Meetings of the Committee
Thursday, 17th Aug., 1854. A Special Meeting of the General Committee was held this day. His Grace the Duke of NORTHUMBERLAND, K.G., President, in the Chair.
Confirmed the Minutes of the previous Meeting.
The President explained that a Special Meeting of the Committee had been convened for the purpose of considering an important communication received by the Institution from Her Majesty's Board of Trade.
After detailing the proposal of the Government to assist in the establishment of life-boats on the coasts, the Board expressed their desire to carry out, as far as practicable, their scheme through one central agency.
The clauses of the Act of Parliament referred to in the foregoing communication were also read. (A copy of the letter of the Board, with the exception of that part of it which relates to the desirableness of there being only one central agency, will be bund at length in the Life-Boat Journal, No. 14, p. 161.) Resolved— 1. That this Institution is desirous cordially to co-operate with Her Majesty's Government in giving effect to the scheme proposed in the letter of the Board of Trade.
2. That with the view of facilitating the working of the plan through one Society, ;he Committee agree to propose an arrangement with the Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners' Society, in regard, to such an Iteration or qualification of the titles of the two Societies as should distinctly define the difference of the objects for which they were instituted, and avail themselves of the mediation of Capt. BEECHEY, E.N., to assist in effecting the proposed arrangement.
Thursday, 31st Aug., 1854. A Meeting of the Sub-Committee was held this day, to consider the result of Capt. BEECHEY'S interview with the Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners' Society. EDWARD HURRY, Esq., in the Chair.
Capt. BEECHEY reported that he had submitted the proposal regarding alteration of title to the Shipwrecked Mariners' Society, and in reply had to state, that it had appeared to that Committee that the adoption of the term " Life-boat," in lieu of " Shipwreck," in the title of this Institution, would meet the case, and would prevent the existence of any confusion of the objects of the two Societies in the public mind.
He had no doubt, if such alterations were made, the Committee of the Fishermen and Mariners' Society would at once hand over all their life-boat establishments to this Institution, and give up that department of their work altogether.
Thursday, 7th Sept., 1854. THOMAS BARING, Esq., M.P., in the Chair.
Confirmed Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.
Resumed the consideration of the change of the title of the Institution.
Resolved— That Capt. BEECHEY be communicated with, and to state that a doubt had arisen amongst the Committee whether legacies to this Institution, under its present title, could be legally held or claimed, should the name of the Society be changed; and to inquire whether the Board of Trade would take the opinion of its counsel on the point, which would be considered the best legal advice.
Subject to the before-mentioned legal opinion being in favour of the,change of the name of the Institution, It was Resolved— That this Committee do recommend to an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Subscribers, to be convened on the 5th October next, that the title of the Society be thereafter altered to " ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION—founded in 1824 for the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck." Approved of a draft of an advertisement to call a Public Meeting on the 5th Oct.
Read letter from Mr. CHAPMAN, Deputy Chairman, dated from Whitby, respecting the life-boats and life-boat-carriage stationed at that place.-—To be acknowledged.
Read the Inspector's Report on the new life-boat for Middlesborough, built at Stockton- on-Tees, and referred the same to Mr.PEAKE.
Read a Report from Inspecting-Lieut. HOPKINS, R.N., giving a favourable account of a recent trial with the new life-boat at Dungeness, and stating that some trifling repairs and stores were required for the boat.
He also transmitted a list of the officers of the Dungeness Branch of the Institution, and also contributions amounting to 24Z. Is.
—Lieut. HOPKINS to be thanked.
Instructed the Inspector of Life-boats to proceed to Dnngeness to examine the boat, and to order the repairs and stores required.
Read letter from Mr. BAYLEY, of Stonehouse, of the 7th August, requesting to be furnished with a drawing of Mr. PEAKE'S life-boat, which he wished to send to Havre.
To be informed that the Institution would prefer to superintend the building of a life-boat in London, on Mr. PEAKE'S design, as some of the boats built by local builders from drawings sent to them had not been properly made in accordance with the designs sent.
