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Meetings of the Committee

Thursday, 3rd Nov. 1853. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., in the Chair.

Confirmed Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Wreck and Reward, and Life-boat Sub-Committees.

Reported the deaths of Capt. A.'ELLICE, R.N., late Comptroller-General of the Coast- Guard, and of Mr. GEORGE LYALL,* formerly M.P. for London—both Members of the Committee of Management.

Directed that an expression of the high sense the Committee entertained of the valuable services which Capt. ELLICE had, in his official capacity, rendered to the cause of humanity in promoting the objects of the Institution, be conveyed to his successor, Capt. W. H. HENDERSON, R.N., C.B.

Resolved— That the thanks of the General Committee be conveyed to the Corporation of London, for their munificent donation of 210/., in aid of the funds of the Institution; and also to Mr. Under-Sheriff ANDERTON, for presenting the Memorial of the Society to the Court of Common Council.

Read letter from Mr. T. R. FORWARD, Commander of the Revenue Cruizer, Sylvia, transmitted by Capt. OMMANSEY, R.N., giving an account of the trials which had been made, agreeably to the request of the Committee, with four descriptions of lifebelts.

—To be thanked.

The Life-boat Inspector reported that he had conveyed the Barmouth new life-boat, from Carnarvon, by land and sea, to her destination. He also placed before the Committee his report and plan of the Liverpool life-boat carriage.—Instructed to make further inquiries respecting the life-boat carriages in use at different places.

Granted, as a special vote, the silver medal, to WM. H. TEEGIDGO, coastguard chief-boatman at Bude, and 8/. 5s. (being double pay) to be divided between himself and his crew of 10 men, for going off in the new life-boat, placed by the Institution at Bndehaven, to the rescue of the crew, consisting of 2 men, of the sloop Margaret, of * A brief memoir of the late Mr. Lyall will be found in No. 10 of the Life-Boat Journal, p. 54.

Bideford, which sank near the entrance of Bude harbour, during a strong wind and a heavy ground sea, on the 9th October last.

The Committee also voted their thanks to Sir THOMAS DYKE ACLAND, Bart., M.P., for his valuable services and encouragement on the occasion. , Also 11. 10s. to 2 men, for their assistance to 3 men belonging to the brig Mary and Anns of Blyth, which was wrecked during a heavy storm, on Cefn Sidan Sands, near Carmarthen Bar, on the 4th October, when 4 of the brig's crew perished.

Also 51. to the crew of the smack Seagull of Harwich, for their services in rescuing from the rigging the crew, consisting of 5 persons, of the schooner Tino, of Sunderland, which sank on the Longsand, on the morning of the 3rd Oct. last, when the wind blew strong from N.N.E., with a heavy sea on.

Also the silver medal to GEORGE BONNER and RICHARD RIOCH, coastguardmen at Collieston Station, on the coast of Aberdeen, for saving, in a small skiff, at much risk, 4 men belonging to the Russian schooner Elize, which was wrecked near the River Ythan, on the evening of the 20th Oct.

last. Also the thanks of the Committee to Lieut. LODDER, R.N., Chief Officer of the station, for his attempt to save the men.

Read letter from the Corporation for Preserving and Improving the Port of Dublin ; requesting to be furnished with information relative to the life-boats now building by the Institution.

Directed that a drawing of a life-boat on Mr. PEAKE'S design, and the usual information relating thereto, be transmitted to the Corporation, and that the offer be made to transfer to them a 30-ft. life-boat, now building for the Institution, by the Messrs.

FORRESTT of Limehouse.

Reported that the life-boat built 'under the directions of the Institution, for the Prussian Government, had been forwarded to her station, Stettin, during the past month.

Thursday, 1st. Dec. 1853. Mr. Alderman THOMPSON, M.P., in the Chair.

Confirmed Minutes of the previous Meet- ing, and those of the Finance, Wreck and Reward, and Life-boat Sub-Committees.

Elected Capt. W. H. HENDERSON, R.N., C.B., Comptroller-General of the Coastguard, a Member of the Committee of Management.

Read and approved the Life-boat Inspector's Report of the following life-boat stations which he had visited during the preceding month :—Broadstairs, Ramsgate, Dover, Dungeness, Rye, Eastbourne, Brighton, Worthing, and Shoreham.

