Resolutions Passed at the Annual Meeting for 1855
Moved by Captain J. SHEPHERD, H. C. S., Deputy Master of the Trinity House, and seconded by SAMUEL GREGSON, Esq., M.P., 1—That the Report now read be adopted and circulated.
Moved by Joror MASTERMAX, Esq., M.P., and seconded by WILLIAM COTTON, Esq., late Governor of the Bank of England, 2—That this Meeting, recognizing the national importance of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution, and the benefits which have resulted to the cause of humanity from its long-continued and successful exertions, pledges itself to use its best influence to increase the resources of the Society.
This Meeting further desires to express its sincere regret that, notwithstanding the large number of lives that have been saved during the past year through the direct agency of the life-boats of the Institution and other means, upwards of 1500 persons perished from shipwreck within the same period on the coasts of the United Kingdom —a circumstance which more loudlv than ever demands the renewed and increasing exertions of the National Life-Boat Institution, which may thus, under God, be the instrument of lessening much of the misery which such a large sacrifice of human life must necessarily cause.
Moved by T. M. WEGUELIN, Esq., Governor of the Bank of England, and seconded by the Rev. WILLIAM YATES of Dover, 3—That the best thanks of this Meeting be given to the Committee of Management for the care and attention with which they have conducted the affairs of the Institution.
Moved by THOMAS BARING, Esq., M.P., Chairman, and seconded by FRANCIS WILSON, Esq., 4—That the very cordial thanks of this Meeting be given to His Grace the Duke of Northumberland, K.G., President of the Society, for his able conduct in the Chair, ! and also for the continued kind interest f which he takes in the welfare of the Royal 1 National Life-Boat Institution.