Read letter from the Chairman, transmitting a communication from Mr. FELLOWS, of Ormsby, calling attention LO the establishment, by the boatmen at Scratby, near Great Yarmouth, of a life-boat, chiefly at their own expense, and stating that His Royal Highness Prince ALBERT, K.G., had patronized the undertaking.
Expressed approval of the boatmen's exertions, and decided that an offer of a set of cork life-belts be made to the crew of the boat.
Read letter from the Minister of Public Works at Berlin of the 13th August, stating that the life-boat built under the superintendence of the Institution for the Prussian Government had been tried, and that her trial had given much satisfaction.
Voted 21. to a lad named THOMAS BAKON, for wading into the surf, at considerable risk, to the rescue of a man who had been thrown out of his boat, during a gale of wind, near Walton Bay, in the Bristol Channel, on the 31st July last.
Also 51. 2s. to the crews of the Deal luggers friends and Dart, to repair the damages they sustained in bringing the crew of the Prussian bark Oceanus on shore, which was wrecked on the Goodwin Sands on the 2nd August last.
Thursday, 5th Oct., 1854. An Extraordinary General Meeting of the friends and subscribers of the Royal National Institution for the Preservation of Lives from Shipwreck was held this day at the Society's Office, 20, John Street, Adelphi, specially convened pursuant to advertisement in the public papers, to consider the recommendation of . the Committee to alter the title of the . Institution. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., in the Chair.
Read the advertisement convening the Meeting.
Read letters from His Grace the President and the Chairman, stating that absence from London would prevent their attendance at the Meeting.
The Chairman having made some observations on the desirability, under existing circumstances, of changing the title of the Institution, It was moved, seconded, and carried unanimously, That the title of the Royal National Institution for the Preservation of Lives from Shipwreck be altered to "ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION—founded in 1824 for the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck." Thursday, 5th Oct., 1854. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., in the Chair.
Read letter from the Board of Trade, transmitting the opinion of the legal adviser of the Board on the point submitted to his consideration respecting the alteration of the title of the Institution. He stated that such alteration of title would in no way affect legacies left, or to be left, to the Institution under its old name.
Read letter from Lieut. ELLIS, R.N., transmitting a copy of a Resolution passed at a public Meeting of the South wold Life-boat Society, held on the 6th Sept. last, when it was decided that the Society should become a branch of this Institution. An offer was also to be made to the Institution of the two life-boats of the Society, which were not approved of by the beachmen, on condition that the Institution provided a new life-boat, and paid their liabilities, which amounted to about 1301.
Resolved— That an offer of a 36-feet life-boat, on Mr. PEAKE'S design, be made to the Southwold Life-Boat Society, and that they be recommended to sell their old boats, and to apply the proceeds thereof to the liquidation of their debt.
Read letter from Mr. W. GRIFFITHS, of Fishguard, of the 16th September, stating the necessity of a life-boat at that place, in consequence of the frequency of wrecks in the neighbourhood.—To transmit him the usual papers preparatory to the placing of a life-boat in a locality.
The Deputy-Chairman called the attention of the Committee to a model of the Whitby life-boat-carriage, which was laid on the table.—Decided that the attention of Col. TULLOH, R.A., be called to the model.
Read and approved the Inspector's Report of the Dungeness life-boat, which he found in an efficient state, but needing some slight repair.
Reported the completion and the trial of the Boulmer new life-boat.
Resolved—• 1. That Messrs. WHITE, of Co-wes, be invited to build the Institution a life-boat on Mr. PEAKE'S design, and in accordance with a specification to be transmitted to them.
2. That Messrs. FORRESTTS be instructed to proceed with the building of a 30-feet life-boat on Mr. PEAKE'S design, and also to sell, after removing their fittings, two old life-boats in their yard belonging to the Institution.
3. That the Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners' Society be invited to resume the negotiation of last year, which had for its object the transference of their life-boats, &c., to the National Life-Boat Institution.