After the receipt of a further explanation of trial of the life-belts, by Mr. FORWARD, Commander of the Revenue Cruizer, Sylvia, it was Resolved— That Capt. WARD'S cork life-belts be supplied to the crews of the life-boats, in connexion with the Shipwreck Institution.

Reported that the new life-boat placed at Boulmer, by His Grace the Duke of NORTHUMBERLAND, K.G., and presented by him to the Institution, had saved the crew, consisting of 7 men, of the brig Robert Nicol, of Perth, which was wrecked near that place on the 25th Nov. last. • Voted 31. to 4 men, for their services in saving, with a shore-boat, 2 out of 3 men, who had been capsized from a boat which was returning from a ship, anchored in the Mumbles Road, near Swansea, on the 23rd Nov. last.

January 5, 1854. Mr. Alderman THOMPSON, M.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Wreck and Reward, and the Life-Boat Sub- Committees.

Elected Col. TULLOH, R.A., Director of the Carriage Department at theRoyal Arsenal, Woolwich, Member of the Committee of Management of the Institution.

Read communication from Mr. GODFREY SINCLAIR, respecting his plan for a "Light of all Nations" on the Goodwin Sands.

Voted the gold medallion to Capt. ISAAC LUDLOW, of the American whaling ship Monmouth, in testimony of his noble and gallant services to the crew and passengers of the emigrant ship Meridian, which was wrecked on the Island of Amsterdam on the 24th August last, as detailed in No. 11 of the Life-Boat Journal.

Also the silver medal to BENJAMIN HARRINGTON and WILLIAM WATERS, first and second coxswains of the Southwold lifeboats, who had severally been oft' in them to save life ten and nine times, and who had respectively been present at the saving of 40 and 38 persons.

Also the special thanks of the Committee on vellum to Capt. G. W. HEDEKSTEDT, in the service of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company, in testimony of his prompt and humane conduct in rescuing, with one of the boats of the Company's ship Madras, six men from drowning in the Red Sea, who had been capsized from their boat on the llth October last.

Voted also two sovereigns to two men who had saved two fishermen, whose boat during a gale of wind was disabled in the Solway Frith, on the 8th November last.

Also 4:1. 18s. to the crew of the Boulmer life-boat for rescuing nine men belonging to the brig Robert Nicol, of Perth, which was wrecked on the Boulmer rocks, coast of Northumberland, on the 23rd November last.

The thanks of the Committee were voted to the Rev. OWEN LLOYD WILLIAMS, of Llanfairynghornwy, Anglesea, for his services in the Cemlyn life-boat while assisting to save the crew of the schooner Compeer, of Salcombe, on the 3rd November last.

Voted also the silver medal of the Institution to HENRY A. HAMILTON, Esq., and the special thanks of the Committee on vellum to Mr. WM. CARVIN, master of the William, for going off with 4 others (who were handsomely rewarded locally for their services) in a small life-boat, brought by rail from Dublin, to the rescue of 3 out of 7 persons from the brig Agnes, of Whitehaven, which was wrecked durincp a ' O heavy gale of wind, near Benhead, Balbriggan, on the 19th December last. In reporting this melancholy wreck, the Inspecting Commander of Coastguard said, " Had there been a life-boat on the spot, I have no doubt the survivors, and a boy that died in the rigging, might have been rescued at low water." Aided by the liberal contributions of the residents, and others, the Royal National Shipwreck Institution purposes placing a life-boat forthwith in this dangerous locality.

Resolved— 1. That anew life-boat, from a design by Mr. PEAKE, be supplied to Southwold, upon condition that the Life-boat Society of that place pay half the expense of the new boat.

2. That a new life-boat, on Mr. PEAKE'S design, be built for Boulmer in lieu of the one recently placed there by the Duke of NORTHUMBERLAND, President of the Institution.

3. The thanks of the Committee be given to the British and Irish Steam-packet Company, for their liberality in conveying a lifeboat belonging to the Institution from Dublin to London.

4. Also to Capt. ROBERTSON, R.N., in charge of the Aldborough Coast-guard District, for the effective services he had rendered as Honorary Secretary to that branch of the Institution.

5. Also to Mr. HARTLEY, Superintendent of the Trustees' Dockyard, Liverpool, for his courtesy in supplying to the Institution a drawing of the life-boat carriage in use at that place.

