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Preservation of Life from Shipwreck

THE following is a copy of a Circular issued by the Board of Trade to the different Local Life-boat Committees and others who have charge of life-boats on the coasts:— " Office of Committee of Privy Council for Trade, Marine Department, 13th September 1854.

"SIR, I AM directed by the Lords of the Committee of Privy Council for Trade to transmit to you the accompanying copy of the Merchant Shipping Act 1854, and to request you to call the attention of the Life-boat Committee to those clauses of the eighth part of that Act which have for their object the preservation of life from shipwreck, particularly clauses 441 and 2, and 458 and following clauses.

" In giving effect to the provisions of this Act it is the desire of the Board of Trade to stimulate local and voluntary exertion, and for that purpose to co-operate with the various Life-boat Committees or other parties who are engaged in forwarding the object of saving life from shipwreck.

" My Lords propose that the conditions of receiving aid from the Mercantile Marine Fund should be— " 1st. That the local Committee or other body should provide a boat and boat-house of a kind, and in a situation satisfactory to this Board.

"2nd. That the boat and boat-house should be subject to inspection.

" 3rd. That some officer of the coastguard, or other person in the public service connected with this Board, should be a member of the local Committee or other managing body.

" The nature of the assistance contemplated by my Lords is that of giving rewards for the manning of boats in circumstances of danger and for the preservation of life; such rewards to be paid out of the Mercantile Marine Fund according to regulations to be approved of by their Lordships.

" I am to request that my Lords may be favoured, at your earliest convenience, with the views of the Committee as to the general scheme proposed, and with any suggestions for working out the details which may appear to them calculated to forward the object which my Lords have in view.

" Commander Robertson, R.N., from this Board, is about to make a tour of inspection of all the life-boat stations, and has been directed to hold personal communication with such Committees as may be desirous of learning further particulars. But in the mean time, my Lords will be glad to receive from the Committee their reply as to the general question.

" I am, Sir, , " Your obedient Servant, " JAMES BOOTH." The whole or a summary of the clauses of the Act of Parliament referred to in the foregoing letter will be found at page 148 of the present Number of the Life- Boat Journal, An arrangement has been made between the Board of Trade and the National Shipwreck Institution, that Commander Ward, R.N., the Inspector of Life Boats to the Institution, should accompany Commander Robertson on bis tour of the eastern coast.

As will be observed, the success of this great national undertaking will depend, in a great measure, on the response made to the appeal to the humane for contributions.

We believe that this appeal will not be made in vain; for surely the cause of preservation of life from shipwreck " will not be allowed to form an exception to the other good causes so benevolently and liberally supported in this country. Who can read the account of the Wreck Register for 1853, which we give elsewhere, without being constrained to offer his mite towards lessening the frightful sacrifice of loss of life from shipwrecks which annually takes place on our coasts?.