Reported that the Inspector of Life-Boats had been instructed to accompany the Government Inspector to visit the different life-boat stations on the east coast.
Read papers respecting the following plans:— 1. BRIM'S patent safety life-boat. Also a paper on the subject of floating stations for life-boat and pilot stations.
2. HARRIS'S cork cable.
3. STEPHENS' plan to fit ordinary ships' boats as life-boats, by stowing in their flooring small metallic air-cases. .
Head letter from the Hartlepool seamefi, expressing their thanks for a set of cork life-belts presented by the Institution to the crew of their life-boat.
Decided that a sledge, in lieu of her present carriage, be provided for the Thorpness life-boat, as requested by the local Committee.
Thursday, 2nd Nov., 1854. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., in the Chair.
Confirmed Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Wreck and Reward and Life-boat Sub-Committees.
Elected Rear-Admiral BEECHEY a Member of the Committee of Management of the Royal National Life-boat Institution.
Read letter from the Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners' Society of the 26th October, and the extracts from their Minutes which accompanied it, expressing their readiness to renew the negotiation of last year and to transfer their life-boats, &c., to this Institution.
Resolved—- That the National Life-boat Institution accepts with thanks the very liberal ofier of the Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners' Society to transfer to it their life-boat establishments, and is ready to accept the same on the same terms as those by which the Society now hold them, namely, the National Life-boat Institution taking all the subscriptions of the local branches, and holding itself responsible for all necessary outlay on the boats; and that in order to the completion of the proposed arrangement, a deputation from this Committee be appointed to meet one from the before-mentioned Society.
Read letter from Col. TULLOH, R.A., stating that the life-boat carriage, as altered by Messrs. RANSOMES and SIMS, was likely to answer the purpose in every respect.—Col, TrjLLOH to be thanked for his communication.
Decided that Messrs. RA.HSOMES at® SIMS' account, amounting to 154?. Is. 6d. for building and altering a life-boat carriage, be paid, and that three additional life-boat carriages be forthwith constructed, with such alterations and improvements as the Lifeboat Carriage Committee might deem necessary.
One to be on the plan of the Whitby life-boat carriage.
Read and approved the Inspector's report of his tour of inspection of the life-boats on the east coast, in company with the officer of the Board of Trade. Also his report of the state of the life-boats on the Northumberland coast.
Resolved— 1. That a 30-feet life-boat, on Mr. PEAKE'S design, be ordered to be built forthwith for Berwick-upon-Tweed.
2. That an offer of 2001. be made by the Institution to the Southwold Life-boat Society, in aid of building a life-boat, which would be approved of by the beachmen of the place, in lieu of the previous offer of a lifeboat built in London.
3. That two additional 30-feet life-boats be ordered to be built by Messrs FORRESTT, Limehouse.
Read letter from Messrs. WHITE, of Cowes, declining to build life-boats on any other plan than their own.
Read letter from Lieut. COCKNEY, R.N., stating the necessity of a life-boat at Mostyn, on the Flintshire coast.—Deferred.
Read extract from the will of the late Mr. SAMUEL J. LOWE, of Shadwell, stating that he had left a legacy of 1000Z., in the 3 per cent. Consolidated Annuities, to the National Life-boat Institution. The legacy to be made payable after the demise of the testator's sister.
Voted the silver medal and two guineas to THOMAS PRICE, and 121. to his crew of eight men, in testimony of their gallant services in a shore boat, to the crew of the sloop Two Brothers, which was wrecked during a N.N.E. gale of wind, in Redwharf Bay, on the Anglesea coast, on the 18th October last. The services rendered on this occasion were characterised by unusual perseverance and gallantry.
Voted also 91. 2s. to the crew of the Hartlepool Seamen's Life-boat, in consideration of their services in rescuing the crew of the brig Prospect, of Aberdeen, which was stranded during a N.E. gale of wind, near the South Pier of the Hartlepool Dock, on the 18th October.