6. That the life-boat of the Institution, stationed at Rye, Sussex, be transferred to Camber, and that she be replaced at an early opportunity by one on Mr. PEAKE'S design.

7. That an offer be made to build a lifeboat for Brighton, provided that the Local Committee connect themselves with the National Shipwreck Institution.

8. That letters be addressed to the mayors of the principal seaport towns in Ireland, offering them the assistance of the Institution to place the usual means of saving life from shipwreck on the coasts in their respective localities.

9. That SOL be voted for erecting the Thorpness Life-boat House, and that the boat be supplied with a new set of gear.

2nd February. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., in the Chair.

Read the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Wreck and Reward, and Life-boat Sub-Committees.

Elected Rear-Admiral BERTIE C. CATOR and MONTAGUE GORE, Esq., Members of the Committee of Management of the Institution.

Read letter from H. RICHARDSON, Esq.

(inventor of the Tubular Life-boat), stating the services rendered by the Barmouth new life-boat, on the 29th January, to a steamer on the outside bar; and adding, that his opinion had been favourably changed in respect of the qualities of the life-boat.

Voted the thanks of the Committee to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty for their prompt and courteous consent to allow the Dungeness life-boat to be conveyed to her station by one of Her Majesty's ships.

Voted 2 second service clasps, 2 thanks on vellum, and 81Z. 12s. as follows:— The second service clasp to Mr. MIDDLETON H. DAND, the thanks of the Committee on vellum to Capt. HIPPLEWHITE, and 21L to the crew of the life-boat of the Institution, stationed at Hauxley, on the coast of Northumberland, which, in the space of five days, during the heavy gale of January last, had saved the crews, consisting of 20 persons, of three wrecks; the crew of a fourth wreck having perished before the lifeboat could reach them.

The second service clasp and 21. to PHILIP JEFFERSON, coxswain of the Newbiggin lifeboat, and double pay, amounting to 6Z. 6s., to 4 others of her crew, and 5 boys, in acknowledgment of their exertions in attempting to save the crew of the brig Embla, which was wrecked during a heavy gale of wind, near Newbiggin, on the 12th January last, when all hands perished. The lifeboat on the occasion not being fully manned, failed to fetch the wreck; a portion of her crew having, at the entreaties of their wives, hung -back to the last moment from taking their places in her.

Approved of the reward of 41. 18s., granted by the Boulmer Local Committee to the crew of the life-boat for attempting to save the crew of the schooner Mbntezuma, which was wrecked on the Boulmer rocks on the 9th January last.

Also of 4L 10s., voted by the Bridlington Life-boat Committee to the crew of the lifeboat for saving the crew, consisting of 8 men, of the brig Ranger, of Jersey, which, during a gale of wind, was wrecked near the former place on the 4th January last.

Voted double pay, amounting to 71. 14s., to the crew of the Lyme Regis life-boat, for saving the crew, consisting of 6 men, of the brigantine La Jeune Hose, which was wrecked during a heavy storm, near Lyme Cobb, on the 7th January last Also a grant of 20Z. to the widow of coastguard boatman JOHN MARTYN, who was unfortunately lost on the occasion. Some further particulars of the services of the life-boat will be found at page 124 of the present Number of the Journal.

Voted also 21. to 4 fishermen for saving the crew of 3 men of the smack Success, which during a heavy S,E. gale was stranded on Kilgorman Strand, coast of Wexford, on the 18th December last.

Approved also of 41. 18s., voted by the Local Committee to the crew of the Aldborough life-boat for having saved the crew, consisting of 9 men, of the brig Canadian, of South Shields, which, during very foggy weather and dead low water, became a total wreck, near Aldborough, on the 24th January last.

Granted 41. 3s., and approved of the like moiety voted by the Local Committee to the crew of the Filey life-boat, for attempting to save the crew of the schooner Margaret, of Newcastle, which during a N.N.E. gale of wind foundered at sea, on the 27th De cember last.

Instructed the Inspector of Life-Boats to put himself, after seeing Col. T0LLOH, E.A., on the subject, in communication with Messrs. RAXSOME and SIMS, of Ipswich, respecting the construction by them of a life-boat carriage for the Institution..