-boat on the 7th Jan., 1854.

Also the thanks of the Emperor of the French to Captain A. A. J. TRISCOTT for his prompt assistance to the ship Le Lion, of Bordeaux, which he found in distress between Australia and Calcutta in Feb. 1853.

Also a silver medal of the first class to Mr. JAMES THORPE, in testimony of his laudable services to the crew of La Franfaise, which was upset off the mouth of the Humber on the 29th June, 1853.

Also the gold medal of the second class to Mr. HENRY RICHTER, merchant, of Sierra Leone, for his humane conduct on the occasion of the wreck of the ship IS Industrie, on the coast of that colony, on the 6th April, 1853.

Also a gold medal of the first class to Captain LAURENCE TULLOCH, of the brig Acacia, in acknowledgment of his generous treatment of the crew, consisting of 17 men, of the ship Robert Surarrf, who had been compelled to abandon their vessel in a sinking state on the 1st June, 1853. Captain TULLOCH kept them on board his vessel 32 days, and then landed them at Valparaiso.

Also a gold medal of the first class to Captain RENNIE, commander of the H.E.I.C.

frigate ZervMa, in testimony of his prompt assistance to the ship La Sylphe, which was overtaken by a hurricane on the coast of Bengal in the month of June, 1853, and which was on the point of drifting on a reef of rocks, when the frigate opportunely came to her assistance and took her in tow.